View Full Version : Some targeting Qs

06-01-10, 06:22 AM

Thanks to everyone for helping me get TMO tw operational. What a fantastic mod! I've noticed my targeting methods might be unconventional and need your help:
1. Do you use the offset angle on the torps or battle map before firing a torp or measure the range, AOB, and speed?
2. Should I change the AOB slightly for a spread shot and take it from the front, middle, and stern of a ship?
3. How do you set yourself up for a 90 degree shot? I seem to often hit the ship at an angle and use the offset dial to adjust by looking at the battle ,a[ to see where to hit the ship.



06-01-10, 11:55 AM
Go to this link.

I run pages backwards, so find the first post and it will have videos of the many targeting methods. The 90 degree attack is referred to the O' Kane method.

You have a spread meter, use that instead of AOB. I wouldn't use the AOB to do spreads.

I mostly use O'Kane, except in a big convoy, then I'll use a stad with it as they change speed and direction. I'll get all the same info standard using the stad, then unlock and set a bearing in front of the ship and wait for it to pass shooting at the spots I want as they pass the wire.

The ships can have turbo speeds, so I shoot in front first, usually right at the bow, if he speeds up he usually can't outrun it. Then MOT and stern. If he turns to miss the first one, usually the others hit, but the goal is to hold him in place with the front shot so he won't turbo off.