View Full Version : SH6?

02-13-10, 03:54 PM
Is this the future??.........Date: December 2011.

‘Reality Gaming group' (formerly ubisoft ) are pleased to announce the forthcoming release of Silent Hunter 6: The Cold War will be released as planned on March 6th 2012
‘Reality Gaming Group’, who took over management of the Ubisoft company following it's demise following the DRM 'scandle' that blighted sales of major titles in 2010 and 2011, think that they have reached agreement with the original developers of the popular Silent Hunter series and intend to take it back to it's roots.

The original Silent Hunter Series, which was a 'simmers' paradise for PC gamers was thrown into disarray with the release of the fifth game in the series ‘Battle of the Atlantic’ , which saw a switch in the game aiming it more at casual and Console users. A version was even to be released for the mobile phone.

Tragedy struck when the PC gamers and hardcore simmers turned their backs on the products following its release with features that had been so stripped back that it had no feel and was basically built to be transported to the Consoles. The problem was further compounded when Ubisoft installed draconian DRM methods to prevent piracy which meant that to play the game the users had to be online at all times. The actual calculated numbers of pirated copies in use outnumbered genuine copies more than 2 to 1.

With Ubisoft losing it’s cash flow and unable to port the game to the consoles and the DRM forcing people away from Ubisoft games in general the past twelve months was only to be expected.
Reality are now confident that having got rid of those responsible for the Silent Hunter 5 and DRM fiasco, that the release of the new Silent Hunter Game will help to restore the fortunes of the company.

The Reality Gaming Group, formerly the people behind the *** ‘Supermod’ for SH3, believe that their return to the fundamentals of the Silent Hunter ‘Sim’ will draw back the hardened PC gamers who were the front runners in all marketable games in the 1990’s and early 21st Century. They are also aiming to get new users from the console market who seem to resent being treated as ‘cash-cows’ when offered the likes of ‘Need For Speed No 10’ and ‘The Sims No 37’ as the best games available.

The new Silent Hunter 6 ‘Sim’ will include all the ‘submarines’ from the early 1950’s through to the present day. There are 3 Campaign modes which will run through a scenario of a third World War and will take place over a 10 year period. The game is expected to be released on time with a new feature of an online mode, with servers able to handle a ‘global conflict’ with up to 28 players commanding state of the art Submarines with the most current technology, being available as a download in the not to distant future. Registration will require a once only internet connection for the Campaign mode and high speed internet for the Online Multiplayer mode.

The marketing Director ‘*******’, (his online gaming profile!!) said in a statement..’Give the simmers what they want and you WILL have them for life and we intend to bring them back and keep them and the amount of content the game holds will negate any fears of massive piracy.’ These are considered welcoming words indeed by the ‘Simmers’ themselves and with pre-orders exceeding any other game, current or in the last 10 years, the future does indeed look rosy for the ‘Reality Gaming Group’.

02-13-10, 03:58 PM
Hey guys,whats this? I picked it up from the official Silent Hunter V Forum !!!

Certainly,I would love a future like that.

02-13-10, 04:02 PM
Hey guys,whats this? I picked it up from the official Silent Hunter V Forum !!!

Certainly,I would love a future like that.

I dislike news from the future - makes everything seem so predictable. Still, a shame to see they only spent a year developing SH6.

02-13-10, 04:11 PM
I dislike news from the future - makes everything seem so predictable. Still, a shame to see they only spent a year developing SH6.

Maybe they are already working on it, sounds interesting though.
Fictional WW III scenario, could be a long and open campagne as either side can win.


02-13-10, 04:36 PM
That was someone's idea of a joke. The really bad spelling should have tipped you off. :smug:

02-13-10, 04:42 PM
That was someone's idea of a joke. The really bad spelling should have tipped you off. :smug:

Really bad spelling???, thanks!!! when I wrote it I thought I had got rid of all the errors...in fact I have just re-read it and am still struggling to find any...please feel free to point them out!!!:oops::oops::oops:

BTW, I did do it as a joke!!!!


02-13-10, 04:51 PM
The new Silent Hunter 6 ‘Sim’ will include all the ‘submarines’ from the early 1950’s through to the present day. There are 3 Campaign modes which will run through a scenario of a third World War and will take place over a 10 year period.


02-13-10, 05:03 PM
Really bad spelling???, thanks!!! when I wrote it I thought I had got rid of all the errors...in fact I have just re-read it and am still struggling to find any...please feel free to point them out!!!:oops::oops::oops:

BTW, I did do it as a joke!!!!

Maverick:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:I won't do the whole lot but number one spelling howler is scandle. I assume you mean scandal.

02-13-10, 05:05 PM
I thought it was funny Maverick :haha: :up:

Who knows. :hmmm: Truth is stranger than fiction.

02-13-10, 05:19 PM

02-13-10, 05:20 PM
I won't do the whole lot but number one spelling howler is scandle. I assume you mean scandal.
And that's not the first one either.

02-13-10, 05:45 PM
BTW, I did do it as a joke!!!!

Er, yeah... it was the references to the future that tipped it off as not being serious. I don't think (hope) anyone thought it was a serious news report FROM THE FUTURE.

If you are after spelling errors, then it's means 'it is', its is the possesive of it. So, SH6 is going back to its roots. Otherwise, SH6 is going back to it is roots.

02-13-10, 05:46 PM
‘Reality Gaming Group’, who took over management of the Ubisoft company following it's demise following the DRM 'scandle' that blighted sales of major titles in 2010 and 2011,

Not the future for two reasons.

1) It doesn't take in to account Ubisofts main source of income - Namley
the 'DRM scandle free' console & handheld markets.

2) Reality Gaming Group?? :haha: I think you will find they prefer to be addressed as 'Electronic Arts'.

More likley scenario:
Some Sales are lost by angry PC gamers & those with out broadband.
DRM is cracked by Pirates anyway.
DRM is patched by red faced Ubisoft to have an 'offline mode'.
Life will go on as normal.


was thrown into disarray with the release of the fifth game in the series ‘Battle of the Atlantic’ , which saw a switch in the game aiming it more at casual and Console users

...as predicted by subsimmers who can tell exactly how a game plays by just looking at the sceenshots! :O

02-14-10, 06:00 AM
I won't do the whole lot but number one spelling howler is scandle. I assume you mean scandal.

Just shows yu, no matter how meny tymes yu reid sumfing sumtymes yu caint find al of the speling mystakes.

Mavryck :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

02-15-10, 03:28 AM