View Full Version : Trouble with manual targeting

04-21-09, 11:01 PM
Hello. I am having trouble with manual targeting. Mainly, the speed calculation aspect of it.

When I flip to the speed page in the notepad and click the stopwatch icon, the stopwatch begins counting, but I can't move the periscope! My cursor disappears until I click again, which ends the whole procedure.

Anyone have any idea what the problem is? I am using GWX 3.0 if that helps. Thanks.

04-21-09, 11:11 PM
are you locking the periscope to the target with the "L" key?

04-22-09, 07:14 AM
Yes, the speed measurement is based on how much the periscope turns as the target moves forward. (And on the range and AOB steps before it.)Therefore it must be locked when the stopwatch runs. Atleast, that's what the Ubisoft developers thought. For the math it really should only be locked to the target at the start and finnish of the period. In between you should be free to look wherever you want. Just needing to be sure it's not the wrong target in the end.

Laufen zum Ziel
04-22-09, 10:41 AM
Check out the Manual targeting tutorial using the Nav Map (SS Downloads/SHIII).

Puster Bill
04-22-09, 01:45 PM
You are probably better off using the fixed wire method and entering the speed into the vorhaltrechner manually.

I haven't used the notepad speed function in ages.

Otto Heinzmeir
04-22-09, 03:04 PM
Here is a tutorial that shows how to enter all the TDC info manually. Its fun to enter it manually and timed plots are the fixed wire methods are much more accurate than using the speed the notepad gives you.

Link is here;http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=149414&highlight=manual+targeting+tutorial