View Full Version : Torpedos

CinC Battleforce
03-09-08, 02:12 PM
I just got the game a week ago, but have ran several times and well have come to conclusions about what torpedos i like.

I have found the Mk 10 on the S-boats a resonable torpedo

Mk 14....I enjoy using this one. it is a very capable torpedo when it doesn't dud on me. I like to use it when i have to put a bow on shot down the bow of an uncoming destroyer. Its fast setting is very good for the close range actions. And i have also had success using its slow setting. I prefer contact exploders over magnitic exploders.

Mk 18....not my favorite torpedo. I can use it...but well i still prefer the Mk 14.

Mk 23....I like to use it in short range combat. considering it is the Mk 14 set to only run at the fast setting. Its a decent torpedo for those snap shots at a destroyer

MK 27 only fired once and it did its job against a Japanese sub chaser....really haven't formed an openion on it, YET.

Now for German torpedos in the expansion....i tend to prefer the G7a over the G7e models.

I was just wondering others openions of the torpedos?
