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View Full Version : Am I being a mong?

09-25-10, 07:18 AM
Hi all,

Ive just started using Trigger Maru Overhaul. I love this mod and hats off to all involved in its production. I highly recommend it.

Just one Q. I try to use the < > buttons to get a fixed cam view of my sub (love tinkering with this view esp when diving!) and it doesnt seem to work?

In fact I dont seem to be able to get any external fixed cam places? Im sure Im missing something or dont know about a new key or something.

Any TMO fans out there? HELP!

PS Why do my crew stay on deck when Ive dived ??? LOL

09-25-10, 09:07 AM
Crew on deck is an age old bug. Still not squashed I see.

09-25-10, 09:15 AM
Hi all,

Just one Q. I try to use the < > buttons to get a fixed cam view of my sub (love tinkering with this view esp when diving!) and it doesnt seem to work?


Read the FAQ, it is just full of useful information... like this.

2.) How do i get the next / previous camera back?

The easiest way is to be a big cheater, is open the /data/cfg/commands.cfg in TMO.

Your looking for these two blocks:



Simply remove the semicolon placed in front of the key assignment, and you have the next/previous

09-25-10, 11:01 AM
God bless this site and all who sail in her....

All I need to do now is dive without my pesky crew lounging around on the decks.


*** PS ***

I know this is pobably the completely the wrong place to put this and any moderator reading please feel free to pass this on or move it.

I just wanted to say a big thanks to all involved in TMO19. Im using that MOD and Websters Better Air Patrols, EAX Soundsim-with-manouveres. Its just amazing. Im in an S boat that looks like a rusting hulk of junk. Its just how I imagine that they would look. Worn and weary! Big shout to all those involved in modding that have the know how to make the rest of us have a immersive, mind blowing sim. PS Love the gramaphone tracks....sweeeeeet.

09-25-10, 12:02 PM
Its just amazing. Im in an S boat that looks like a rusting hulk of junk. Its just how I imagine that they would look.


Just be sure to get tetanus shot before heading out to sea. :D

09-25-10, 02:01 PM
and don't forget to cut the cam on using the radio in the office before you start patrol.

09-29-10, 06:53 AM
Hi Guys,

Ive just downloaded TMO20 and gone through the same thing. Didnt have the < > cam keys. Carried out the below instructions (this worked like a dream for TMO20) but it doesnt seemed to have worked? Is it different on TMO20?
