View Full Version : Havent seen a ship yet

09-14-08, 10:41 PM
Its only my second patrol, but I havent seen a ship yet. harbour is empty ( wilhelm) I took the Uboat down the english channel in broad daylight at slow speeds and didnt see a thing...is this normal? Or am I bugged? GWX 2.1 btw.

09-14-08, 11:07 PM
I think this has something to do with the Black Sea mod, if you have this mod enabled you only have traffic for this area, so you will have to disable for normal patrols.:yep:

09-15-08, 02:36 AM
@ Reece

:hmm: never tried this but would this be an easy way to take the shortcut through the channel without being bothered by hostiles to get to the desired area and then deactivate the Black Sea mod ? :roll:

09-15-08, 03:08 AM
@ Reece

:hmm: never tried this but would this be an easy way to take the shortcut through the channel without being bothered by hostiles to get to the desired area and then deactivate the Black Sea mod ? :roll:

It's not wise to enable/disable campaign files while on patrol.;)

@ the OP

Reece is probably correct. The Black Sea & Indian Ocean campaign mods remove all traffic from the Atlantic. Either disable these (while in port) or enable the Combined Campaign files (load times will increase).

09-15-08, 04:58 AM
I agree with Dan...the default installation automatically containd the Atlantic and Med traffic.

Only enable the Black Sea and Indian Ocean if you are going to patrol there.