View Full Version : A Trip Down Memory Lane

01-15-11, 05:21 PM
Political Protests Then and Now.


warning: some picket signs show images of the swastika and/or depict harsh language.

its kinda funny really if you watch it and sit back and think about it.

pay particular attention to the last 5 seconds.

01-16-11, 12:16 AM
:haha: We're a Christian-Facist state.

Ja-wohl jeebus.:haha:

01-16-11, 12:19 AM
Those people sound like the same people that b&tch about the BCS, until it goes their way, then they love it.:haha::nope:

01-16-11, 01:38 AM
OH MY GODS!!! You mean there's idiotic jackasses on both sides?!? And you can highlight them by picking and choosing which ones you show?

Who would have ever thought?

Takeda Shingen
01-16-11, 07:37 AM


http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3628/3445978349_eba95dd6f4.jpg?v=0 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34337264@N06/3445978349/)





Seems to me that the only thing that has changed is the face on the Hitler posters.

01-16-11, 08:55 AM
‎"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." -Voltaire

Sailor Steve
01-16-11, 10:45 AM
That's a good one, Mark! :rock:

Adding it to my collection.

01-16-11, 12:09 PM
You live in such a wonderful, outspoken:har: country

Takeda Shingen
01-16-11, 12:11 PM
You live in such a wonderful, outspoken:har: country

I live in a nation of idiots in a world of nations also populated by idiots. Welcome to the human race.

01-16-11, 12:13 PM
Everyone is a bastard covered bastard with a bastard filling. Replace bastard with idiot at own leisure.

01-16-11, 01:10 PM
Sometimes, I weep for us.

I mean, really. These A-holes, and the other side's a-holes get so much attention paid for their ultimately worthless noise. Moderates of all flavors sit quietly in the background, shaking our heads and getting on with each other just fine, thank you, without any voice at all.

It is we moderates who can't organize, because, as diverse opinions are the rule, there's no common cause, no banner - other than the complete lunacy of the ultra-left, ultra-right, and their media lapdogs - under which to unite.

We moderates - who differ from the party lines of BOTH sides - are the third party, the voiceless majority. And its our inability to coalesce into some form of actual party with some form of political clout that is creating the conditions that continue to foster the harsh, sectarian divisions in this country.

Forget a "bipartisan" congress - that's a BS illusion perpetuated on the American people to keep the special-interest money flowing into Congresscritters' pockets even when there's no true majority on one side or the other to push their agendas. The only bipartisanship on Capitol Hill is around money.

01-16-11, 02:33 PM
I wont name names... but we recently had a thread which went on for days and days blaming the right wing conservatives for being a group of violence spewing fools.

this thread you are viewing here, while not meant to attack... at least is meant to demonstrate and remind that the other side always has its violence spewing fools and prove to be somewhat thought provoking.

its actually quite poignant if you think about the political landscape of our nation.

the bottom line is... for as long as i have lived whenever "their guy" is in office, "we" complain and piss and moan and call him the embodiment of Adolf Hitler... and whenever "our guy" is in office... "they" piss and moan and call him the embodiment of Adolf Hitler.

all i can say for Hitler is that he must have done something right to solidify himself into the position to which ALL future leaders on this earth would be compared.;)

its really ridiculous.

when the left is in power they are trying to take away all of our rights and socialize the nation.

when the right is in power they are trying to cater to big business and make sure the rich keep getting richer.

if those two statements were true - in theory - only "nut job" party loyalists would vote for them.

if those two statements were true - in theory - the united states is made up entirely of "nut job" party loyalists.

if those two statements are false - someone is going out of their way to convince us they are true and we end up being cought in the middle of the giant political machine's argument

Sailor Steve
01-16-11, 11:35 PM
Well said, both of you! :rock: