View Full Version : Steam sale IL2 newbie

12-28-10, 07:00 PM
Ok, I've never played a flight sim before. I saw that IL2 was only $5 on the latest Steam sale and I picked it up as I've seen how many fans it has around here.

Now what? Is there a "must have" GWX style mod that I should be using? Do I need a fancy joystick to truly enjoy things, or will mouse and keyboard do? What would you recommend to a true flight sim virgin?

12-28-10, 07:15 PM
You made a good purchase Mookie. Yes an inexpensive joystick will give you more enjoyment with that sim.

I started out with a $14.99 Saitek ST90. And with alot of practice take off and land on a carrier.

btw was it IL2 1946 ?

12-28-10, 08:30 PM
You made a good purchase Mookie. Yes an inexpensive joystick will give you more enjoyment with that sim.

I started out with a $14.99 Saitek ST90. And with alot of practice take off and land on a carrier.

btw was it IL2 1946 ?

Yes, it's 1946. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/15320/)

12-28-10, 09:04 PM
Here's a simple example of price spread for sticks.


There'sm alot of content you can add to 1946

Some stuff we can't discuss on SubSim.

So... Get into the air and shoot'em down. :DL

12-28-10, 09:18 PM
Just remember up is blue, blue good , down is green and brown maybe not so good. Good luck and have fun.

12-29-10, 06:27 AM
You should definitively take a stick that has rudder control. It makes take offs and landings a lot easier and helps in dogfights (though Raptor1 will hop in any minute and tell you that the rudder can also be controlled by keyboard and that it isn't that bad at all....don't believe him....he's a communist spy:O:. )

12-29-10, 07:33 AM
Rudders are overrated.

And don't believe Schroeder...he's an awful artist... :O:

EDIT: Oh, and to make this post at least a bit relevant (But don't tell anyone): Yes, you can control the rudder with the keyboard just fine, though obviously it's easier to do it with a joystick.