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View Full Version : You know you are playing too much SH3 when.....

11-30-07, 08:36 AM
While picking up my morning Starbucks, I happened to look out over St. John's Harbour, and noticed 3 tankers!!!. I found myself estimating their tonnage, range and bearing!!!


11-30-07, 08:47 AM
When your too frightened to use the local ferry crossing.

11-30-07, 10:58 AM
When your too frightened to use the local ferry crossing.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

When you sart answering " Ya woll herr kauleun" everytime someones asks you to do something.....

11-30-07, 11:29 AM
Shouting out ALARM then diving under the table due to the fact you heard a aircraft fly over head. :lol:

11-30-07, 01:21 PM
By using your minds eye to look at everything through an attack periscope reticle.

11-30-07, 01:24 PM
When you can not get in to your toilet as you stocked piled it high with food. :rotfl:

11-30-07, 01:44 PM
When your missus tells you "come to bed,its late" and the next time she talks to you after that is to tell you in a very stern voice "I'm getting up cause I'M GOING TO WORK!!!!!":oops: :oops: :oops: Time flies when your sinking the enemy and saving the fatherland:up: ;)

11-30-07, 02:02 PM
When you start trying to look for a ladder up to go outside because you have been playing for 92 hours straight...

11-30-07, 02:02 PM
opening window to relieve ones self

11-30-07, 02:29 PM
When you haven't shaved or showered for 3 months :arrgh!:

11-30-07, 02:40 PM
When you try to find the missing sonarman, and why he hasn't reported earlier of the engine sounds from the destroyer that is suddenly pinging you.......(then ofcourse, you notice that your microwave burrito is finished....)

von hally
11-30-07, 02:56 PM
when you recieve a text message on your mobile phone and instantly you think

"naue foumchwauk herr kaleun""

p.s my spelling of german isnt up to mutch Haa!!!

11-30-07, 03:09 PM
when you get up in the middle of eating your thanksgiving day meal and say, excuse me everyone, (excuse) i need to go to the bathroom, once you get in the bathroom you pull your map and plain your next patrol.

11-30-07, 03:22 PM
You have the urge to attach a periscope to you car, just so you can shout "Periscope depth!"

11-30-07, 04:39 PM
i am at the swimming pool with my children.

they both jump in, and i shout...


11-30-07, 05:36 PM
You feel uncomfortable driving on the highway because you realize that every car can see you on the same depth level of 0m.

Badger Finn
11-30-07, 05:41 PM
While picking up my morning Starbucks, I happened to look out over St. John's Harbour, and noticed 3 tankers!!!. I found myself estimating their tonnage, range and bearing!!!


Yep but while surf casting at the coast


11-30-07, 07:05 PM
When I drive to work I approach an overpass. Sometimes there's a train passing and I estimate which box car I will intercept when I pass under it!:doh:

11-30-07, 08:03 PM
Is it possible to play too much SH3?

Ok, when you realize that you haven't earned a single study point at the university since you bought SH3 ;)

Ivan Putski
11-30-07, 08:11 PM
When you let green mold grow on your bread before eating it. :D

11-30-07, 08:21 PM
when you do or think all the things you read on these threads (I do)

11-30-07, 08:52 PM
When you prefer to wear a raincoat along with your binocular than to bring an umbrella when you're taking out the garbage in a hard rain. You told your wife that visibility is poor so you bring the binocular with you and your neigbors are beginning to think you have somehwhat lost it.

12-01-07, 04:11 AM
When the wife gets remarried and you dont even notice.... nor care! :rotfl:

12-01-07, 05:33 AM
Have your kids stand at attention everytime you enter the room and make them state quite loudly, "Attention on Deck"or "Make a Hole".

Make sure every water valve in your home has two backups in line which must all be operated to obtain water.

Hookup your air compressor to the sewer line to the house and blow a **** geyser ten feet in the air. Come in side and tell you wife "calmly" I forgot to shut the valve.

12-02-07, 03:04 PM
I was watching a program on the Travel channel about taking a cruise. It was about the making of and launching of the Queen Mary II from St. Nazaire in France...and when they flew the British naval flag, the same one that is in our awesome game, I immediately saw that flag flying....at the bottom of the ocean. She weighed over 100 tons...tons of renown.

Big Paul
12-02-07, 04:30 PM
When you're in a restaurant and order a glass of milk and an OJ, mix them together and proclaim "U Boot spezielles Cocktail" to the bemused onlookers.:oops:

12-02-07, 04:46 PM
When you're in a restaurant and order a glass of milk and an OJ, mix them together and proclaim "U Boot spezielles Cocktail" to the bemused onlookers.:oops:

no, that's when you've seen Das Boot too many times, but i dont think thats possible either.

12-02-07, 10:04 PM
when you look through law books just to find mounitng an 88 on your porch is illegal....
when you start judging AOB on nearby cars as you drive...
when you jump at every little thing (phone ringing)....
when you hum tipperary on a regular basis...
when TVs are foreign objects....
when you prefer to be called herrr kaleun....even by your best friends...IN HIGH SCHOOL!


12-02-07, 11:38 PM
..you try to drive your car to work at speeds higher than 1x.

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
12-03-07, 02:41 AM
When you haven't shaved or showered for 3 months :arrgh!:
this sounds familliar :hmm:
ah yes now i remember... i did that about half a year ago :arrgh!:

when you start writing code messages to BDU (your boss) to tell your sick and cant get to work

when daylight burns your eye's becouse you replaced all lights with red lights

when you start wearing a U-boat battledress at day and a normal KM uniform when going out with the wife

12-03-07, 04:00 AM
....when you visit the Subsim SHIII-forum more often than you visit your parents..:yep::lol:

12-03-07, 07:35 AM
when you look through law books just to find mounitng an 88 on your porch is illegal....
when you start judging AOB on nearby cars as you drive...
when you jump at every little thing (phone ringing)....
when you hum tipperary on a regular basis...
when TVs are foreign objects....
when you prefer to be called herrr kaleun....even by your best friends...IN HIGH SCHOOL!


88 - don't have a garden, but a balcony - yes
AOB - yes
jump - yes
tipperary song - yes
TV - :hmm: what's that ??
kaleun - no, they call me "Thomsen! Das ist Thomsen!"

12-03-07, 09:15 AM
When you start calculating loading times when you replace flashlight batteries....

True story. Happened just yesterday.:oops:

12-03-07, 09:35 AM
.....when you stop. Simple as that.

12-03-07, 11:48 AM
When thinking of sending messages from your mobile phone coded though kriegsmarine enigma.:rotfl:

12-03-07, 12:08 PM
When it starts raining, you think to yourself that you won't be able to mount any flak or deck gunners.

12-03-07, 01:39 PM
When it starts raining, you think to yourself that you won't be able to mount any flak or deck gunners.

:roll: ........................ http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img265/4009/shockedyi3.gif ....and I bet they're ever so thankful :lol:


12-03-07, 03:18 PM
When sombody farts and then you shout torpedo impact !

Sailor Steve
12-03-07, 06:14 PM
when you start judging AOB on nearby cars as you drive...
Cars? Never!

Trucks, on the other hand...and also calculate tonnage.:sunny:

12-03-07, 06:57 PM
When stop at a red light and say all stop!
You text to your firends enigma codes.
When see a plane pass by and say man the flak guns.
when you play all day and night and take liitle breaks as possible.

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
12-03-07, 08:08 PM
when you play all day and night and take liitle breaks as possible.

now why does this AGAIN sound verry familiar ? :hmm: anyone have an idea ? :lol:

12-03-07, 11:59 PM
- When you see a plane flying overhead and you start to figure out the aiming point and a good time to open fire as a reflex action.
- When, while playing, you ask your wife to pour you some tea and she replies "yes, herr kaleun".
- When it becomes a habit for you to drive your car at low rpm's to conserve fuel.
- When you're at a party you go outside for w/e and tell everyone "We're going out for a little fresh air." :dead:

12-04-07, 06:59 AM
when you play all day and night and take liitle breaks as possible.

now why does this AGAIN sound verry familiar ? :hmm: anyone have an idea ? :lol:
yes it shows some person that plays all day and night and only having a cat to keep him company!:p :p :lol:

12-04-07, 04:47 PM
Just wait till you start finding Hitler attractive http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img265/4009/shockedyi3.gif


12-04-07, 05:04 PM
When you're driving down the road and you wish you had a deck gun to handle annoying drivers...

12-05-07, 06:33 AM
In school I always read about the WWII chapters in the book when my old History teacher whos like 75 talks for hours with no end in sight.:o He been teaching at the school ever since it opened i asked him. And its been open ever since the 1960s. :o the WWII chapters are short but have alot of info but nothing about U-boats.:cry:

12-05-07, 08:09 AM
All these have happened and/or do happen to me:

When you hear an ASDIC ping without there being any microwaves or anything going. (Happened this morning, heard it as clear as a bell, made me flinch :oops: No idea why, perhaps it was because of the pounding I took last night)

When you hum, whistle or sing Uboat songs, such as J'attrandei or my recent favourite, Das Uboot Lied.

