View Full Version : Tanya Andersen awarded $108,000 from the RIAA

07-30-08, 10:44 AM
Nice! About time the RIAA gets some payback! This is in court costs and attorney fees for falsly accusing someone!




07-30-08, 11:03 AM
And in similar news, the jusges in such cases are now getting briefed in an article titled - Large Recording Companies v. The Defenseless



07-30-08, 12:14 PM
Somebody sticking it to the recording industry is a great thing to see.

07-30-08, 02:53 PM
The RIAA and MPAA are dinos. Their tactics do not work in an era where their BS is exposed moments after sprouting.

Their tactics do nothing but spread distrust of the US. gov and the music companies have been harmed greatly as people turned away from them in anger either to pirating or recording from radios or alt music.

07-30-08, 04:08 PM
The RIAA and MPAA are dinos. Their tactics do not work in an era where their BS is exposed moments after sprouting.

Their tactics do nothing but spread distrust of the US. gov and the music companies have been harmed greatly as people turned away from them in anger either to pirating or recording from radios or alt music.Half your problem is they are releasing crap managed cookie cutter music. I mean, after a kid turns 13, he is already bored of the same old same old. Where are the new U2's? Where are the new Pink Floyds? No where to be found in a world of managed music.


07-30-08, 07:48 PM
The other half of the problems is that music formats are changing and for once, they aren't in total control of the format. They did the same thing when tape cassettes came out in the 70's. When they had a bad couple of years of reccord sales, they blamed it on the people copying their reccords onto tapes and distributing them. This is the same thing all over again, except this time, their putting the resources of a multi-billion dollar industry against people who in no way can defend themselves in court against such money. :nope:

07-30-08, 08:49 PM
The other half of the problems is that music formats are changing and for once, they aren't in total control of the format. They did the same thing when tape cassettes came out in the 70's. When they had a bad couple of years of reccord sales, they blamed it on the people copying their reccords onto tapes and distributing them. This is the same thing all over again, except this time, their putting the resources of a multi-billion dollar industry against people who in no way can defend themselves in court against such money. :nope:They never have been in control of any format. Before cassettes, you had reel to reel which could take an Album in perfect quality. And it was portable for its day in age too with the smaller reels.


07-30-08, 10:41 PM
Taking the people to court is not the answer. The whole industry needs to change the way it's set up. Bands should start touring and making money from performances again like they used to. Albums used to be advertisements for a bands concerts. They should start going that direction. I'd imagine the industry would fight it tooth and nail though as tours are expensive, especially if they go crazy giving their little cookie cutter acts multimillion dollar shows.
I really would like things to go back to artists actually writing, and performing their own music without crazy productions, 100000000 backup dancers, and lip syncing.

This is how I feel about things... and I'm a musician.

07-31-08, 12:08 AM
Taking the people to court is not the answer. The whole industry needs to change the way it's set up. Bands should start touring and making money from performances again like they used to. Albums used to be advertisements for a bands concerts. They should start going that direction. I'd imagine the industry would fight it tooth and nail though as tours are expensive, especially if they go crazy giving their little cookie cutter acts multimillion dollar shows.
I really would like things to go back to artists actually writing, and performing their own music without crazy productions, 100000000 backup dancers, and lip syncing.

This is how I feel about things... and I'm a musician.Totally the right answer! And when I go see a concert, I'm going to see someone play, not to see a fancy stage show! I want to see a band live - period!

That reminds me - i think Delerium is going to be in Seattle soon. Anyone here a Delerium fan?



PS. Tour date video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb0bqySDTlo


07-31-08, 12:55 AM
Probably my favorite tune from Delerium - Remembrance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbJEsW72_WM - Quality on YouTube is not so hot, but sounds good enough. Not a real video but simply a music track.

Here is an actual video they released that I didn't know about - Angelicus:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqUb3L1IRYA - Thats a pretty cool vid! She's a ghost huh? Holographic image.
