View Full Version : ZENN Progress (Related to EEstor)

08-05-08, 11:03 PM
http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/zenn-motor-companys-strategic-energy/story.aspx?guid={BD7DCAC8-A5ED-411F-85FE-3C8A6CAC6D5E}&dist=hppr (http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/zenn-motor-companys-strategic-energy/story.aspx?guid=%7BBD7DCAC8-A5ED-411F-85FE-3C8A6CAC6D5E%7D&dist=hppr)

The Company has exclusive rights to EEStor's technology in the following markets:
- ALL new vehicles up to 1400 kg (curb weight), net of battery weight;
- ALL retrofit conversions of existing internal combustion vehicles to electric;
- ALL golf carts and small to mid-sized utility vehicles

The cityZENN is planned to be a fully certified, highway capable vehicle with a top speed of 125 km/h/ 80 mph and a range of 400 kilometres/250 miles. An EEStor powered cityZENN would be rechargeable in less than 5 minutes, feature operating costs 1/10th of a typical internal combustion engine vehicle and be 100% emission-free!


Things are looking good! After Months of being told what idiots they were for investing in EEstor.. It looks like their investment is about to pay off big time!

08-05-08, 11:43 PM
Gah, why can't anyone make an "eco-friendly" car that a)actually looks good, and B)can seat someone taller than 5'2"?

In the meantime, I'll still consider buying a motorbike. Much funner. :yep:

08-06-08, 12:30 AM
If this is successfully produced, and then exported down under, i'll be one of the first to buy - not because im a greeny, but more because I'd like to insulate myself from any future price rises. plus, i think they look pretty decent!:know: