View Full Version : A pc game i would like to see .

02-07-10, 08:16 PM
If they bought out a game that was something crossed between crysis graphics/terrain and battlefield vietnam in a multiplayer. That would be awesome . None of this aliens or on screen radar bullsh!t , just you your mates and 1960/70s weapons . yee har .

02-07-10, 11:42 PM
We definitely need a "normal" Nam game. Without all the specop stuff like Vietcong. :hmmm:

02-08-10, 06:35 AM

Played a lot of Vietcong, wouldn't mind another one. Still one of the better cover systems in a FPS imho.

I'd buy a decent Nam game for the music alone. :lol:

02-09-10, 09:40 AM
We definitely need a "normal" Nam game. Without all the specop stuff like Vietcong. :hmmm:

I got banned from all the Vietcong servers :har: This was not long ago where something like only 7 servers were available. Got friendly with some clan members where we would totally own the matches, ended up getting invited to the clan. So agreed to meet the leader online next day and he would watch my gameplay. Went into a map and started. One of my favorite playstyle was grenade spamming clock up alot of kills this way so started off doing this. That was a big mistake as i never read the server rules which no1 rule was ''No grenade spamming whatsoever!'' Next time i logged on i was banned not from that server but all of them! :damn: Got an email from clan member that they were also banned too.

Too much of a tightnit community where you don't get a second chance if you mess up. Or if you happen to kill the best player more than once they all go into a rage and accuse you of cheating.

02-09-10, 09:45 AM
6th Sense? :hmmm:

02-09-10, 09:49 AM
I got banned from all the Vietcong servers :har: This was not long ago where something like only 7 servers were available. Got friendly with some clan members where we would totally own the matches, ended up getting invited to the clan. So agreed to meet the leader online next day and he would watch my gameplay. Went into a map and started. One of my favorite playstyle was grenade spamming clock up alot of kills this way so started off doing this. That was a big mistake as i never read the server rules which no1 rule was ''No grenade spamming whatsoever!'' Next time i logged on i was banned not from that server but all of them! :damn: Got an email from clan member that they were also banned too.

Too much of a tightnit community where you don't get a second chance if you mess up. Or if you happen to kill the best player more than once they all go into a rage and accuse you of cheating.

Never played it online, loved the atmosphere in some of the SP maps, tho. :yep: