View Full Version : Only some Radio Messages

05-23-08, 12:09 PM
First off let me say that I've enjoyed reading many of the posts here. Seems like a nice group of people, unlike many of the other forums I've seen. Keep it up!!

I have SHIII with GWX2.1 and the commander mod. My issue is that I only get radio messages regarding locations of other boats/convoys etc. I get no other messages. I've got a man at the post and get some messages but not all the other ones my fellow captians get. From the searching I've done it seems that others might wish to have the problem I'm having but I'd like to get fuller game experience.

Any ideas?


05-23-08, 02:42 PM
Welcome aboard, Ardilla!

Maybe you are just in a quiet period.There are times when for several days you don't get messages

05-23-08, 03:17 PM
Thanks for the response! I enjoy reading your other posts Brag.

I've been on 4 patrols and I've never gotten anyone to say "Radio message recieved". When I press M I get messages about convoys and ship locations but that's it.

I do get radio messages in the Naval Academy scenarios though. Hmmm.

Does anyone know where the files are located so I can look and see if I have them or if I messed them up somehow?


05-24-08, 06:49 PM
any more help? Please?


05-24-08, 10:23 PM
Are you using a new crew with inexperienced radiomen? The less experience your radiomen have the less likely you are to receive a message (this replicates them missing messages etc.). I always have two experienced PO radiomen as SH3 Cmdr seems to like taking them away from me!

The best way to test if you're receiving messages is to enable danurve's radiolog_expanded mod as barely a day goes by without at least one message. If you use JSGME you can enable and disable it as you wish - great for testing.

If you need more help then PM me and I'll create some test messages for you - all I need is the date that your next patrol starts.

von hally
05-25-08, 08:20 AM
ardilla mate

the message file is in the sh3/data/campaigns/...messages en file.

if its empty summat is wrong.....but this is basically the file that has been improved by danurves and other message modders out there.

d/l the mod...and if its too mutch then you can take out what you like.....simple even for a technophobe like me:rotfl:

05-25-08, 08:48 AM
von hally is right. Open your sh3/data/campaigns/campaign/messages_en file and add the following line:

19390826 0001 19450508 2359 1 100 20 @Ardilla@^^TEST TEST TEST

Between all of the numbers up to the @ there should be a tab rather than a single space - the formatting should be the same as your existing messages in the above file.
You should receive this message at any point in the campaign. If you do not receive it then it may be inexperienced radiomen or something deeper.

Let us know how you get on.

05-25-08, 01:24 PM
Thanks so much! I checked for the file and it does exist. I'll add the line mentioned in the previous message and try moving my most experienced guy from the hydrophone to the radio. Then I'll try adding the mod you recommended. If it's too much since I know where the file is I can re-modify it to my liking.

I'll let you guys know. Thanks!!:D

05-25-08, 03:19 PM
The message is sent out every 20 mins throughout the campaign, so you should eventually receive it. The time it takes to receive it is an indication of how poor your radioroom crew are. Also bear in mind that you will suffer from a corresponding loss of info from your hydrophones - I consider a qualified, experienced radio PO to be the most essential crewman unless you want to man the hydrophone station yourself.

von hally
05-27-08, 02:10 PM
another thing mate

give your radioman a sonar "Z" qualification after your patrol

this greatly increases his abilities

good luck