View Full Version : Torpedo depth?

01-04-08, 07:59 AM
I've tried searching using "torpedo depth" but get a whack of posts. I know I saw the answer somewhere though.

With Patch 1.4 has the torpedo depth setting dial been fixed? I tried setting the depth a couple of feet deeper than the I.D. book keel depth but the torp didn't go off, just sailed under the keel but definitely close enough for the magnetic detonators. It is still '42 so perhaps the game modelled the magnetic duds?

I'm using TM 1..7. Am I wasting my time adjusting torpedo depth? Is the dial set in feet (it appears to be as it goes all the way to 50 and I can't see 50 meters being a depth setting LOL).


01-04-08, 08:17 AM
After 1.4 the torps have become what they say "realistic" they run deep, duds, run and run circles, this is historic albeit a pain sometimes. What i do is set them to no more than 12ft and usually 10ft and hit my targets almost everytime, im waiting for NSM4 mod to come out before i go back to under the keel shots.

01-04-08, 09:30 AM
1943 is basically the year the engineers got their act together and made the torps work properly. I think the game recognizes this and the torps get better. I set them all shallow but some still go deep. Magnetic is a crap shoot if they will work or not. I switch to contact.

01-04-08, 10:13 AM
I figured as much, thanks for the confirmation.

01-04-08, 11:07 AM
Just as a matter of discussion on "What the deal" was...

The test datum for the running depth of the torpedoes was aquired using dummy warheads. When the real thing was installed they were considerably heavier. Word got around pretty quickly and skippers started setting them shallower.

Good enough for goverment work :know: