View Full Version : Sink 5000 Tons Of Enemy...in Tb69

Rockin Robbins
03-19-08, 06:47 AM
Yeah, right! I've been swarmed by targets.....until now. Been trolling around TB69 for a week now and find the simulation of boredom is well done indeed! I'm outside scout plane range. Where's the great airbase at Rabaul that gave the US so much trouble that it was bypassed rather than attacked? The only thing there is a port where hopefully I can refuel after I get uncomfortably low out here.

Think I'll try registering a status report and see if I get another mission. My guys are getting tired of shining the torpedoes and crash diving to avoid planes. Where's my fleet boat radar????? This thing is a Model T. I want my Packard Limo back! Naw, just let me kill something!:nope:

03-19-08, 12:25 PM
Yeah I've found this too... go to this grid and sink xxxx tons... except you patrol there for 3 weeks and NOTHING.

So I go somewhere else, sink something sometimes thousands of miles away... and get credit for completing the mission.
Sometimes I'm tempted to stack up a few of those guys with the advanced radio report ability to get a sort-of spysat, just to see if there really is nothing there.

03-19-08, 09:24 PM
Patrol the area assigned, then move to an area that has more traffic. You dont have to sink 7000 tons in that specific area, you just have to sink the 7000 tons.

Rockin Robbins
03-20-08, 04:46 AM
I'm outta here to fuel up in Rabaul and find some targets then!!!!:up: