View Full Version : TF Question

07-24-10, 09:52 PM
Got warning of a huge convoy (early 42 in the USS Trout) w/ escorts protecting two flat tops. The TF's moving fast and I can't keep up. How should I approach this TF and get me a flat top? I tried waiting until nightfall, but the TF zooms by while the escorts ping me for hours. Should I wait for the next one? If not, I welcome any suggestions on sliding between the heavies and sending fish into the flat top!


07-24-10, 10:47 PM
Well, I don't know how far away you are from the TF or what direction they're traveling, relative to your own but, you could try an end-around run, if the TF isn't going too fast. Try staying just out of visual range, get ahead of the TF and approach from an angle that's perpendicular to it. Try to plot the DDs' courses so you can slip in between them.

07-25-10, 12:25 AM
I seldom run into TF's going faster than my sub can go, but a few do. The Coral Sea TF will hit some high speeds, up to 28knts on one leg. I've chased many a TF for days, sometimes more up to 1000NM's waiting for a chance. If a TF is going 19kts, but zigging, you can eventually do an end around, but expect it to take some time.

If a TF is going as fast as your sub can go, just track it and try to stay on a flank. If you track long enough, expect some course changes. If you're lucky they will turn towards you, but then again may turn the other way and leave you in left field.

If you're in a slower sub, many TF will return by the same path, so just sit tight a few days and they may come right back at you. This can happen at the battle of Midway, Coral Sea, ect.

Usually if you're found out, TF will go into a zig pattern and slow down. Not all that realistic, but it gives you more time to do an end around.

07-25-10, 04:51 AM
In short, if it's heading away, there is not much you can do except report the contact on radio. If it's heading for you, like the battleship TF I encountered awhile back, get their general course run at full speed to intercept, submerge and wait. If it's a "T" then you have to be careful of where you will intercept.

Anyways, there is no way you can catch up to a TF if it's going 19+ knots! :03: