View Full Version : Help sinking Destroyers

04-20-10, 11:38 AM
Hi all, a possible newbe question, but here goes. How do you hit a Destroyer? Right now I am running shiv, tmo 1.9 with patch and RSRD with patch. I am not using the manual targeting (not yet), I am working on the getting in position part before moving to the full manual targeting. I have come across several destroyers and have used the automatic firing, I don't lock the target, but let it set the range, AOB and speed. I set the torp depth to the minimum ( I think 3ft) and I have the event camera on to see how it works, and everyone I have fired at the torp has gone under the ship. It looks like I am getting into position close enough and the automatic is working, just can't seem to get the torp to run shallow enough to hit. I know the torps at this time period (December of 41) had a tendency to run deeper by about 10 feet (that is why I set it to the shallowest setting). I tried the same thing on one cargo ship, and it hit, not quite where I wanted but it did hit. Does anyone have any suggestions? of just keep trying and hope for the best or just ignore firing at destroyers and worry about the other ships Thanks

04-20-10, 11:45 AM
Are you running with or without Duds in the game options? If Duds yes you are probably experiencing the normal running deep torps that was pretty common during the early war years.

04-20-10, 11:48 AM
Set the running depth as shallow as possible.

04-20-10, 12:34 PM
I am running it with duds, and can understand if it just bounced off.
I also set it a shallow as I can, not sure if the automatic is resetting it, I read a post that it will do that if the target is locked, that is why I don't lock the scope on them. Most of the destroyers seem to have a draft of 9 ft, if 3 ft is the shallowest and then there is a possible 10 ft variation, that would make it 13 feet and go under.

Maybe I should try the impact magnetic setting and hope it goes off under the ship

Thanks for the help guys, will keep trying and let know, and if there are any other suggestions please let me know.

love the game but missing under a lot can get frustrating :x

04-20-10, 01:59 PM
Early war torps can run 10 to 12 feet deep so it is very likely they would go unter a DD.

04-20-10, 06:39 PM
Always use magnetic detonaters against Destroyers!!!

Try a rear tube as the detroyers in attack run and fire no sooner than 700 meters. Bear in mind a 400 m run to arm is needed.


04-20-10, 08:39 PM
May be a bit screwy for some, but my personal early-war method is to carry Mk14s in my fore tubes, then Mk10s in the rear. When I need more reliable depth-keeping, I'll line up an aft shot. Honestly, I don't know how historically accurate it would be for a ship to carry two distinct sets of torps like that, but it serves me fairly well to solve the early-war depth problem, but I've still got the 14s on hand for the 46kt speed. :up:

04-21-10, 12:49 AM
KlassenT has about as good a solution as you are going to get if you are going to insist on taking on DD's. The MK.10 runs very steady and are effective against them.

Best bet is to avoid them and save the fish for merchants or capital ships.


04-21-10, 02:35 AM
I agree with Magic.
Avoid the destroyers. They're too fast, making them hard to hit. Plus their keel is so shallow that it's a crap shoot even at the shallowest torpedo setting. The only time I'd shoot at one is if it's alone and I can take it by surprise, or if I was desperate.

I once attacked one just outside of the harbor at Balikpapan in the Makassar strait. I wanted to night-raid the harbor and this one destroyer was patrolling back and forth for 2 nights in a row. I lost my patience and snuck up on him at periscope depth, nearly scraping bottom. I broke his back with one torpedo. Instant kill. It was beautiful:arrgh!:... and it was stupid!:o I was in shallow water and wouldn't have stood a chance if I had missed. Luck was just on my side. I snuck into the harbor and wreaked havoc on a tanker and 3 cargo ships. I left one alive to tell the tale...

actually, I turned tail and ran because it spotted me and started shooting :O:

04-21-10, 07:05 AM
Hi all, a possible newbe question, but here goes. How do you hit a Destroyer? Right now I am running shiv, tmo 1.9 with patch and RSRD with patch. I am not using the manual targeting (not yet), I am working on the getting in position part before moving to the full manual targeting. I have come across several destroyers and have used the automatic firing, I don't lock the target, but let it set the range, AOB and speed. I set the torp depth to the minimum ( I think 3ft) and I have the event camera on to see how it works, and everyone I have fired at the torp has gone under the ship. It looks like I am getting into position close enough and the automatic is working, just can't seem to get the torp to run shallow enough to hit. I know the torps at this time period (December of 41) had a tendency to run deeper by about 10 feet (that is why I set it to the shallowest setting). I tried the same thing on one cargo ship, and it hit, not quite where I wanted but it did hit. Does anyone have any suggestions? of just keep trying and hope for the best or just ignore firing at destroyers and worry about the other ships Thanks

How is it possible that you're running 2 different mods simultaneously..

And For all I know, the minimum running depth for torpedoes in SH4 is 1.1 meters, you can see the torp with external camera ON that its very superficial. U must have not set the torp depth beforehand. just loaded and fired I presume..

you move the needle of depth gauge all the way up.

Word of advice, dont chase destroyers. It's true they fishtail all the time, but with Albereich or Tarnmatte I/II with engines off and 50 meters deep, if they are within 4500 meters from you they cant detect you (at least until mid 43, where you have to go deeper)

The only thing worth the planning efforts and commands are big, fat, merchant ships..

what's the use of a steam or electric torps if the target is a mere 1500 Tonne ship, while you can get better GRT with an Old split Bow raked merchant/ a liner/ a coastal freighter (4500+ GRT ships)>??????

04-21-10, 07:07 AM
How is it possible that you're running 2 different mods simultaneously..

And For all I know, the minimum running depth for torpedoes in SH4 is 1.1 meters, you can see the torp with external camera ON that its very superficial. U must have not set the torp depth beforehand. just loaded and fired I presume..

you move the needle of depth gauge all the way up.

Word of advice, dont chase destroyers. It's true they fishtail all the time, but with Albereich or Tarnmatte I/II with engines off and 50 meters deep, if they are within 4500 meters from you they cant detect you (at least until mid 43, where you have to go deeper)

With manual targetting, and Rockin Robbins Sonar targetting technique, you can hit many ships as you like WITHOUT raising your scope..

Think about this, what are the odds??????

The only thing worth the planning efforts and commands are big, fat, merchant ships..

what's the use of a steam or electric torps if the target is a mere 1500 Tonne ship, while you can get better GRT with an Old split Bow raked merchant/ a liner/ a coastal freighter (4500+ GRT ships)>??????

Think about this, what are the odds??????

04-21-10, 09:32 AM
Hmmm, let me think.........

1. Japanese destroyer:
small crew, fast, hard to hit, deadly if you're not careful.

2. Japanese merchant:
big, slow, tons of: ammo, fuel, food, parts, vehicles, aircraft, coal, troops (pick a cargo).

Which one affects the Japanese war effort more if sunk? Which one is your primary target on almost all war patrols? What were the Germans trying to sink in the Atlantic for 4 years? What did the U-boat skippers avoid like the plague whenever they could (Japanese vs Allied sub-hunting skills notwithstanding,LOL)?

Hmmmmm, lemme think now............:hmmm::O:

04-21-10, 09:48 AM
That is, most certainly, historically accurate. Or so it sounds to me.

But hey, that's also a game, so we can deviate from history and have fun with big warships (until DC blows everywhere), don't we ?

04-21-10, 11:11 AM
There is one situation, at least, where you could consider taking out a DD/Escort. Lightly escorted convoys. You take out the one or two escorts and then you go for the merchies. With the escorts out of the picture you can choose more freely the ranges and angles of firing the torps, be more lenient on "silent running" procedures and even contemplaiting surface action (which would be a complete no-no with escorts around).

I'm talking about the game, of course. In a historical context ... well you know what you're supposed to do. :)


04-21-10, 11:12 AM
.......and if a big, fat battlewagon or flat-top crosses your bow you are most definitely going to try and take it out!! You'd probably be keel-hauled if you didn't give it a shot (or two, or three or six)!!:03:

04-21-10, 11:14 AM
My last engagement in the Narwhal, I was planing to sneak into a big juicy harbour filled with fat merchies. While closing on the surface at night, heading west, I detected a destroyer to the north, and a sub chaser to the south. I snuck inbetween them keeping at least 3500 yards out of sight, (visibility was poor, but I could make out their silhouettes in the TBT). Suddenly I ran into a freighter who was sitting there in front. (I was focusing too much attention on the DD and Chaser.) It turned on it's search light and I hit battle stations and fired a salvo torpedo shot. One torpedo hit and sunk the little freighter, but the DD and Chaser were coming after me at full steam!

I hit flank and turned towards the sub chaser since he would be quicker to kill. The two 6" deck guns made quick it's sinking, but then I had a long battle with the destroyer who put a few holes in me before my shells finally blew it up!

I had 30% hull damage, and many systems were damaged. I had to abandon my harbor attack. So technically the destroyer won, it did it's job and protected all the merchies in port.