View Full Version : This is awful!

11-18-09, 05:43 PM
Playing AotD, started a career as late in the war as possible. I think it was mid 44. I have gone on two patrols so far, I have sunk 10 ships for 56,588 tons with 60,388 points earned and no Knight's Cross yet!? One of the ships was even a Corvette. Those acoustics are great when they work properly.

I'm not too upset because I'm lucky to be even be alive right now, but I think at that time in the war even sinking one ship was worth a Knight's Cross. Sinking 10 ships was certainly worth the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords AND Diamonds!

I have to ask even though I'm almost certain that its hard-coded. Anyone have any idea on how to change the way the game awards you medals? I know that in SHIII it was rather simple, just a matter of editing a text file.

Maybe Doenitz is refraining from awarding me my hard earned medals because he knows it will get to my head. Or maybe he's saving my points so I can be given one those fancy new type XXI's once they're available. :rotfl2:

11-19-09, 05:08 PM
I don't know about getting it for sinking one ship, but i'm fairly sure commanders were being given it after mid 43 or so for sinking over 50 000 grt which was about half of what was usual for the early war years.

AOD.....ah....my favourite. Some of the things that happened in AOD provided some of my finest moments in gaming. Why, I remember a time when we were on patol in the Western Approaches.....:)