View Full Version : How to vent CO2 Build Up?

08-07-10, 07:18 PM
I am just now starting into SH4 and am on my 4th patrol - tthe objective for this one is to patrol Honshu. What I'm finding is that the CO2 level is reaching 90% before I complete the objective or can head for Pearl or any port for that matter. My crew dies from lack of oxygen even though we have been running mainly on the surface except when avoiding aircraft or attacking targets. Is there a way to vent the CO2? It continues to build no matter how long I run on the surface. :damn:

Major Johnson
08-07-10, 07:21 PM
If your running on the surface and you're still getting a CO2 warnng then there's something up with the game. I had this happen and I had to exit out of the game and restart it, just the game that is. Then everything went back to normal. Sometimes you'll have glitches like that where restarting the game fixes it. Good luck.

08-07-10, 07:21 PM
The infamous CO2 buildup bug. Save and reload your game, that will fix it. Also try not to Alt-Tab out of your game while playing.

08-07-10, 08:56 PM
The infamous CO2 buildup bug. Save and reload your game, that will fix it. Also try not to Alt-Tab out of your game while playing.
Aye, Alt-Tab does not agree with SH4:yep:

But yes, save and reload, that usually fixes it.

08-08-10, 07:01 AM
I was indeed guilty of Alt-Tabbing out to check a couple of things! :oops:

I really appreciate the rapid and helpful assistance, Captains. You are one of the reasons this forum and the SH communities are so enjoyable. The sims themselves would be nothing to speak of without all the support.

Thanks again! :yeah: :salute:

08-08-10, 08:06 AM
Wow, that's not cool. I been playing all this time and I only find out now alt+tabbing chokes the crew?!? In my defense: I alt tab out all the time, and I haven't seen the CO2 bug in a great while... It could be the menacing way I glare at my tower, or luck, you're guess is as good as mine.

Rockin Robbins
08-08-10, 04:28 PM
I alt-tab all the time with no problems. I find the CO2 bug a lot more variable than a simple "don't alt-tab" can fix.

The official answer is to hit the CO2 warning button on the upper right corner of your screen and that will fix it. Merely surfacing doesn't work. Unfortunately, although the sacred button works most of the time, there are times when it also fails to help and you have to exit and restart your game.

We call that behavior a "feature" and don't use the word "bug." It sells more games that way...:oops: or not.

08-09-10, 12:55 PM
All i can say is, while the bug randomly strikes, I have NEVER had the C02 bug crop up when I had not alt tabbed. Anytime I have seen the C02 bug, was if I had Alt tabbed at some point.

08-09-10, 02:33 PM
My rule of thumb to deal with bugs is not to advance time above 1024 and I save the game each night(in game) I always pause time and save the game while I am one of the "sub" screens like the crew screen or weapons screen and I always save while I am on the surface. Also I never save while there is anything going on around me and I make sure that all my systems (except fuel) are either recharged or empty like the C02 should normally be while on the surface. This gives me a "clean" save point that I can reset to if any bugs occur.I also avoid alt-tabbing a much as possible.