View Full Version : Any chance for my career to survive?

06-26-08, 03:52 AM
Greetings fellow kaleun's!

Now, seeing as Im new here, I guess some words about me first would be a good idea. I've discovered SH3 about... what was it now? Half a year ago? And got instantly hooked once completed the Academy missions. Screams like "Alaaarm!" in german coming out of my room became a naturality. I spent day after day after day, stalking the seas, testing out various submarines, and trying to make uncle Donnitz proud with my tonnage scores. I swear, I don't remember when I was last so addicted to a computer game... and then, I decided to install GWX 2.0... Sweet Mother of Jesus, my beloved SH3 evolved into one of the best experience's I've ever had in front of my monitor. I just can't think of any word's to thank the GWX team enough. Guys, if there were more groups like you in the gaming society, Ubi, RockStar, EA, and the rest of the bunch would be kaput.

Anyway, after updating GWX, installing a couple of other mods, and fooling around with the game, I've decided to start a "serious" career. Not 100% realisim (I'm still having problems with manual targeting), and not exactly DiD, but I tried to order my crew around as realisticly as I could (no external loading with 15m/s wind speeds, etc.). The first career didin't go to well. Nor the second. And maybe the third. But finally, under the name of Hans Dohler, I succesfully completed my first patrol, having sunk a Cyclops cargo ship. Now, after that first patrol, I knew that I HAD to pull Dohler through the entire war.

Wow, long introduction I guess... So let me get to the point.

You see, for my second patrol, the BdU decided for U-98 and her crew to visit North Africa. Unfortunetly, the trip wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. I didin't encounter a single convoy, and the lone merchant's I discovered and sunk were mainly, "light-weight" units. So, after passing the Canary Islands on my way south, I decided to turn back, check out Gibraltar one last time, and then return to base.

And then, during my routine hydrophone sweeps I got multiple contact's... So I orderd an intercept course, and went ahead flank, hoping that I could still score some tonnage for this patrol.

Now, when I saw the first ship, I was a bit suprised, "Since when do cruisers lead convoy's?" And then I saw it. The massive hulk of the HMS Rodney, just 2km away, was going to be in front of my fore tubes in just a matter of minutes. Heck, as if that wasn't enough, I saw the HMS Nelson a little farther, 3km I think. "One at a time" I think, and prepare three torpedoes while observing the task force with my periscope.

If i remeber correctly, the first eel went under the ammo bunker, and turned out to be a dud. The second one, detonated nicely under the engine room. The third one, a steam-powered torpedoe, missed the bow, by just a few meters. But if memory serves me right, that was enough to put the ship to a stop. Then i played cat n' mouse with the escorts for about an hour, and went back to periscope depth. The Rodney was still there, and a fourth torpedoe, aimed at the ammo bunker sent it to it's watery grave.

My second patrol, and my first battleship in my entire SH3 history! You can imagine how proud and happy I was, with U-98 and her crew! But, since it was getting late (in RL) I saved the game, and couldn't wait until tommorow.

OK, I admit, NOW I'm getting to the point. (Yeah, I can't keep thing's short. Sue me)

You see, when I loaded the save, the following morning, the game decided to go haywire on me, and crashed to the desktop. Then the second time. And the third. And again, and again, and again. So tried another save, created shortly before firing upon the Rodney. No dice. It CTD again. Now, to play it safe, I backed up my carrer on a pendrive, and had a full system re-install. Which proved to be a complete waste of time. I couldn't even start Windows, let alone install SH3. :shifty: So, my beloved PC went to pay a visit to the store i bought it. Now, after about 2 week's later I got it back, (turns out my RAM was screwed) and I'm waiting for GWX to finish dl'ing. Now, do I have a chance, that I can contiune playing this carrer? I got a list of mod's I used earlier, so I can return to the state I left the game at.

And, there. That's my problem. That's the reason why I decided to finally join the Radio Room (i've been lurking here earlier). And again, sorry for posting such a long message, but seeing that this IS my first battleship were talking about... and... since I had to say "hello" and... and... and...

Oh, I guess I'll just shut up now... :oops:

06-26-08, 04:28 AM
Hi, Welcome to Subsim:ping:

the cause of the problem you're facing is that you saved while at sea and where around ships.
its and old SH3 Stock Bug aka Corrupt save
the career is as good as lost and you'll have to start over (again:-? )

its always adviced to avoid saving while at sea, return to base instead if a RL issue cuts in.
but if you really want to save at sea make sure:
-your not close to land
-there are no ships nearby
-your submarine is surface

just to lower the risk of the save file going corrupt.


06-26-08, 04:33 AM
Welcome aboard
Nice long post indeed

Glad your enjoying the GWXperience

You can but give your old career a try
Might work might not as Hunter said

The save system in SH3 sucks
Some ppl hit a problem all the time and some none

For future reference when the game CTDs you normally get a SH3 pop up

When the pop up appears after CTD click on the blue text " click here "


Problem highlighted below


Always helps to post the cause
Really narows it dont
Again may help may not just depends

Enjoy your stay

06-26-08, 06:17 AM
Welcome aboard Kaleun NightStalker.....it is always adviseable blah blah blah, as above LOL

SINK EM ALL!! http://www.psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/pirate.gif

Red Heat
06-26-08, 08:10 AM
Welcome to the "Wolfpack"... :cool:

von hally
06-26-08, 11:37 AM
i feel pretty sorry for all those who have problems saving while submerged etc...i never seem to have any trouble.

welcome aboard mate.

if you have to lose the carreer... then channel your anger against britain and her lifelines in your next patrol. :up:

06-26-08, 12:26 PM
I've probably said this before but I'll say it again: I've never seen a game with so many issues. If it wasn't for GWX I wouldn't bother with it.

Welcome aboard :) & sorry to hear about your career loss. Blame it on the lazy & stupid developers...:down: :down:

06-26-08, 01:32 PM
i feel pretty sorry for all those who have problems saving while submerged etc...i never seem to have any trouble.

welcome aboard mate.

if you have to lose the carreer... then channel your anger against britain and her lifelines in your next patrol. :up:

Man, that must be sweet! Personally, I now operate by the rule of making sure there's no land within 50km (verify on the nav map), then I make sure there are no surface contacts, then I dive to make sure there are no periscope contacts, then I resurface and double check that there are no map contacts. THEN, if it's all clear, I save. It takes a bit of time, and it sometimes is annoying to leave a tight spot only to have to sneak in again, but it's worked 100% of the time since I've done it. Or maybe 98% of the time. The other thing is to save relatively frequently.

06-26-08, 02:32 PM
I have had this problem several times.

This is how I save:

As I get close to when I want to quit for the day, I save. Then carry on a bit longer (maybe an hour game--then three to five minutes at TCx1. Save and leave.

If my game crashes to desktop when loading, I go back to the previous save.

Good Luck, Kaleun.

06-26-08, 03:50 PM
It seems to be like a lottery when saving games. You can do all the right things; saving while surfaced, be nowhere within 50 km of land or contacts, etc. and the game still may CTD upon reload. If I have a successful patrol going I just don't want to risk losing it so I end it early. That's irritating because I might've been able to sink another ship or two.

06-26-08, 04:55 PM
Maybe if you check the weather settings on the saved game?
I think that's one of the settings that gets messed up?
There was a thread about it awhile ago,
Anyone remember it?

06-26-08, 05:05 PM
In C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\SilentHunterIII\data\Campaigns\Campa ign
open the Campaign.RND\SCR and LND with notepad

Look for

WindSpeed=4.000000 < this line can get set to 0

If that windspeed is set to 0 set it to 4 or 5
Make sure all 3 files read the same

That usually leads to the dive of death though

Another thing to check is the Main.cfg
You have 2
One in the SH3 folder in your documents and one in C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\SilentHunterIII\data\Cfg

Again the top 4 areas need to be identical
The player section doesnt have to be

Good luck

06-26-08, 05:10 PM
Welcome to the world of Subsim.
We have been waiting you, outsider. You may not like the reality we got here. And you shouldn't.
You never were invited to the party, your just an unwanted visitor.
You can be completely destroyed in a matter of minutes, your flesh will be eated, until only your white bones will remain.
So, be aware outsider, because this is cruel, cruel world for beings like you.

And this is just the beginning, outsider, beginning for the horros your going to witness
And be included on

Sorry, I'm just being a bit insane now. Don't get scared. Just kidding

06-26-08, 05:22 PM

Glad to see the bump on that big head
didn't rattle everything loose!!

Sailor Steve
06-26-08, 07:43 PM
(Yeah, I can't keep thing's short. Sue me)
This suit is being brought on behalf of Mssrs Sub and Sim. You are formally charged with telling a good story, which is frowned upon here (or is that smiled upon? I get those two mixed up sometimes). If found guilty you will be expected to post more and become involved in all the nefarious doings around these parts. If found innocent you will be expected to post more and...well, you know the drill.

And the verdict is...


06-27-08, 02:14 PM
I've probably said this before but I'll say it again: I've never seen a game with so many issues. If it wasn't for GWX I wouldn't bother with it.

Welcome aboard :) & sorry to hear about your career loss. Blame it on the lazy & stupid developers...:down: :down:

Neverwinter Nights 2 tops it. It seems that save corruption depends on air humidity, the current airspeed of an unladen swallow (african) and/or how much fuel there's in the tank of my car. The first game in my life I simply let go.

06-27-08, 02:50 PM
LOL :rotfl:

06-27-08, 03:42 PM
Seriously, I spent 2 weeks scouring the internet for a solution and found... a lot of them (ha! you thought I'd write 'none'! Ha! Ha!). None worked. Add to that the fact that POlish publisher finally stopped localzing new Atari patches (there wer, oh, 600 megs of those? or close to it) and focused on Mask of Batrayer add-on, and you've got one pissed off gamer. True, there's a new pack (NW2 + MoB) but I already have NW2 and it doesn't effin' work.

06-28-08, 02:49 AM
Another save system:

1. Never play at 100%, because that takes away the option to "return to base".
2. When quitting the game, make a save and then "return to base". Quit game.
3. Backup your RTB save.

Next time, you continue your career from the save game (overwriting the RTB save).
If it crashes the game, put back your RTB save file and load it. Then start the next mission. At least you have the renown you scored so far.

06-28-08, 05:54 AM
Wow, who would have thought my thread would get so many reply's? Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. :D

Luckily, theres no need to start a new career for me, one of the saves worked. It was however done a few days after leaving port, so I basicaly had to do the whole patrol again. But this time, no Rodney, no Nelson, no nothing. :shifty:

if you have to lose the carreer... then channel your anger against britain and her lifelines in your next patro

I already have. While returning to base, I made a de-tour and visited Gibraltar harbour. Sunk a 10.000 ton Southampton class cruiser and two medium cargo ships. And for my next patrol, BdU has appointed me a sector just south-west of British coast. So, I'll get them yet. :arrgh!:

Oh, BTW, Is harbour raiding really this easy? My visit to Gibraltar was in Deceber 1940, and the whole "Gibraltar Straight of Grusome Death" was a stroll in the park. All I did is rig for silent running, and crept the whole straight at 2 knots. And if thats not enough, after sinking almost 20.000 tons worth of shipping in the port, I didin't hear even one ping during my "daring escape".

And I agree with Murr44, saving is indeed a lottery. While entering Gibraltar harbour, I had to save and exit (damn my RL, why can't it just let me play in peace?), while at periscope depth, and a whole load of ships in sight. Later I load, and wadda ya' know? Everything works just fine and dandy.

Welcome to the world of Subsim.
We have been waiting you, outsider. You may not like the reality we got here. And you shouldn't.
You never were invited to the party, your just an unwanted visitor.
You can be completely destroyed in a matter of minutes, your flesh will be eated, until only your white bones will remain.
So, be aware outsider, because this is cruel, cruel world for beings like you.

And this is just the beginning, outsider, beginning for the horros your going to witness
And be included on

Foolish mortal, you truly think you can take on a follower of Chaos? You will be ripped apart, gutted, your soul will be in eternaly tormented by The Dark Gods, and your skull will be added to Khorne's skull throne...

Sorry, I'm just being a bit insane now. Don't get scared. Just kidding

Actually, after reading that, I feel like at home already. And no hard feelings from the response, right? I also like beeing "insane" sometimes. ;) (But I know that I suck at ominious text's) BTW, is anybody else hooked on Warhammer here, or am I the only one to spread the Taint?

This suit is being brought on behalf of Mssrs Sub and Sim. You are formally charged with telling a good story, which is frowned upon here (or is that smiled upon? I get those two mixed up sometimes). If found guilty you will be expected to post more and become involved in all the nefarious doings around these parts. If found innocent you will be expected to post more and...well, you know the drill.

And the verdict is...


Oh, jeez, Im in for it now, aren't I? Just kidding, I'll be happy to contribute the community as much as I can. ;)

Neverwinter Nights 2 tops it. It seems that save corruption depends on air humidity, the current airspeed of an unladen swallow (african) and/or how much fuel there's in the tank of my car. The first game in my life I simply let go.

Oh, is that a fact? NVN never did get me to interested. Fortunately, If I want a good fantasy RPG, I've got Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and my pnp games. :)

Sailor Steve
06-28-08, 07:42 AM
Oh, jeez, Im in for it now, aren't I? Just kidding, I'll be happy to contribute the community as much as I can. ;)
That is so good to hear. There are few things more frustrating than the many people who post a problem then disappear, never to be heard from again. Even if 'contributing' is nothing more than saying "I don't know" a lot, it's nice to see (hear? read?) new faces who stick around.

06-28-08, 08:41 AM
There are few things more frustrating than the many people who post a problem then disappear, never to be heard from again.

Ah, it iz simple. TheRe aRe thingz, my fRiend, moRtals should not dabble in. Ia! (<-- now who got that one?)

06-28-08, 11:13 AM
That is so good to hear. There are few things more frustrating than the many people who post a problem then disappear, never to be heard from again. Even if 'contributing' is nothing more than saying "I don't know" a lot, it's nice to see (hear? read?) new faces who stick around.

Yeah, I can imagine. I'll just use this occasion to clarify one thing: since I finally have summer holiday's, I'll be away from my PC for about a month or so. ;) I just wanted to say that before you label me as another one of those "OneQuestionAndImGone" kind of guys. ;)

Ah, it iz simple. TheRe aRe thingz, my fRiend, moRtals should not dabble in. Ia! (<-- now who got that one?)

In all honesty, the first thing that came to my mind after reading that were The Cuthulhu Mythos, by H.P. Lovecraft. But I guess that isin't it?

06-28-08, 11:38 AM
It is. Ia Cth...!!! Ooops, got carried away there for a moment (<--Fallout 2 reference :P )