View Full Version : keeping watch at periscope depth

02-04-10, 07:43 AM
Hi all,

I'm sure I read on here a while ago that it is possible to enable the watch crew to give contact alerts whilst "periscoping". How is this done?

I tried leaving the scope up whilst at periscope depth at x125TC but did not recieve any contact reports. I was just off the coast of scotland not far from scapa flow. Usually I get lots of airplane encounters there at x125TC when surfaced.

Thanks in advance,


02-04-10, 09:49 AM
I had not read this and don't see how it is possible as no one but you are assigned the scopes.
The only contacts I get at periscope depth is from the soundman.

Driving around with your scope up waiting on someone other than you to find a target is a good way to get unwanted attention.

02-04-10, 10:56 AM
If you keep you parascope up and you have the map contacts turned on you can use the parascope to get hydraphone contacts on the map to turn into "visual" contacts. Your hydraphones will hear your targets long befor you would be able to see them on the scope but there you have it.

It can be useful for figuring out a convoy's layout. For example i was attacking a convoy yesterday and was having a hard time finding the best target beacouse I only had three tubes loaded and one in my internal reserves. so I scaned the convoy and locked on to the boats I considerd targets and then checked the map to get their location and then ploted the course of the ship to figure out what row it was in and there for what what the best target. It has limited effective use but if you can get creative you can find uses for it.

02-04-10, 11:54 AM
You need to do this when snorkelling and as mentioned, with Map Updates enabled. Best TC is x16, perhaps x32 for short periods. If you cruise scope up at x128 you will likely die horribly and never see what kills you.

02-04-10, 04:17 PM
If you keep you parascope up and you have the map contacts turned on you can use the parascope to get hydraphone contacts on the map to turn into "visual" contacts. Your hydraphones will hear your targets long befor you would be able to see them on the scope but there you have it.

It can be useful for figuring out a convoy's layout. For example i was attacking a convoy yesterday and was having a hard time finding the best target beacouse I only had three tubes loaded and one in my internal reserves. so I scaned the convoy and locked on to the boats I considerd targets and then checked the map to get their location and then ploted the course of the ship to figure out what row it was in and there for what what the best target. It has limited effective use but if you can get creative you can find uses for it.

I use that when in bad weather if I can get a lock on target, go to the map and see how the ship is angled. Got to be quick.:salute: