View Full Version : If you sit down to pee - then vote for me.

Von Tonner
03-30-08, 07:19 AM
Asked whether Obama could win in November, Clinton deflected the question. "I'm saying I have a better chance," she said. "You cannot as a Democrat win the White House (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/The+White+House?tid=informline) without a very big women's vote. What I believe is that women will turn out for me."

Clinton Vows To Stay in Race To Convention (http://letters.washingtonpost.com/W0RH01C7F1225670B75C8350ED3A90)

So basically what she is saying is that the average woman in the US come election time, will discard their own political wisdom and vote for her simply on the basis that she is of their own gender.
And she doesn't think this is insulting to all the women in the States?
Of course implicit in her statement, given who she is running against, is that it is white woman who will come out in their droves for her. So again, not only do we have the race card again but the gender one thrown in for good measure as well.

03-30-08, 07:28 AM
Yeah, that does not sound like a very good thing for a politician to say.

However, I do wonder how many

Women will vote for Clinton solely because she is also a woman?
Blacks will vote for Obama solely because he is also black (or black "enough")?

I sure there are some, but I wonder how many?

03-30-08, 07:46 AM
I would not interpret too much into this. Clinton will get a lot of sympathy votes from white / middle-aged women, thats a known fact that she can count on.