View Full Version : Ship ID Button?

05-07-08, 03:54 AM
Just curious how the "ID Target" button works? I've clicked it a few times and all I get back is a message saying "ID Target", without any coorresponding opening of the recog manual as was the case in SH3.

I've searched a little while here and I've not found much reference to how to use it... mostly how to add it. Any help would be appreciated, especially since I've spent the last 6 days of partol in less than 1000y visibility, so I can't ever get close enough to ID a ship manually and still be able to get a shot off before its way out of torp gyroangle range....


05-07-08, 05:10 AM
Lock the ship, press ID button and the name should be displayed in the gyroangle/target bearing section of the TDC on the top left side of the screen. The recognition manual doesn't open on the corresponding page unfortunately.

05-07-08, 02:03 PM
Ok thanks,

Now at least I know how the thing works, though in poor poor visibility, there just isn't enough time to check the manual between when you actually get a siluette and you lose the option.

Thanks again,