View Full Version : Habitacion U-boot

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:31 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:33 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:34 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:35 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:35 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:36 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:37 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:37 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:38 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:39 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:41 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-07, 04:42 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-18-07, 03:33 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-20-07, 03:33 PM

12-20-07, 03:52 PM
Gracias Johann.
Eres un gran profesional.

Onkel Neal
12-20-07, 05:53 PM
Orret, Maybe you can use your moderator power to EDIT his posts and add some English translations??:hmm: Ask him he would approve this, we would love to know what he is saying!

Posted on the SUBSIM News (http://www.subsim.com/index.php).


12-20-07, 07:56 PM
Wow! Awesome!

12-20-07, 08:52 PM
Nicework, looks great.

12-21-07, 12:47 AM
This is madness!
This is SPARTA!

PS: this (http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.subsim.com%2Fradioroom%2Fshow thread.php%3Ft%3D126984) is the BabelFish's translation of the page.

12-21-07, 02:47 AM
What a buzz :up:

Can't wait to see the finnished room.

Alarm clock = Sonar ping

Good work and ignore the getting L*** comments. Were just Jealous coz we never get permission to do things like that from our other halfs.

12-21-07, 03:25 AM
Wow! This is great modding!

12-21-07, 05:01 AM
wow, absaloutly fantastic. thats one of those things u wood like to do but its a simple pipe dream. u jst done it m8! brilliant:up:

12-21-07, 05:33 AM
Este es el foro hispano. Pues hablad español aqui :p
This is the spanish forum. So speak spanish in here :p

On topic: No comprendí que hace eso agujero en la pared...

12-21-07, 05:44 AM
Este es el foro hispano. Pues hablad español aqui :p
This is the spanish forum. So speak spanish in here :p

On topic: No comprendí que hace eso agujero en la pared...

Como español estoy de acuerdo, pero ya que el post sale en la página principal de SubSim, no estaría de más hacer una copia en inglés en algún sitio :)

As a Spaniard I agree with that, but since the post is featured in the SubSim main page it wouldn't hurt to put an English copy somewhere

En otro orden de cosas, este tío es mi héroe.

Rotary Crewman
12-21-07, 07:42 AM

Imagine whats going to happen when he tries to sell that place

And this is the.....submarine room :o

Johann Vilthomsen
12-21-07, 07:54 AM

Imagine whats going to happen when he tries to sell that place

And this is the.....submarine room :o

Well, this it is a point of view, but I think that if desire to sell my house and the buying futures has children, then... I have the house sold immediately!
But it does not enter my plans to sell the house.

PD. Dammed translator

12-21-07, 08:15 AM
When I retire from teaching I know what little project I'm going to greet the wife with at the end of the day. I'm sure she'll approve. :rotfl:

12-21-07, 08:15 AM
Interesting! If you got an idea, go with it. Next step I guess is to build a "console" around the PC to look like a sonar or radar station!?!?:hmm:

Merry Christmas to all.

The General
12-21-07, 08:37 AM
Hell Yeah!! :rock:

12-21-07, 09:55 AM
:o I'm without words....

CDR Resser
12-21-07, 10:16 AM
Lets see. I have an unused attic. All that really there now are some boxes. I would have to buy some new tools. Is my wife going to be out of town for a while? How would I explain the periscope sticking out of the roof?
OK what the hey, submarine room it is!!!!!:up:

12-21-07, 10:55 AM
Looks like a surefire method to get myself a divorce. What knid of crush depth can you get out of 2X, drywall, MDF and Plywood?

12-21-07, 11:43 AM
wow...in Germany we say: Total abgefahren.

It looks very interesting and it isn´t a easy mission what do you do. I can´t wait to see the finish work. :up:

12-21-07, 12:44 PM
All I can say is AWESOME, Totally AWESOME! :|\\

mr chris
12-21-07, 01:09 PM
That is dedcation if the highest order.
That is what you call imersing yourself in the Sim
Cant wait to see the finshed artical.

Top work indeed. :up:

12-21-07, 01:21 PM
That is totally cool! I love the "Rig for Red" light. Pretty city, too.

12-21-07, 02:41 PM
Really cool :rock: :up:



12-21-07, 04:12 PM
Its 'nothing' believe me!

Look at this


All knobs working..


12-21-07, 04:19 PM
Great project. Can't wait to see the finished product!

Kamikaze Joe
12-21-07, 04:53 PM
Quiyo, que cuelgue más grande.

12-21-07, 06:40 PM
nice photo story ! :up:

12-21-07, 07:07 PM
Es impresionante, Camarada!!!

Sigue adelante y cumple tu sueño!!! :up:

12-21-07, 08:41 PM
Why are you putting holes in your wall?

12-22-07, 08:47 AM
Joder Johann. Estoy alucinando con tu sueño hecho realidad. Expectacular. Si no lo veo no lo creo. Disfrútala. :up:

Johann Vilthomsen
12-22-07, 09:52 AM
Why are you putting holes in your wall?

For fix the wood panels in the wall room

Johann Vilthomsen
12-22-07, 09:53 AM
Joder Johann. Estoy alucinando con tu sueño hecho realidad. Expectacular. Si no lo veo no lo creo. Disfrútala. :up:

Gracias Einsman!!!

12-22-07, 09:55 AM
Very nice work on this JV :yep::up:


Johann Vilthomsen
12-22-07, 09:58 AM
Quiyo, que cuelgue más grande.

Bueno, ya sabes, hay gente que se disfraza de Angeles del infierno para ir en moto, otros que lo hacen para ir en bicicleta, otros se construyen sus simuladores de vuelo, otros se disfrazan de Han Solo de la guerra de las galaxias y yo tengo el espacio, las posibilidades y los conocimientos para construirme algo que hace muchos años que sueño.
Conozco a un tipo que se construyo su casa alrededor de una inmensa maqueta de ferrocarril electrico. La vida esta hecha de ilusiones y me encanta que compartas la mia.

Hacia mucho que no te veia, un saludo y que todos tus deseos se cumplan por dos en tu vida en este proximo año 2008. :D

Johann Vilthomsen
12-22-07, 10:00 AM
Interesting! If you got an idea, go with it. Next step I guess is to build a "console" around the PC to look like a sonar or radar station!?!?:hmm:

Merry Christmas to all.

Maybe, maybe :cool:

Johann Vilthomsen
12-22-07, 10:06 AM

Johann Vilthomsen
12-22-07, 10:08 AM

12-22-07, 01:46 PM
You are completely nuts!

In a totally awesome kind of way, of course.


12-22-07, 03:29 PM
Muchas Gracious! Senior

Nicley Done. It's amazing to me what guys will to to have fun. I have virtual friends that do this with Airplane cockpits. They make cockpits that have motion in three directions.

I have other friends that make underwater submarines (minature type) with remote controlled cameras.

Guys will find something to improve on their toys.

I wonder how he talked his wife into letting him do that to the house? He may be single or have a really understanding wife.

I wish I could read Spanish also. I took two years of Spanish Classes in High School but never really used it and have forgotten 99% of it.

I'd like to have an English Translation too if that were possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Johann Vilthomsen
12-22-07, 03:39 PM
Muchas Gracious! Senior

Nicley Done. It's amazing to me what guys will to to have fun. I have virtual friends that do this with Airplane cockpits. They make cockpits that have motion in three directions.

I have other friends that make underwater submarines (minature type) with remote controlled cameras.

Guys will find something to improve on their toys.

I wonder how he talked his wife into letting him do that to the house? He may be single or have a really understanding wife.

I wish I could read Spanish also. I took two years of Spanish Classes in High School but never really used it and have forgotten 99% of it.

I'd like to have an English Translation too if that were possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

I have a really understanding wife. :cool: in fact she supports to me, she know whichever like my hobby and know that clean and ordered in my works I am and in addition.. that room is mine!:lol: :lol: :lol:

Use the babelfish translator, like me http://babelfish.altavista.com/

12-22-07, 08:52 PM
I'd like to have an English Translation too if that were possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

happy holidays comrade![Felices vacaciones camarada]
My favourite translator[Mi traductor preferido]

12-23-07, 03:35 PM
Yes... I would do this...:yep: and yes... my wife would kill me if I did. :nope:

12-23-07, 06:37 PM
Hostia! Hostia! Hostia!!!!

Hacía un siglo que no me pasaba por aquí (problemas con el ordenador, formateo, falta de tiempo, un poco de vagancia.....) Sabía que lo ibas a hacer, pero... pero... pero... JOOOOOODEEEEERRRRRRR Joan!!!! Vaya par de webos!!!!

En cuanto lo tengas mas o menos montado... te juro que me paso por ahí!!!!!

por cierto....te explico un gadget que me he montado yo para mi cuarto...

Compras un reloj de cocina, de estos grandotes, a pilas, y con las agujas desprotegidas.... (es importante, porque vas a tener que desmontarlo)

Una vez adquirido el item, desmontas las agujas y quitas el disco de papel o adhesivo que tiene las horas marcadas.

Luego, coges un programa gráfico. Copias el archivo TGA del juego correspondiente al profundímetro del U-boat, el Tieffenmesser. Lo tienes que editar para que su tamaño coincida justo con el del disco horario que vas a tener que reemplazar (ves por donde voy, no?) Igual tienes que hacer un par de ajustes: Los imprimes en blanco y negro hasta que el tamaño sea exacto para encajar en el reloj donde estaba el disco horario original.

Cuando tienes el tamaño de la impresión exacto, lo imprimes en una hoja de papel fotográfico, a maxima resolución y a todo color.

Coges el disco, lo recortas y lo pones en el reloj. Vuelves a montar las agujas y.... Voilá!!! Un fantástico reloj U-boat decorativo que da cantidad de ambiente y además es util!!!

Si me pasas tu mail por privado, te hago una foto de mi reloj-uboot-tiefenmesser y te la paso para que veas de qué hablo.

Y animos con tu sueño!! (y encima con el apoyo del almirantazgo!!!) joeer ES QUE LOS HAY CON SUERTE!!!!

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
12-23-07, 09:59 PM
and then they say i dont have a life, the obly difference is you do somthing with it and i dont :p

i would love to see the finished room with both normal and red lights.
"keep up the good work, BDU" :up:

12-24-07, 06:51 AM
Orret, Maybe you can use your moderator power to EDIT his posts and add some English translations??:hmm: Ask him he would approve this, we would love to know what he is saying!

Posted on the SUBSIM News (http://www.subsim.com/index.php).

Neal Neal thanks I have put myself in contact with Johann to our community in common "simulacionnaval.com" to make a translation of all its notes in this great project. My english is not good and not correct but we waited for last the Christmas celebrations that a friend can make it translation.

Johann Vilthomsen
12-24-07, 11:36 AM

12-24-07, 12:37 PM
Estaba yo pensando como sería un local tipo ciber para jugar partidas multi con habitaciones u-boat.... :hmm: Molaría un mazo. :lol:

Yo quiero crear el máximo ambiente en mis partidas en casa, pero no funciona muy bien. Estar navegando en modo silencioso para escapar de los escoltas y tener a mi perro de aguas pidiendome para que lo saque... :p

Johann Vilthomsen
12-24-07, 01:07 PM

12-24-07, 01:23 PM
Just love that clock http://www.psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/thumbsup.gif

12-24-07, 02:57 PM
OK, this is for the anglophones

Give me some time and patience (unfortunately I am largely overloaded with RL duties) and I will translate it all for you in a single post putting the photos in the right sequence with text so you can follow the thread. Hopefully I'll be able to post it before mid january.

12-26-07, 05:12 AM
Awesome project!!!

12-28-07, 07:47 AM
Johann para el atrezzo... no creo que pierdas nada por dar una vuelta por los encantes viejos. La Idea de Kron es fantastica y la traducción que se ha currado excelente y de agradecer

12-29-07, 09:16 PM

El trafico para ver tus fotos, sobrepasa el ancho de banda asignado para photobucket. Ya no aparece ninguna foto en los posts.

Conoces a alguien con una web de esas que vienen en el contrato ADSL que no la esté utilizando y que te las pueda hostear?

12-31-07, 07:15 AM
Si quereis las subimos a alfdemometrica, donde están los mods gordos de simnav, el problemo es que habria que cambiar todos los links, ¿que piensas, johan?

01-01-08, 02:40 PM
Definitivamente se ha sobrepasado la cantidad de datos permitidos por el Photobucket para esa cuenta... Ya no se ve ninguna imagen :shifty:.

01-04-08, 08:44 PM
Bueno, menos mal, ya vuelven a funcionar las imágenes :).

01-04-08, 11:12 PM
Vamos a por la trecera cuaderna o seccion de mamparos.
Primero armo la cuaderna y la sujeto con los tornillos
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/th_Vilthomsen103.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/Vilthomsen103.jpg)
La subo y la encajo en las muescas o encajes de las mamparas.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/th_Vilthomsen104.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/Vilthomsen104.jpg)
Despues la sujeto a la carenera con un par de escuadras metalicas, y asi todas.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/th_Vilthomsen105.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/Vilthomsen105.jpg)
Vista con las tres secciones y cuadernas montadas.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/th_Vilthomsen106.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v402/Vilthomsen/Habitacio%20Uboot/Vilthomsen106.jpg)
Hasta pronto!!!
¡Trabajo muy bueno aquí!


01-09-08, 07:08 AM
This is great!

...admire skill.

BTW : You must be single.
I can not imagine "normal" wife being so understanding.

01-22-08, 11:24 PM
This thread is great. The things Silent Hunter has done to our lives. Can't wait to see the room finished.

01-24-08, 03:51 PM
I am speechless. Congratulations, and I hope that your dream will come thru. If I build a room like that, my wife will divorce me. I will like to see the finished product. Good luck
Estoy alucinado, no tengo palabras para describir tu sueno. Te deseo lo major y adelante. Si construyo una habitacion como la tuya, me divorcian. Buena suerte.:yep: :know: :up:

01-26-08, 05:19 AM
Gracias Johann.
Eres un gran profesional.up date:|\\

01-27-08, 08:20 PM
First: Sorry for awful translation.

¡Un qué gran proyecto! Deseo que tenía la época, el dinero y la ayuda de hacer esa clase de cosa con mi sitio. ¡Miro adelante a verlo acabé!

01-28-08, 09:57 AM
First: Sorry for awful translation.

¡Un qué gran proyecto! Deseo que tenía la época, el dinero y la ayuda de hacer esa clase de cosa con mi sitio. ¡Miro adelante a verlo acabé!

:up: Se entiende amigo!
Welcome / Bienvenido !

Johann Vilthomsen
01-28-08, 11:25 AM

02-04-08, 02:51 PM
Great job man! :o

02-13-08, 06:25 PM
bueno y como va esa habitacion ?
ya no se sabe nada del tema o esque el sub se hundio :lol: :rotfl:
supongo que estara aun liado la verdad es que viendo las imagenes me deja sin habla mola y en la primera foto me recuerda a mi habitacion solo xq tb la tiene llena de cajas de maquetas etc etc jaja:rotfl: :rotfl: enfin espero que ese proyecto siga bien ya me diras aver que te costo :roll:
un saludo y espero que lo termines pronto y nos deleites con las tomas

02-16-08, 05:32 PM
Johann, tio, que maravilla de habitacion te estas haciendo, ademas me asombra lo limpio y exacto que has preparado todo, parece una caja de esas de Ikea,.
Te felicito y sigo en espera de mas fotos.........
Gracias:up: :)

02-20-08, 05:24 PM
My Goodness!!!!:o I want one, but the wife would kill me! You had me at the red light, but the clock had me ROTFL:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

02-20-08, 06:37 PM
Eres un monstro, amigo

buen trabajo hecho :up:


02-21-08, 08:52 PM
:o :o :o :o

Leeeeettttccccchhhhheeeesss !

Yo lo quiero Diiiiooooossss !

Dame uno igualllll, lo quiero igual, lo quiero !

Porfeeeeeeeeeeee !

genial compañero !:up:

Johann Vilthomsen
02-22-08, 10:32 AM

02-22-08, 12:08 PM
Eso si que es un señor banco de trabajo y no mi Wolfcraft :cry:

No nos llega con esto, queremos más datos :D

No me cansaré de decirlo.... ¡¡¡MOLA UN MAZO ESA HABITACIÓN!!! :rock:

03-03-08, 10:10 AM
nooo, que zarpado por dios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUE GROSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
esta de 10000.
ahora quiero una :S

creo que cuando me valla a vivir solo me hago una :rock: (eso y un estudio todo equipado para hacer modelos)


Johann Vilthomsen
03-06-08, 10:19 AM
creo que cuando me valla a vivir solo me hago una :rock: (eso y un estudio todo equipado para hacer modelos)

Bueno, basicamente he construido esta habitacion como taller para mis modelos.
Ve a www,youtube.com y busca "Vilthomsen" ahí veras mi Uboot a escala 1:35 junto a los de mis demas compañeros.;)

Johann Vilthomsen
03-06-08, 10:20 AM

03-06-08, 11:21 AM
Te está quedando chula.

Me pareció ver que tienes unos altavoces de la marca Trust. Yo diría modelo Soundwave 10 (80Wpp). Jejeje. Deformación profesional. :p

Johann Vilthomsen
03-06-08, 12:17 PM
Uy si de hace un monton de tiempo ya!!!
¿Son buenos? :-?

03-06-08, 12:55 PM
Tienen añitos. De aquella tampoco había mucho donde elegir. Yo aún tengo unos. No son HI-FI pero suenan decente. Yo los uso para algún juego del pc y para alguna que otra canción. A mi me es más que suficiente para los eventos multimedia del pc. :yep:

03-06-08, 04:20 PM
Esto es como un embarazo.
Estamos insimismados viendo poco a poco como la criatura va cojiendo forma y vida

Que bien te esta quedando Johann!!!!!!!!

Johann Vilthomsen
03-10-08, 03:04 AM

04-12-08, 04:20 AM
Hola Johann, ¿cómo va la habitación? Hace un mes que no sabemos nada...
Saludos :up: :D

04-12-08, 10:59 PM
This is madness!
This is SPARTA!

PS: this (http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=es_en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.subsim.com%2Fradioroom%2Fshow thread.php%3Ft%3D126984) is the BabelFish's translation of the page.



Amazing work johann !! :up: very nice !

04-21-08, 03:46 AM
Hola Johann, estoy esperando a que termines tu habitación para enseñársela a mi mujer... a ver si me deja hacer algo parecido o al menos inspirado en tu trabajo.
Saludos:up: :lol: :lol:

Johann Vilthomsen
08-01-08, 04:53 PM

08-02-08, 03:00 AM
¡Hola, Jonann!

Hoy mis felicitaciones van en este Foro, de los muchos en que coincidimos. Así aprovecho para mostrar :roll: a mi mujer como va terminando tu gran proyecto.

:hmm: Por cierto, la acústica interior debe ser un tanto singular, con las cuadernas reflejando los sonidos a intervalos regulares....bueno a lo mejor exagero un poco.......

También voy a motrar las fotos a mi tío Juan, ya te dije que se había forrado de madera todo el techo de su desván -:up:


Johann Vilthomsen
09-23-08, 03:02 AM

09-23-08, 05:00 AM
Molt maca l'habitació. Molt acollidora i ambientada. :up:

¡¡¡Caralluda!!! Que dirían en mi tierra. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

PD. Disculpa si le he dado alguna "patada" a vuestro idioma. No parlo català, però bo, fa més el que vol que el que pot. :p

Johann Vilthomsen
09-23-08, 03:13 PM
Einsmman, no sabes lo que aprecio el detalle que has tenido conmigo!!!:o :D

Lamento no poderme expresar en tu idioma, y eso que mi abuela materna era de La Graña de Seoane en Ourense :oops:
Asi que de un catalan/gallego a un gallego/catalan


Onkel Neal
11-02-08, 12:30 AM
Hey Vilthomsen, what's the latest on your room? :yep: Are you on patrol yet?

11-20-08, 07:13 AM
Hey Vilthomsen, what's the latest on your room? :yep: Are you on patrol yet?

Nah! he to busy drinking Beck Beer before he start loading torpedo's

12-15-08, 01:37 AM
Dear vilthomsen
I´m sashke from Nürnberg germany
At first i say sorry for my bad english...
i found your pictures of your submarine room
I´m glad about it because i work on a nearly diffrent Room since a few month (central of a xII B Submarine )
It´s nice to find somebody else who works on a project like this

maybe you would like to contact me because it would be glad if we could x change some expiriences about this project or x change idears about realise some details ive got a lot of nice ideas to and a few production pssibilities (machines)
Or maybe we can manage some problems for example how to get some special parts ; or where you can find them.

Ok I hope you will send me an answer
nice work !!!

gretings from sashke
E-Mail Sashke@web.de

Johann Vilthomsen
12-15-08, 02:12 PM
Dear vilthomsen
I´m sashke from Nürnberg germany
At first i say sorry for my bad english...
i found your pictures of your submarine room
I´m glad about it because i work on a nearly diffrent Room since a few month (central of a xII B Submarine )
It´s nice to find somebody else who works on a project like this

maybe you would like to contact me because it would be glad if we could x change some expiriences about this project or x change idears about realise some details ive got a lot of nice ideas to and a few production pssibilities (machines)
Or maybe we can manage some problems for example how to get some special parts ; or where you can find them.

Ok I hope you will send me an answer
nice work !!!

gretings from sashke
E-Mail Sashke@web.de

Dear Sashke, i contact to you soon, sorry because i don't speak english but my daughter help my.
I'm glad to know that another person do the same as me :up:

Can you show some pictures about your Uboot Zimmer please??

12-15-08, 06:50 PM
Here are the links to some pictures of my room but i dont have very much pictures yet because i´m stil working in it so there is a horrible chaos in it :-)





Johann Vilthomsen
12-16-08, 10:11 AM
Awesome!!! :D

But... grey colors in the walls?? All grey?? In the reality is grey (down) and White (up) (Deutsche U-Boote geheim 1935-1945 (http://www.u-historia.com/uhistoria/biblioteca/libros/fichas/186.htm) Richard Lakowski book)

Another thing... the dials are functionaly??

Verflucht Englisch!!! :lol: :lol: :damn:

Do you know www.u-historia.com (http://www.u-historia.com) ???? you can translate it whit http://translate.google.com/?hl=de


Sind die Instrumente funktionieren?

12-17-08, 08:23 AM
Yes i know about the problem with my grey color but i had two reasons tu paint it in grey. 1. I want to have a dark submarine atmosfer and so i tryed to realise the optik of sceens of the silen hunter game and the film das-boot. In this scenes it just look grey and i cant manage it with a white colour.
2. many dials have a lamp inside but this lamps are not very bright enough so i have to create a very dark background otherwise i cant see them realy god.

And later there is just red light on so nobody can see if it´s white are grey :-)

The dials dosnt work because i dont know what they should show for example i have to show that the boat is on top of the water because i have a (german) Turm Luke ) it is the way to the next etage of my house so it is opend the most time......

do you have some pictures of your room with interiour ?

The program to translate German/ Spanish doesnt work exacly enough for our theme but i will try to find some body from spain who translate for my ok :stare:

Johann Vilthomsen
12-18-08, 03:42 AM
Yes i know about the problem with my grey color but i had two reasons tu paint it in grey. 1. I want to have a dark submarine atmosfer and so i tryed to realise the optik of sceens of the silen hunter game and the film das-boot. In this scenes it just look grey and i cant manage it with a white colour.
2. many dials have a lamp inside but this lamps are not very bright enough so i have to create a very dark background otherwise i cant see them realy god.

OK I understand!!

And later there is just red light on so nobody can see if it´s white are grey :-)


The dials dosnt work because i dont know what they should show for example i have to show that the boat is on top of the water because i have a (german) Turm Luke ) it is the way to the next etage of my house so it is opend the most time......

do you have some pictures of your room with interiour ?

The last pictures is like look today my uboot zimmer

The program to translate German/ Spanish doesnt work exacly enough for our theme but i will try to find some body from spain who translate for my ok :stare:

You are very kind, i apreciate that.

:D:D :D

12-20-08, 04:48 AM
Guys... Doenitz need yours rooms

01-15-09, 03:50 AM
Where did all the pictures go ? http://img90.exs.cx/img90/2365/k1ocray.gif

01-30-09, 02:00 AM
Tendría que ser Johann quien os acompañara hasta su web pero creo que no le molestara que yo os lo indique.

Pd: Creo que NO estan todas las fotografias como ha dicho alguien


01-30-09, 08:15 AM
Thank you :yeah:

Onkel Neal
11-04-11, 09:51 PM
Well, what happened here? I wanted to show off his work, he wiped it all out.

11-04-11, 09:55 PM
Well, what happened here? I wanted to show off his work, he wiped it all out.

Try here Neal... http://www.u-69.net/habitacio.html