View Full Version : Tempo

09-02-08, 05:02 PM
Playing TM, I am slowly inching my way up the full realism ladder. I use map updates (should I feel guilty?) and I only use external view for one thing (I am a complete sucker for 3D damage - I wait for impacts and my torps to clear the target before zooming to the ship....*hangs head low*). I have been digging into old threads for TTPs, and a consistent TTP I see is running submerged during daylight hours, and recharge during the limited vis.

-The three areas I am trying to cover are: scanning my targeted hunting areas with my sonar (sonar out-strips my visual scanning, correct?), fuel/battery management, and moving to new engagement areas if I receive no contacts (night or limited vis).

-By first light, I try to be in the vicinity of of my engagement areas (based on known shipping lanes, or radio reported trends, or just a guess). Altering a method I reviewed, a series of10nm circles within the patrol base, I set two, maybe three 10 nm circles and move through the area at around three knots/80 ft depth to conserve batteries and get the best performance from my sonar (i read some posts that say coming under periscope depth improves performance).

-Generally, moving at three knots gives me a short route while using daylight hours (0800 until darkness) as a guide. To conserve fuel, I recharge my batteries at the halt, and then proceed at standard to the next engagement area. Recharging my batteries at the halt consumes several hours prior to me moving out, and reduces my range to the next hunting area prior to first light. Also, running submerged during daylight hours pushes my CO2 to to about under 20 (what is the acceptable level? The warning sounds at 10. Am I slowly killing my crew, or at least reducing their effectiveness over time?)

-Am I operating too conservatively? What is the most effective method?

09-14-08, 12:49 AM
I think you should play with the settings and realism which give you the most satisfaction in the game. If you were looking for an excuse to feel guilty, you should not play it at all. Above all, play for fun and no other reason.

As for technique, you seem to be doing well in most of your assumptions.

I do a few things different than you:
1) I do not patrol submerged at day unless I'm in a very unfriendly area where enemy patrols (especially planes) are frequent. Since most boats have air search radar, take advantage of it to duck under when planes are near. Again, when near heavy air patrol, I will stay under as you do just so I don't have to bob up and down all the time.
2) I recharge the battery at 1/3. Charging time is still fast and you get to keep moving toward your objective. Also, if you need to go evasive, it's better to do that starting with even a small head of steam rather than stopped. Even when evading depth charges, stopping completely is more likely to get you holed than moving and turning slowly.
3) When patrolling submerged to avoid all contact, I will patrol at 2 knots and will draw the battery down to 1/2. This reduces the time I spend topside recharging at low speed and gives me a safety margin in case I get driven back down too soon. If I'm within 12 hours of night when I take her down, I will stay down until dark and the CO2 is still very low at that point. There is no degradation to the crew that I know of until the CO2 gets over 98%. In all the time I've played, I only got the CO2 to that point once and it was on purpose to see what happens.

09-14-08, 09:41 AM
Playing TM, I am slowly inching my way up the full realism ladder. I use map updates (should I feel guilty?)

A subject of much debate. Personally I have them on as I figure they had pencils in real life :know:

09-14-08, 03:29 PM
A subject of much debate. Personally I have them on as I figure they had pencils in real life :know:And crewmembers capable of using one. I feel the same way.

Heck, with RFB I have "external cam" and "map updates" enabled and still get 100%. If you don't use the cam to "cheat", it's not unrealistic IMHO (as far as game mechanics are concerned). What's the point of eyecandy if you can't enjoy it?