View Full Version : Whats your Favorite star trek movies and series ?

08-30-10, 03:56 AM
Whats your Favorite star trek movies and series??? lots of times Sub heads and trekies think a like so let's have it then. Mine R star trek II the wrath of khan and the new film Star trek. As for series I allways like TNG and TOS the best.


08-30-10, 04:11 AM
I haven't seen any of the movies.

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" is the only one I've seen of the series, don't watch regurlary though, but I like it. :)

08-30-10, 04:37 AM
Series = Deep Space Nine.

Film = Star Trek VI, The Undiscovered Country.

Favourite character = Garak, followed by Gul Dukat.

Favourite Captain = Sisko.:up:


08-30-10, 05:05 AM
Favorite series: TNG err because I grew up with it and how beautiful that counselor Deanna Troi was...she could read my mind and heart anytime :D okay that's probably the tenth reason.

Favorite character: Capt Picard. Oh yeah a very admirable character, keyword is integrity.

Favorite movie: The first star trek movie.

The original movies imo are waaaay better than newer ones. The newest imo is pretty bad, as shallow as most recent Hollywood flicks. I remember getting out of the theater thinking what's all the hype for? Felt pretty numb and unmoved at all. Can't really make connection with the characters or relate to them, they feel distant and shallow and weak in character to the point of being merely comical, I mean comical in the sense of being weak in character.

The original movies have so much flavor and meanings and chemistry. They feel more humane and humanistic. Great watch.

08-30-10, 05:36 AM
Was never really set on the films much.
As for the tv stuff (leaving out the originals) I like characters from all the star trek series.

But if it was a choice between captains... Kirk vs Picard hmmm difficult as there's not much to make a comparison because they play the character so differently. While kirk definitely seems to get laid more, picard has a more subtle sense of humour.

But, marina sirtis, jeri ryan, terry farrell (did you know she was in hellraiser 3?)
...think I'll go have a cold shower :DL

08-30-10, 05:39 AM
I think my favourite series was DS9, but that could be because it's the only I watched all the way through.

As for the movie, I really can't decide.

08-30-10, 06:01 AM
I've recently watched both DS9 and TNG all the way through and I have to say I like DS9 the most. The long story arcs of DS9 were just so much more interesting to me than the bad guy/problem of the week in TNG. I never really watched much of any of the other series.

I'm not sure what my favorite movie would be... either Star Trek II or IV.

08-30-10, 06:08 AM
TNG & anything that features the BORG!!:yeah:

08-30-10, 07:15 AM
I remember an actress, she was sth like 40 years old, huge tits, she wasn't pretty that much, she was a medical officer or she had paranormal abilities like reading in someone's mind. It wasn't the movie but the series. She always had long straight hair.

08-30-10, 07:59 AM
The one with empathic ability was counselor Deanna Troi played by Marina Sirtis. Lovely lady. Very sexy too in the series sometimes.

08-30-10, 08:09 AM
sorry but it's not her:cry: tits match (more or less) but the one I have in mind had a "fatter" face.

08-30-10, 08:15 AM
sorry but it's not her:cry: tits match (more or less) but the one I have in mind had a "fatter" face.

Ahh then must be the doctor, Dr Beverly Crusher the only other female she didn't have empathic ability but who knows now since he had had an uneasy weird romantic sluggishness with Capt Picard which would probably make her both neurotic and empathic after all these years LOL.



But fatter face for a sec thought it was flatter face . . . .you're confusing me. LOL.
I'm sure it was Deanna Troi

Either way the way you described it must have raised these gentlemen eyebrows. Star Trek is not porn. :-P

08-30-10, 08:19 AM
thanks for trying but still she doesn't match. I remember that they had different, I guess, later types of uniforms. The one you have shown so far are kinda older than what I think about. She was wearing sth like a black swimsuit with a red stripe near collar(?) and it was star trek for sure coz i was looking for her at imdb years ago and i found her but deleted the link probably.

frau kaleun
08-30-10, 08:28 AM
Series: TNG

TOS is a close second, I grew up watching it, every once in a while I'll still see a rerun of this or that episode and the nostalgia factor will always outweigh how dated it is and any other shortcomings.

I also quite liked DS9 when it first came on but lost track of it at some point. To me it seemed to get a little too much like a soap opera in some ways, altho I remained fond of some of the characters (Kira and Odo in particular). And for some reason I found Avery Brooks more and more off-putting as Sisko and that may have been my primary reason for not sticking with it.

Voyager - I tried, but... well, I can't watch Kate Mulgrew in anything, so that was that. Enterprise - was that the Scott Bakula one? - I didn't bother. Not a fan of his either and that didn't help. And I think by that time I felt they were throwing new stuff out there just to keep the "brand" alive no matter how far they overextended themselves.

TNG though - that was really something and it still hasn't gotten old no matter how many reruns I see. Rebooted my interest completely, gave us some great new characters who had a chance to evolve over the course of the series leading to some wonderful performances... and as someone else already indicated: Jean-Luc freakin' Picard FTW.

Movie: Star Trek (2009)

This is not to say I don't have a nostalgic fondness for some of the older movies, with the casts of both TOS and TNG. But after years of being a devoted Trekkie, the first ST movie actually put me to sleep. And I mean I literally fell asleep in the theater trying to sit through a movie I'd been looking forward to since what felt like forever. Quite a disappointment. I still remember Wrath of Khan as being the one in that series that I liked best, but as a whole the movies that come out of TOS never did much to re-energize my interest. The cast-of-TNG films were more interesting and more well made IMO, but a lot of that has to do with my slight preference for the cast and characters of the series.

But the 2009 film was far and away the most fun I've ever had watching a ST movie, an amazing job at rebooting the "old" ST universe, unbelievably brilliant casting IMO, for me there is nothing to complain about with this one. Re-energized my interest much like TNG did when it first hit its stride.

08-30-10, 08:38 AM
Favourite films: Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home, Undiscovered Country, First Contact, Nemesis.
Favourite series: Deep Space Nine, TNG
Favourite characters: Riker, O'Brien, Garak, Dukat, Tomalak, Keras
Favourite captains: Sisko, Picard
Favourite species: Romulans :rock:
Favourite episodes: 'Balance of Terror', 'Best of Both Worlds', The Dominion War arc, 'In the Pale Moonlight' 'Trials and Tribbleations'.

08-30-10, 08:43 AM
Favourite films: Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home, Undiscovered Country, First Contact, Nemesis.

You just listed nearly half the Star Trek movies ever made.


08-30-10, 08:52 AM
You just listed nearly half the Star Trek movies ever made.


It's the old odd number curse. Every even numbered Star Trek film is a hit, odd number ones not so much. Although IIRC Nemesis wasn't as big a hit as others...but anyway :O:

08-30-10, 09:08 AM
Wrath of Khan.

I started watching TNG, but the first season wasn't very good, so I stopped. Many years later, maybe in it's last season, I started watching again, and it had gotten much better. Perhaps if I had watched it more, I would have been able to appreciate it better than I did from watching reruns.

DS9 and Voyager I never got into. Enterprise had some good moments, but sometimes it was a real letdown.

TLAM Strike
08-30-10, 09:38 AM
Favorite films: Wrath of Khan

Favorite series: Its a tie Deep Space Nine and TNG. DS9 had epic multi-season storylines while TNG had the most number of best single episodes.

Favorite characters: O'Brien, Bashir, Scotty,

Favorite captains: Sisko, Picard

Favorite species: Romulans

Favorite episodes: Balance of Terror, Best of Both Worlds, In the Pale Moonlight, Face of the Enemy, Cause and Effect, The Siege of AR-558, Darmok.

Was it Lt. Dax? Played by Terry Farrell.

08-30-10, 10:36 AM
Was it Lt. Dax? Played by Terry Farrell.

unfortunately not:hmmm:

TLAM Strike
08-30-10, 11:09 AM
unfortunately not:hmmm:

Shoot... I'm just going to post the cast photos of all the series. Speak up if you recognize her...
http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/8913/ds9crew.th.jpg (http://img838.imageshack.us/i/ds9crew.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5378/ds9crewseason7.th.jpg (http://img153.imageshack.us/i/ds9crewseason7.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/2773/enterprisecrewseason1.th.jpg (http://img690.imageshack.us/i/enterprisecrewseason1.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/9701/thenextgenerationmainca.th.jpg (http://img641.imageshack.us/i/thenextgenerationmainca.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/1492/tngcrew.th.jpg (http://img828.imageshack.us/i/tngcrew.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4825/tngcrewseason2.th.jpg (http://img839.imageshack.us/i/tngcrewseason2.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/8379/voyagercastwithkes.th.jpg (http://img831.imageshack.us/i/voyagercastwithkes.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/6439/voycrew7.th.jpg (http://img521.imageshack.us/i/voycrew7.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

If she is not in these photos then she must have been a guest star in a single episode.

08-30-10, 11:20 AM
The only halfway decent movies was TWoK I guess. Still, the combat was too close ranged, but at least they explained that.

All the new ST is crap in general. The formula in TNG is literally to invent an incredible new technology on the fly every episode to solve a problem---which they forget entirely for some future episode when any viewer is thinking "just used the poopygenic field machine (everything in TNG is an XXX-genic field) from last week, and this episode is over in 5 minutes!"

Campy though it is, I like the original series best.

08-30-10, 11:28 AM
If she is not in these photos then she must have been a guest star in a single episode.

I really appreciate your effort sir but I must say that I couldn't find her. Tomorrow I'm gonna browse imdb one by one. :D

08-30-10, 12:47 PM
TNG is my favorite series, loved it as a kid and will still watch it if i catch it on and its a good episode.

Favorite Movies are The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek:Generations. The destruction of Enterprise D was epic but sad, never have liked the new Enterprise.

08-30-10, 02:09 PM
Favorite film: Wrath of Khan

Favorite series: Deep Space Nine despite the Ferengi having too much of a presence and even episodes focused on them.(Shudder!) When I first heard the concept for DS9, I was not too impressed and the first 2 seasons didn't help. The first time I seen the Cardassians on TNG, I thought they would be an interesting species to pursue further. That and the addition of the Defiant and the Jem'Hadar eventually won me over.

Favorite characters: Garak & Dukat for alien species. For Hu-Mans: Bashir, O'Brien and the Doctor from Voyager.

Favorite captains: Picard. I'm currently re-watching DS9 and must admit that Sisko is better then I first thought.

Favorite species: Cardassians, Jem'Hadar

Worst species: Ferengi. I don't know who came up with them in the first place but he/her/them should be shot out an airlock! Having said that, I find Quark to be pretty funny at times in small doses and I can actually tolerate Rom now.

Star Trek regrets: I know there's a lot of knocks against "Enterprise" but the last 2 seasons where great for the most part. Pretty standard with a new ST series where the first season or 2 are somewhat lacking. Seems a lot of people that have given it a second chance through the DVD's or re-runs are expressing regrets that the show was cancelled too soon. I never minded the opening theme song but over at IMDB, I'm constantly amazed at the hostility directed towards it, and quite a few people admit to not watching the series because of it. Too bad the producers didn't go with the standard Star Trek theme opener as it might of made the difference.

TLAM Strike
08-30-10, 02:40 PM
I really appreciate your effort sir but I must say that I couldn't find her. Tomorrow I'm gonna browse imdb one by one. :D

oops I just realized that I didn't post a cast picture for the original star trek...
http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/9651/800pxstartrektoscast.th.jpg (http://img822.imageshack.us/i/800pxstartrektoscast.jpg/)

Sailor Steve
08-30-10, 03:14 PM
Favorite Star Trek Movie? Galaxy Quest.

