View Full Version : TMO Deck gun problems

08-19-10, 03:54 PM
Using TMO 2.0 only started a new career at the start of the war using a Gar out of Pearl and only have the Stern Deck gun position available is there anyway to get the Bow position or will I have to just accept the fact I have a stern mounted gun

08-19-10, 04:08 PM
Hmmm, coffee. I love the stuff. Not that frue frue girly crap at starbucks either. Just a good ole fashion cup of joe.

Oh damn, my mug's empty.

Scuse me while i go put another pot on. :O:

08-19-10, 07:21 PM
Do you by chance have a 5 inch 51 caliber on your Gar? I bet that you do this gun was only mountable on the Gar and Tabors and only on the stern it I am pretty sure overrides TMOs normal fore deck guns only setting.Though really you would rather keep that gun anyway the 4 inch and the popgun don't stand up to it.

That or maybe you placed the optional mod that gives you stern deckguns.Not sure when the 5 inch 51 caliber becomes available in TMO my Grayback has but I am in 1943.
If you have the 5 inch gun that is the reason if you have one of the other guns then you must have placed in the optional mod that gives you stern deck guns.

08-20-10, 07:57 AM
I have the 3" deck gun in as the career is from the beginning of the war and the optional deck gun mod isn't installed as prefer to have a bow mounted deck gun

08-20-10, 04:40 PM
In that case I am not sure.I myself have installed the rear deck guns optional mod for TMO 2.0 and all my subs have the deck guns aft except the S-Boats.I do not know if the Tambor and Gar class glass have deck guns reversed normally in TMO to facilitate the use of the 5 51(which was only mounted on the stern) I don't know my guess is that it might because there is a very common bug that occurs if one changes from fore to stern or vice verse so the Tambor boats I bet are coded differently.

Someone who prefers fore deck guns and plays TMO would have to answer this question as I can't replicate the fore guns on my PC to find out.

You may also want to be sure that the mod has fully taken as well.It should be like this MODs,TMO 2.0,Data and Documentation. If yours is MODs,TMO 2.0,TMO 2.0,Data and Documentation then you need to remove the first TMO 2.0 folder then disable and re-enable TMO with you GME and try a new career with a Tambor or Gar dont use your old one as it will still have a stern deck gun.But a new one should have a fore deck gun if it still has a stern deck gun even after you have verified that TMO is installed properly then you know for sure that Tambors and Gars have been set to always have stern deck guns.And to be doubly sure all is correct try a career with any other sub and see if they have the correct location of the deck gun which should be fore.

08-21-10, 04:32 AM
I thought it had optional mods that you installed over TMO to move the deckgun, but I haven't looked in the optional mod folder.

08-21-10, 10:56 AM
Hmmm, coffee. I love the stuff. Not that frue frue girly crap at starbucks either. Just a good ole fashion cup of joe.

Oh damn, my mug's empty.

Scuse me while i go put another pot on. :O:

Ducimus is the coffee ready yet? Like I always say, "When all else fails....have a cup of coffee."

08-21-10, 04:52 PM
There is an optional mod to restore the rear deck guns I think Duci modded it so that you either have front or rear only and unless you change it they should be fore.

I do not know what the case is with Gar and Tambor though as I used the rear deck guns mod never played it with the default fore to see what happens with a Tambor/Gar then.

08-21-10, 06:51 PM
Seems the pdf included with the mod says the Gar and Tambor have stern only had to reinstall TMO to get it to appear so must have deleted it by accident shall just play the career without using the deck gun till Gato

08-21-10, 07:14 PM
There are several classes of subs that should have fore deck guns,Porpoise,Salmon,Sargo, the S-Boatss all are options from the start of the war that you can try.No need to give up on the idea of using a deck gun until you get a Gato class.

08-23-10, 06:12 PM
Seems the pdf included with the mod says the Gar and Tambor have stern only


The reason for this, which is also in the PDF, is because these boats will later get a 5"/51 deck gun that were stripped off of V boats.. I had to reuse a 4" deck gun model, but in reality the 5/51 was a big mamma and needed more deck space - hence aft mounting. This gun took powder charges behind the shell. No brass was involved when shooting these guns from what i've read, and only the Tambor/Gar's had them mounted. Anyway, once this gun is installed, i seriously doubted anyone would want to take it off.