View Full Version : Enigma

01-07-10, 08:15 AM
I have a enygma about the coding machine enygma?
I saw in Das boot that the officer used to decipher a paper with the enygma on his lap.
Can you tell me please the hall process of decoding right from the begining

01-07-10, 09:52 AM
well here's a step by step guide to enigma deciphering:

1: each day the radio operator would set the enigma to the right settings for that day. Each day would need a different combination of rotors and plugs, these settings were described in a book the operator had for a certain amount of time ahead.

2: the operator would write down the received message, this message would be something like AJELA JGEHI AQJEK XYKLS etc.

3: he'd type this message in on the enigma, and write down which letters lit up. the result of the above text would then be for example: ISXTH ISXAX TESTX FRAQX

4: he'd transcribe it into 'normal' german, like replace all X with ' ', all FRAQ with '?' etc.
the final message in this case would be: Is this a test?

01-07-10, 12:06 PM
you can do it yourself if you wish :D

check this post:


the enigma downlaod on that post is dead.
you can get the "enigma sim" from here: http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/enigmasim.htm

01-07-10, 12:11 PM
The link in that topic doesn't work
L.E: The other link works. Thx

01-07-10, 05:39 PM
I have a enygma about the coding machine enygma?
I saw in Das boot that the officer used to decipher a paper with the enygma on his lap.
Can you tell me please the hall process of decoding right from the begining

A simple google search on online enigma simulators and such will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about the enigma. There are some excellent websites with animation on the enigma

Kapteeni Rantala
01-10-10, 02:10 AM
I think that a possibility for captain to decode messages by himself would be great - U-boat skippers did that from time to time with "for eyes only" messages.

01-10-10, 06:12 AM
I'm hoping there will be something of the Enigma Machine in SHV, as it was an important part of the battle of the Atlantic.

Here's a link for Bletchley Park site. If you ever get the chance to visit I would definetly recommend it. I've been several times and it's brilliant.


01-10-10, 08:08 AM
If you are ever unfortunate enough to be in Washington DC, the Spy Museum has a very nice display of the enigma as well as an interactive Enigma simulator.

Sailor Steve
01-10-10, 04:13 PM
Funny you should say that. A couple of summers ago I had a temp job emptying trash for a recruiting convention at our local convention center. One of the recruiters was the CIA, and as part of their display I was very pleasantly surprised to see a real live German Enigma machine! When I asked about it and talked about u-boats the gentleman there told me that that particular one was an army model.

Still, it was pretty cool to see.

01-11-10, 06:46 AM
it would be cool to have a working enigma on sh5

Sailor Steve
01-11-10, 11:06 AM
But only as an option, please.

I was a radioman when I was in the navy, but I've managed to forget all the morse code I ever knew. Learning to use the Enigma machine properly would kill me.

01-11-10, 09:03 PM
coding and decoding with the four rotor and pegboard enigma would only be fun the first few times you did it. After that it would be a major pain or the game would simplify it to the extent they might as well take it away.

Although a slightly different topic, it might be cool to have the player be able to operate the direction finder as a way of searching for ships on their own. That could be fun.

01-13-10, 01:18 AM
But only as an option, please.

I was a radioman when I was in the navy, but I've managed to forget all the morse code I ever knew. Learning to use the Enigma machine properly would kill me.
But you'd die with a smile on your face - what with the extra feeling of "immersion". :rotfl2:

Sailor Steve
01-13-10, 02:52 AM
But you'd die with a smile on your face - what with the extra feeling of "immersion". :rotfl2:
Can I sit and wait while the morse code comes through, then sit and wait some more while my 2WO does the decoding? When he finally hands it to me and it's a double-encoded "Eyes Only" message can I give it back to him and say "You do it. I have a headache. It's okay, I trust you."?

Oh, better yet: Playing on the middle level (easy has no Enigma and hard is do-it-yourself hardcore) I hit the 'Decode' key and then sit and watch a graphic for five-to-ten minutes showing 'my' fingers hunting and pecking at the decoding keyboard. Then I finally get to read the message. Then I hit another key and hear 'my' voice announce to the whole crew that we're going to Gibraltar.


01-13-10, 05:10 AM
You've got me hooked - I want MORE!

You should be creative consultant to the devs with such ideas. :up: