View Full Version : IL2 Mods Policy

08-06-08, 05:44 PM
Attention Pilots,

Since its hard to get around them nowadays, and some requests have been made to allow to discuss the mods out there for IL2.

Well after having a small PM sesion with Neal, it is aproved to discuss the mods here on Subsim, but there will be guidelines you'll have to keep onto.

-We still will not aprove links towards the mods on this forum, also instructions on how to use/install them and implement them will not be posted.

-Explenations on how to cheat online with the mods will not be tolerated

-No discussions about the subject FDW Mods (Flight, Damage and Wesp modifications)

If the above lines are not followed properly it will result in locking the thread and offenders may risk some time in the brig depending the offence.

Now there will be one thread dedicated for the IL2 mods out there.
it will be a Show&Tell thread, so you're able to show the screenshots, discuss it and keep track on WIP and stuff.

**This policy will remain flexible for any modification when the situation changes and in case of problematic events may result that we reinstate the old policy that IL2 mods are complelty off limits**

***Be warned that the use of Mods is at own risk, 1C Maddox and Ubisoft cannot be held responsible for any software/hardware problems should they occur while using these mods.***


08-06-08, 05:47 PM
Since I do not use IL2 mods, I will give the honour to someone else who does and knows more about it to fire up a new thread.

Just make sure to use a General Title (I.E: IL2 Modifications)


08-06-08, 10:39 PM
Thanks a lot!

08-06-08, 10:52 PM
Sorry Hunter I misread the rules :oops:
I started a thread, but if it's to be THE thread, maybe you could rename it to something more appropriate? :hmm:

08-07-08, 12:23 AM
Cheers Neal and Hunter :up:

This is one thing I especially like about Subsim: flexibility. There are no executives in an office far far away to tell what to do, and there's no week-long waiting to get the management's opinion on an issue(ala Ubi forums for example).

08-07-08, 03:04 AM
Seems everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. :-?

08-07-08, 03:08 AM
I started using them with some reservations, but now there's no going back. Try a few(for example 6 DOF headtracking, new effects, gunsights and 109&190 cockpits) and you'll understand. The soundmod itself didn't quite do it for me, so I reverted back to stock sounds.