View Full Version : Any Thoughts?

06-10-09, 09:54 AM

I saw this and nearly died laughing. I have to give this one a shot just for the fun of it.... :rotfl:

What do you guys think? :haha:

I always love playing evil and this games lets you do that with little extra. :har:

06-10-09, 09:59 AM
I hated the first Overlord (Well, okay, I didn't finish it, so it might be due to that), it just completely disappointed me how you're supposed to be an evil overlord and all that and the first thing you need to do is save a bunch of villagers to gain their trust...

06-10-09, 10:07 AM
I see.. that sucks man... I hope the second one isn't as bad. I saw the first one in the stores it never attraced me but this one seems funny... Interesting... I hope they made it more evil like. muahahahaha. :D



06-10-09, 10:11 AM
Well, it could be that I missed something or didn't progress far enough to get to the real evil, but I hope the second one delivers on it's evil premise more anyway.

06-10-09, 10:12 AM
I'll have more thoughts about this once I play the Demo tomorrow.

Semi-Enjoyed the first.

06-10-09, 10:27 AM
I'll have more thoughts about this once I play the Demo tomorrow.

Semi-Enjoyed the first.link pls. :salute:

Ah nevermind I'll find it.

06-12-09, 07:38 AM
Downloaded, Installed & Deleted.:-?

Maybe it was just not my type of game. It felt clunky and clumsy through the controls, most time it was too difficult to get your minions to target what you wanted.

Graphics were nothing to write home about, about average for a new game.

The audio commentary was comical and fun but got irritating fast.

I know it's a demo but there was so much model clipping in the world and this coupled with flashing polys put me right off.

Then there was the Seal Clubbing.:down: Game or not.......

I can appreciate that the Evil aspect + Comedy values instilled in this game may appeal to some but I'm giving this a wide birth. No improvement over the original as far as I can see.

06-12-09, 08:48 AM
Meh, I've lost all faith on these supposed "Good vs. Evil" games. How about a true good vs. evil game? Slap a M stamp on it and let me be reaaaaally evil. You know, making soup out of homeless ppl and then giving it free for the other homeless ppl who have no idea the meat is another homeless? Now THAT is evil. :hmmm:

06-12-09, 12:37 PM
Meh, I've lost all faith on these supposed "Good vs. Evil" games. How about a true good vs. evil game? Slap a M stamp on it and let me be reaaaaally evil. You know, making soup out of homeless ppl and then giving it free for the other homeless ppl who have no idea the meat is another homeless? Now THAT is evil. :hmmm:Oh I like that. :arrgh!:

I guess the game will suck for #2... bummer. I guess the trailer is better than the game. :haha:

06-13-09, 10:53 AM
The game was always cartoony evil, not real evil.

06-27-09, 03:47 PM
I tried this today for maybe 15-20min. At first, when the game started with the first cutscene I was thrilled abit as it seemed very Tim Burton-ish. But few seconds later it went downhill. You start as a small boy or something like that and you gotta scare the other kids away. How? Well, you smash few snowmen and the kids start to run. :doh:

The minions were nice, they look like Gremlins, but they arent as insane as them. But there was few times the game made me smile or even laugh (and just to remind, this was in the first 15-20min).

I really cant say if I like this or not. Somehow, the main character doesnt fit with the rest of the world wich is kinda cartoony, yet you are dressed like one of the black knight things from LOTR. Ow and the seal clubbing thing was IMHO not necessary, not that I give a flying f**k if someone clubs a seal 1000km from me IRL, but I just dont see the point of it. The game says I have to gather lifeforce by killing them, but it just feels so... forced evil. You know, like the game tries to be evil, yet it isnt. Hard to explain, anywho it was stupid (yes yes, I clubbed them still... little cheery ****ers).

Ow well, I'll try it again tomorrow and see if I can be arsed to try it abit further.

06-27-09, 05:04 PM
I liked the first one. Made a change from my regular diet of FPS games. A little annoying in places but overall I thought it was good fun.
Maybe when I'm working again I'll get overlord 2?

07-15-09, 11:58 AM
Bringing you the latest from Yahtzee; Overlord II :O: