View Full Version : Editing SHCE files?

06-19-08, 07:49 AM
Anyone know if there are any certain programs that I need to read/edit the data files in SHCE? I'm just bored and wanting to tweak it a bit.

06-19-08, 12:46 PM
There are a set of mods that allow you do things like:

- Set your next patrol zone.
- Torp load out.
- Crew skill.
- Set boat.

I live the PZ feature. It's nice to go hunting where you want, since unlike SH3/SH4 ... the game is not one big map, but many little ones.

Look for Kim's Multi-Purpose Tool

06-19-08, 02:06 PM
I've used Kim's tools before. They're great. I guess the best question would be, any idea how he did it?

08-03-08, 12:12 PM
I forgot where that mod was, it was really good. There also was a realism mod for the S-boats.

Sailor Steve
08-03-08, 10:21 PM
Hawk's Utilities: adjusts merchant tonnage, captain's rank, patrol area, lets you run a Narwhal or Argonaut, fixes the S-boat. Good mod.

Kim's Tools: