View Full Version : I am such a noob!!!

08-17-10, 07:28 AM
Ive played silent hunter 3 a few years back, loved it very much, but sort of gave up on it because of exams...
Went to game station recently, saw preowned SH4 for 3pounds99, brought it straight away and installed it, played through the tutorials, really impressed with the graphics and effects, but when i got to the convoy tutorial, i simply couldn't get close to the merchants because of the destroyers. I tried everything like silent running, went deep or behind them, but i kept on getting detected, depth charged, or missed the convoy completely.
I read the sticky threads on this forums, but they are all for advanced players, or i am too dumb to understand them.
I've completely forgot the tactics i used for sh3, and is really stuck
Could someone help me plz?

08-17-10, 07:30 AM
There are plenty of excellent mods and tutorials on this forum and other sites.

SH4 stock wasn't a great game, but the mods have done for it what they did for SH3.

My suggestion is to mod and study tactics while on patrol.

Sailor Steve
08-17-10, 07:36 AM

Ive played silent hunter 3 a few years back, loved it very much, but sort of gave up on it because of exams...
Real life is more important to you than a game? What's wrong with you? :O:

Went to game station recently, saw preowned SH4 for 3pounds99, brought it straight away and installed it, played through the tutorials, really impressed with the graphics and effects, but when i got to the convoy tutorial, i simply couldn't get close to the merchants because of the destroyers. I tried everything like silent running, went deep or behind them, but i kept on getting detected, depth charged, or missed the convoy completely.
First, which version of the game is it? If it's an early version (1.0) it needs to be patched to 1.4. If it's 1.5, which will say SH4 GOLD: U-Boat Missions on the cover, then it's fully patched and you're ready to go.

The tutorials that come with the stock game are hard.

I read the sticky threads on this forums, but they are all for advanced players, or i am too dumb to understand them.
I've completely forgot the tactics i used for sh3, and is really stuck
Could someone help me plz?
Step-by-step is better and easier than general instructions. I suggest you try the tutorial again and make notes of exactly what went right and what went wrong. Post those in this thread and many people will tell you what you need to know, since bragging about how wonderful we are is what keeps us entertained...no, wait, I meant helping others get it right...

08-17-10, 07:46 AM
i patched it to 1.4 as soon as i've installed it,
Are 1.5 and uboat missions free? i am a poor boy, thats why all my games are preowned game :yeah:
Ill report my findings as i go on
thanks for the help, you guys are wonderful xxx *hugs*
(hope that was entertaining enough)

08-17-10, 08:38 AM
If you want to get v1.5, you're best bet is to find a copy of SHIV The Gold Edition which has both SHIV and the UBM already on it on one installation disk. As v1.5 is the final version of the game you'll find that most of the mods are geared toward it. Check around a little and I'm sure you'll be able to find one at an affordable price. :03:

08-17-10, 08:50 AM
Ive played silent hunter 3 a few years back, loved it very much, but sort of gave up on it because of exams...
Went to game station recently, saw preowned SH4 for 3pounds99, brought it straight away and installed it, played through the tutorials, really impressed with the graphics and effects, but when i got to the convoy tutorial, i simply couldn't get close to the merchants because of the destroyers. I tried everything like silent running, went deep or behind them, but i kept on getting detected, depth charged, or missed the convoy completely.
I read the sticky threads on this forums, but they are all for advanced players, or i am too dumb to understand them.
I've completely forgot the tactics i used for sh3, and is really stuck
Could someone help me plz?Welcome aboard, jeffrey7466. Don't get frustrated or discouraged. SHIV isn't an arcade game and also isn't the type of game one becomes proficient in overnight. It does have a steep learning curve, due in no small part to it's lack of any real game manual. We all had to start somewhere, just like you and if you stick with it, it just may become the most addictive game you'll ever play.
The mods add a whole new meaning to the word immersive and the increased realism they provide is sometimes frightening.
One thing that is a must, you can't rush through the learning process. We all learn at our own pace and all the rushing in the world will only increase your frustration. No one can really give you step by step instructions on how to play. As far as ambushing your convoy, remain at about 3kts speed, heading toward the front of the convoy but just behind the lead escort, preferably at a 45° to 90° angle.
Again, welcome to the fleet.:salute:

08-17-10, 10:52 AM
What seems hard now will eventually become easy, then you'll want to step up to one of the supermods that make it much harder. It's a sim, not an arcade game and to be successful has to be played like a sim.

There are still some great mods for 1.4 that improve the game 100 fold, but get 1.5 when you can so you can use the many up to date mods. The graphics of stock don't come close to how good the game is with mods.

Here is another good page full of useful info. Make sure you read the SHIV guide.

Eventually you'll be doing battle with a huge enemy task force, sneaking by a dozen dd's and sending carriers to the bottom. You may even live to tell about it.

08-17-10, 10:56 AM
nOOb...:D welcome to subsim The gold edition goes for around 20 US new

08-17-10, 11:38 AM
Welcome aboard jeffery7466. The issue w/ the tutorials is that your sub starts too close to the action. This gives you little time for a planning and proper approach.

In campaign for instance you would already have a firing solution/torps/tubes set up and ready to go before the convoy hoves into view.

Perhaps there is a single mission that will allow you more time to approach? I don't know as I haven't played any in so long. Maybe anothe old salt can suggest one? :arrgh!:

08-17-10, 12:53 PM
thanks for the replies guys :salute:
tbf although i am failing miserably, i am getting more and more addicted :rock:

Rockin Robbins
08-18-10, 01:35 PM
Then you shall succeed and be a noob no longer.:up: