View Full Version : D.I.D. Basil Jahn (U-149 P.O.W) - R.I.P.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-23-09, 08:01 PM

03OCT42 - 09OCT42 (7 days)2 (2/0)1970 (1970/0)U-Boat damaged (H.I. 99.79%)
10OCT42 - 13OCT42 (4 days)5 (5/0)13281 (13281/0)
14OCT42 - 20OCT42 (7 days)5 (5/0)16134 (16134/0)
21OCT42 - 22OCT42 (2 days)4 (3/1)11682 (10982/700)U-Boat damaged (H.I. 14.77%)

TOTALS:4 patrols (20 days)

16 (15/1)0 enemy planes downed
27 crew lost

Oberleutnant z. S. Basil Jahn and U-149 surrendered to the Allies on 22OCT42. Basil Jahn was sent to a POW camp near the Soviet/Mongolian boarder. where he stayed until 1956. After returning Basil Jahn went on to serve for more than two years in the German minesweeping service (Deutscher Minenräumdienst). During the postwar period he joined the Bundesmarine (post-war German Navy). There he served for four years as Navy attache in the USA and then spent three years as Flottillenadmiral and Commander of the Marinedivision Nordsee before retiring in March 1970. He died on 26 April 1989.

02-23-09, 08:13 PM
Nice! :up:

But you should write something like: Lost his boat and command when he failed to evade a flying truck in the middle of the ocean.

Laufen zum Ziel
02-23-09, 08:25 PM
I would have but I felt bad about giving him the two bottles of French Brandy
before he departed. I hope not but I may have to share in the blame for the truck incident.

Drunk Driving while submerged if I ever saw one....


02-23-09, 08:41 PM
Drunk Driving while submerged if I ever saw one....

that would be DUI... diving under the influence :cool:

Otto Heinzmeir
02-23-09, 10:03 PM
You have to remember that Europeans drive on left side of the road. I didn't what to say the wrong side (as that might be seen as politically incorrect) I don't like this popeye moniker so am posting till I get a new one.

02-23-09, 10:06 PM
You have to remember that Europeans drive on left side of the road.Only the drunk or British ones.

(Are those the same thing?)

02-24-09, 12:59 AM
Thanks for the Death card. Now all those years spend in Siberia with NKVD hotties are all worth it!

02-24-09, 01:33 AM
lols flying truck.:har: