View Full Version : Thanks for the GSX help

02-18-10, 02:07 PM
Thank you for all your help gentlemen. I am now cruising in early 1940, which is further than I was able to get before, due to save crashes. The advice of not saving 25km near ships or land seems to have done the trick.

One more question, my renown is pretty low after cruises, even though im getting some good kills. I have sunk a bunch of British Passenger ships (small ships), am I getting penalized for them?



02-18-10, 04:21 PM
Total renown relates to realism X tonnage.

02-18-10, 05:21 PM
I ask because I had a message from HQ that said not to sink passenger vessels unless they were under armed escort. I just seem to be getting lower renown than I expected, as I dont come home until every shell/fish are fired. I even ask around if anyone has rocks or insults...so we throw Bernard!



02-18-10, 05:42 PM
I ask because I had a message from HQ that said not to sink passenger vessels unless they were under armed escort. I just seem to be getting lower renown than I expected, as I dont come home until every shell/fish are fired. I even ask around if anyone has rocks or insults...so we throw Bernard!



No, it's just a text message (to built nice atmosphere), not a campaign script. Game does not care. If it is an enemy ship You will allways get renown, without any penalties.

But remember! You will get sometimes a messages about historical events and operations, whitch are scripted in the game! Like "Rheinubung" or operation "Cerberus". Check GWX manual for details, You will avoid confusion. :up:

02-18-10, 10:24 PM
What is your difficulty Percentage on? Higher difficulty=more renown per kill, I believe.

02-19-10, 09:29 AM
76% I believe. In the vanilla game I was getting buckets of renown. Im guessing there has been tweaking done to the scoring of GWX. No biggie, just curious if im breaking some rules of engagement. Thanks all,



02-19-10, 11:25 AM

Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\My Documents\GWX\data\cfg\Careers\name of your Kaleun

You will see a CFG file entitled Patrols_0....at the bottom is DeltaRenown...simply change that to whatever value you want but only whilst in port between patrols.