View Full Version : Inane question regarding pitch and roll

12-29-10, 04:34 PM
So, I remember that in SH3, in rough weather your ship would pitch relative to the actual visible waves. In SH4 this doesn't necessarily seem to be the case. Yes, the boat will pitch more in rough weather, but this seems irrespective of the actual waves it encounters. From what I've observed, the actual "surface" of the water seems to be treated as a flat plane: in rough seas, your free camera can be above the water, IE, in the trough of a large swell, but the game will still apply the submerged visibility/color filters. Thus, it seems to me the sub only pitches and rolls relative to this flat plane. This is unfortunate, since there are times when the majority of the sub appears to be flying out of the water.

Is this a correct analysis, and if so, why the departure from actually using the visible water height in buoyancy calculations?

12-29-10, 07:02 PM
I noticed this too. It looks like the boat is levitating at a fixed height and the waves go over, around and thru the boat instead of crashing against it. When I watch it seems that the waves move randomly this way and that, the wind direction not really having any effect. I never played sh3 enough to compare it though. I figured its just another area where Ubisoft cut corners.

I'm less concerned with the visuals than with the mechanics being properly modeled. I remember with SHCE the graphics were very simple, of course, and there were only 3 sea states, but they had a big effect on your speed.

Perhaps, someone with knowlage of the ingame environmental details can comment.:DL

12-30-10, 03:01 PM
The "real environments" mods in the download section have a folder which contains a realistic Pitch and roll modification. I have downloaded it but have not set it up until I start a new mission, so I don't know how well it works. Anyway, I'm hoping it takes care of some of that unrealistic pitch and roll problem all the ships have.

12-30-10, 03:20 PM
Wow, thanks for the tip. The question now, I suppose, is what files contain the pitch and roll mechanics. If they are the same files that involve damage, flooding, etc, then it might not be compatible with the megamods. :(

Edit: no, the readme specifically says the pitch/roll mod is not compatible with TMO or RFB. My hopes are dashed. :wah:

12-30-10, 04:19 PM
Most supermods deal with this issue as they all have enviroment mods included, much more realistic. This is TMO2 which uses Env5. Real Env will work with TMO. The issue is more related to the sensors of TMO are tweaked to work with Env 5, if you use Real Env, it could effect sensors, but until it's fully tested, hard to know. I ran Real Env. with TMO for some time and didn't notice
and sensor effect that I could notice. However, since Env5 tweaked by Ducimas looks just as good, why chance it.