Favorite series? The Original, mainly because they had good science fiction writers, while to me all the rest tried so hard to be better Trek that they forgot what real SF looks like.

Shoot... I'm just going to post the cast photos of all the series. Speak up if you recognize her...If she is not in these photos then she must have been a guest star in a single episode.
I see no pictures from the original. Oops - you posted one while I was typing. And I keep thinking Yeoman Janice Rand, who is not in your picture.


08-30-10, 04:45 PM
What?!Nobody likes Voyager?
I watched all series except DS9 and my favorite is Voyager.Lost in the delta quadrant,unknown part of the galaxy,almost no chance to get home,
many new species,the struggle with the Borg...
Favorite character is the Doctor from Voyager.
Favorite captain,that's a tough one,I like Janeway,but it's Picard
Favorite movie First Contact

Favorite Star Trek Movie? Galaxy Quest.


08-30-10, 04:54 PM
Favorite Star Trek Movie? Galaxy Quest.


That movie is far superior to the "real" ones, I agree. No contest.

TLAM Strike
08-30-10, 04:56 PM
Nobody likes Voyager?

Sorry to be the Grammar (Space) Nazi but let me correct that sentence...

Nobody likes Voyager.


08-30-10, 05:07 PM
@ TLAM Strike "Resistance Is Futile. You Will Be Assimilated!"

08-30-10, 05:23 PM
I started watching TNG, but the first season wasn't very good, so I stopped. Many years later, maybe in it's last season, I started watching again, and it had gotten much better. Perhaps if I had watched it more, I would have been able to appreciate it better than I did from watching reruns.

The first season of TNG was a little weak but the series improved immensley as it went on with some great stories and the characters really developed.

TNG was my favorite of the series but I think the original was pretty good in its own way.
I started watching DS9 but really didn't get into it. I probably should have kept with it though.
Never saw any of the other spin-off series.

Hard to say on the movies, The first sucked, I thought. Wrath of Kahn is probably my favorite, but I haven't seen many of the the later ones or don't really remember much about them.

Favorite character-Picard.
Like many others here, Troi was pretty hot and I had the hots for Dr. Crusher as well. Of course, the green Orion chick in the original series was pretty sexy. :03:


08-30-10, 05:30 PM
Sorry to be the Grammar (Space) Nazi


Come on...you knew this was coming...

08-31-10, 02:41 AM
What?!Nobody likes Voyager?
I watched all series except DS9 and my favorite is Voyager.Lost in the delta quadrant,unknown part of the galaxy,almost no chance to get home,
many new species,the struggle with the Borg...
Favorite character is the Doctor from Voyager.
Favorite captain,that's a tough one,I like Janeway,but it's Picard
Favorite movie First Contact

I liked VOY too. After reading all of the replys I'm embarrassed to say
that I've never seen more than 5 episodes of DS9. I've always saved that series for a rainy day. After reading so many liked DS9 I might give the show a good watch.

08-31-10, 07:54 AM
My favorite series would have to be TNG, though I did like DS9 and VOY.

TOS while classic, tends to be a bit too campy for me and ENT...well that one was just a mistake.

My big hangup about VOY was the fact that although they were stuck in the Delta Quadrant, they always seemed to have the ship in tip-top condition week after week, and the supplies never actually seemed to run out in seven years. Over time, the appearance of the bridge should have changed with patches, singed panels, alien technologies, etc.

Fav TNG episodes: Tossup between Yesterday's Enterprise, Best of Both Worlds, Cause and Effect, and Conundrum. There are, however, too many good ones for me to list.

As far as movies went, I liked STII, IV, VI, First Contact and XI.

08-31-10, 10:02 AM
Star Trek 2009 and ENT

2009 was the first MAJOR MAJOR movie to put forward the current theory of time travel to the past which is a multiuniverse theory. If this theory holds out the ability to literally shape your destiny will be upon us in the future.

Enterprise season 4 was by far the best Trek I have ever seen. It was perfect it was drama it was action.