View Full Version : how-to questions for full realism targeting

04-25-10, 08:19 PM
Just getting started on full realism with TMO.

1 - how do I just shoot from the hip with no targeting computer?
2 - can I aim (again with no targeting computer) other then straight off the bow? (for instance if my target is stationary at 45 degrees) but i don't want to wait until my whole sub turns...
3 - now using the tdc
- i get angle on the bow ok and feedign that to the tdc
- i get guessing the targets speed and feeding that to the tdc
- can't i just dial in the distance if i think i know that or do i HAVE to use the stadameter?
4 - finally - if i think i have fed the tdc the right info - do i have to be 'locked' with the periscope at the moment i fire?

Thanks for helping me throuhg the learning process...

04-25-10, 08:43 PM
Just getting started on full realism with TMO.

1 - how do I just shoot from the hip with no targeting computer?...
Pretty tough to do with manual targetting. The way I do it is to set the Aob to 0 for a bow shot and 180 for stern shot, move your periscope to the where you want the torpedo to go and click the bearing input button on the entry dial. It works well with a stationary target or a down the throat shot on an on rushing DD but not so well if the target is moving left or right to your sub since you will have a hard time estimating the impact spot due to the target and your sub moving.

- can't i just dial in the distance if i think i know that or do i HAVE to use the stadameter?...

Yes you can maunally enter all the data and it is not necessary to ever use the Stadimeter.

4 - finally - if i think i have fed the tdc the right info - do i have to be 'locked' with the periscope at the moment i fire?...

It is not necessary to lock a target.

04-26-10, 12:30 PM
3. To take full advantage of the TDC range input, you need to install the AOB Mod. Check the Downloads section of the forum to find it.

4. Your torpedoes will go where the TDC tells them to go ... with or without a target locked in the crosshairs.