View Full Version : Bernard gets his own boat.

02-23-10, 12:07 PM
I swung open the hatch to the conning tower and the tepid stench of sweat and oil was replaced by a spray of water and a rush of cool sea air. Topside, the night was thick and black, a carpet of stars overhead and the lights and smoke of Kiel below. I had been given a mission. A mission to patrol ... somewhere. And I presumed it wasn't my home port. "One quarter speed, uh, this way," I announced, grasping the engine room telegraph lever and flipping it toward an incomprehensible squiggle of red lettering.

Below, I could feel the satisfying rumble of the engines in the soles of my waterlogged feet. The water around us began to churn. We were on our way! Soon the British would pay dearly for trying to ship food to their puny island! Then I noticed a curious phenomenon: "Why is the front of the sub leaving a wake?" I asked an uncomprehending crewman. Suddenly in a panic I turned around, discovering that we were rushing toward the back wall of the submarine pen. "Stop! Stop the boat!" I hollered. "STOP! STOP IT! I mean, Halt! HALT!!" :yeah:

02-26-10, 01:33 AM
Reminds me of a city boy that wanted to ride my horse way back when I was a kid. He put the wrong foot in the stirrip and ended up sitting on the horse backward.

I had a good laugh and told him he was facing the wrong way, then I said well maybe not, which direction are you planning on going?

BTW, after a couple of weekends he decided to show me how to jump fences with the horse. Off he went at full speed towards the fence. I saw it coming, but you couldn't tell him anything.

He did in fact jump the fence-- but without the horse which stopped on a dime at the fence. He broke his shoulder. Never came out again.

02-26-10, 07:09 AM
Dude I can totaly relate to this.. I've made some very memorable goofs in my vitrual sub career.

Way back in the early days of the DC/SH2 interop and PM release i was playing an online game (Good old WPL days eh?) and after a sucessful torp kill on a destroyer surfaced with my broad side less then 100m from the bow of a destroyer coming at em at top speed, definately not my proudest moment.

i once while playing drunk clicked on the depth guage to surface a little too far over and instead of zero it went to max depth but since i imediately switched to the sonar room didnt notice, after a few minutes playing with the sonar set scanning for any potential victims heard that nerve racking warning "were below test depth" -BOOM- :damn: