View Full Version : A Checklist for Manual Targeting?

08-19-09, 04:54 AM
Hi, i'm still a noob for manual targeting but i'm willing to invest some time into learning this skill.

However, currently after watching some of the video, from time to time i'm still lost on what i should do because every approach is almost different. Sometime i can see my target, sometime i can't. Sometime target is moving straight and sometime they are changing course.

So i will appreciate if someone can point me to a place where i can obtain a check list on what i should do.


Step 1: obtain target bearing?

So on and so forth. Is there even something like that which is available?

Rockin Robbins
08-19-09, 05:29 AM
Please proceed to the Sub Skipper's Bag of Tricks stickied thread and you can see a whole collection of constant bearing attacks, with tutorial videos, written text and printable flash cards to help you put Japanese iron on the bottom of the sea. It's good for the ecology, giving good homes to fishies everywhere!

I'm goin' down
08-19-09, 02:52 PM
See Hitman's post re Hitman's Tutorial on Manual Targeting using 100 percent realism. Walk through that a couple of times and you should understand aspect ratio. (Certain scope mods incorporate aspect ratio, I believe.) You first few attacks should be at short range, so you are more certain of success. Then download the Easy AoB mod. RR collection of tutorials are also very useful.

You have to get manual targeting down cold to have great success. It is easy to screw up and sometime you miss a shot because of a target course change.

08-21-09, 07:34 PM
Goto the sub skipper's bag of tricks, RockinRobbins pointed me there last week, and watch the wernersobe videos, he is great at explaining the manual targeting thing. I've only had the game abnout 9 days or so, and 10 minutes ago i sank a large modern freighter without my periscope...also thanks to RR and Werner. Werner will reveal ALL, go check him out.

08-21-09, 08:45 PM
You want to learn many different methods, RR covers most of them.

Not that I have used it in forever, but you do want to learn the conventional stadimeter method.

I find Cromwell's 45 is best when escorts are around, because your attacking with a narrow profile and it works really well early war with torps hitting at an angle.

With the easy aob mod, I use it with my crazy shot's, from bad angles targets going away, ect.

They seem complex at first, but really so simple. I printed the cards at first until my brain got it all in.

I'm goin' down
08-21-09, 09:02 PM
My point is this: Hitman's tutorial forces a capatain to do the math, and to understand aspect ratio and how it interacts with torpedo angles on the attack map. You can print it out and have it at your desk as you work through it real time. After you figure it out, then all of the other mods drive it home. I did not have a clue what Werner Sobe was talking about at first, but others may have started with his tutorials and done well. The game has progressed a lot in the last year. Now, I rely on Easy AoB mod pretty much all the time. I set up for a Dick O'Kane shot and take it if my angled shot for some reason misses. I have been nailing 3 ships in a convoy in a single attack run fairly regularly. Now I am trying for 4. The more targets you fire at the more likely you are a candidate for an enemy destroyer, so it is fast action, but dicey. Sometimes you are diving and only hear the explosions when your shots are on target (I cheat and look at the camera view:D)