View Full Version : Aircraft specific to bases

03-26-10, 05:37 AM
If you click on the airfiled icon it shows what planes are stationed there, if you hover over it, it shows the range.
I have just sailed well to the west of Lerwick out of range of the airforce base there and been attcked by what looked like a Sunderland or similar. Despite the fact that the base only has Hurricanes and I was out of range.......More sloppy work

03-26-10, 06:58 AM
... and been attcked by what looked like a Sunderland or similar. ...

You actually got attacked by an aircraft?!?!? :o:o

OMG, I think you just found an easter egg!!

(What year was it, anyway?)

03-26-10, 07:02 AM
You actually got attacked by an aircraft?!?!? :o:o

OMG, I think you just found an easter egg!!

(What year was it, anyway?)

I have the Aircarft AI mod installed. Works excellent