When you hear a prop aircraft and want to hide and/or shout "Flugzeug gesehen!" (or something similar)

When you respond to people asking you to do something with "Ja wohl Herr Kaleun."

When you spot a ship, and mutter "Schiff gesehen!" under your breath, then start estimating tonnage, range, AOB. :lol:

12-05-07, 11:51 AM
I know a good shrink :lol:


12-05-07, 12:21 PM
Hourly rates varry, depending on ability to pay and ( U-BOAT CREW ) ability to attend.
Veterans recieve Service Discount.

12-06-07, 08:44 PM
when you find that...no, your house is not made of metal.
when you have recurring dreams of that battleship in your sights, and then the destroyer running into your Turm.
when it snows you go "****ty weather...dammit!" (das boot throwback)
when you crank up your U-boat up to flank (crazy speed ahead) and your in head gramophone starts playing the chase bits from das boot.
when your cellphone ringtone screams "ALAAAARM!"
when you almost wish it required more than one handle to flush the toilet
when you actually learned german from playing SH3
when youre sitting in american history (i live in america see...) and your friends over there saying "wasserbomben..." and lightly tapping the heater with his knuckle, making you jumpy.
when you RP patrol events on certain forums :D
when you get angry at your librarian for not having any viable U-boat materiel
(arrgh, enough about the nukes, mrs brooks!)
when you get hungry...you don't
when you run out of personal experiences to talk about on this thread!:know:
and when you have a little red book concerning U-boats in your coat pocket at all times
(U-boats under the swastika by that mallman dude)

12-06-07, 08:59 PM
when you find that...no, your house is not made of metal.
when you have recurring dreams of that battleship in your sights, and then the destroyer running into your Turm.
when it snows you go "****ty weather...dammit!" (das boot throwback)
when you crank up your U-boat up to flank (crazy speed ahead) and your in head gramophone starts playing the chase bits from das boot.
when your cellphone ringtone screams "ALAAAARM!"
when you almost wish it required more than one handle to flush the toilet
when you actually learned german from playing SH3
when youre sitting in american history (i live in america see...) and your friends over there saying "wasserbomben..." and lightly tapping the heater with his knuckle, making you jumpy.
when you RP patrol events on certain forums :D
when you get angry at your librarian for not having any viable U-boat materiel
(arrgh, enough about the nukes, mrs brooks!)
when you get hungry...you don't
when you run out of personal experiences to talk about on this thread!:know:
and when you have a little red book concerning U-boats in your coat pocket at all times
(U-boats under the swastika by that mallman dude)

This was one of the better ones that I had seen!

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
05-04-08, 01:43 AM
when you dont go to work for a year :yep:

05-04-08, 02:57 AM
Von Hally: thats quite a good idea actually

i'm changing my ringtone to 'Neuer Funkspruch, Herr Kaleun!'
(still not correct i expect but marginally better spelling)

05-04-08, 07:10 AM
When you see a truck on a road some distance ahead, which crosses the road you're on and the first thing that pops into your head is that you're lucky that you have an almost perfect 90 degree AoB... :oops:

Actually happened two days ago.

(Edit for speeling miztakes)

05-04-08, 12:45 PM
Von Hally: thats quite a good idea actually

i'm changing my ringtone to 'Neuer Funkspruch, Herr Kaleun!'
(still not correct i expect but marginally better spelling)

My Commercial Director, at work, used to command carriers for the US Navy... His ringtone is a sonar ping. This is not good for my nerves...:ping:

05-05-08, 02:30 AM
I work at a college and every time i hear the class bell, i think im under attack.

05-05-08, 04:18 AM
When your kids come in the house you tell them to seal that hatch.
When you take the garbage out,you weigh the bags down with rocks so they will sink:rotfl:

05-05-08, 04:22 AM
When you start to hang meat and bannanas from the rafters in your basement
When a car races down you street,you yell RIG FOR SILENT RUNNING,and listen for him to start pinging you:p

05-05-08, 06:43 AM
When your kids give you the nazi salute after you tell them it's time for bed.

05-05-08, 07:53 AM
When you come back home late in the night, you feel like you're running on 50% etanol, crippled rudder ... and you switch as fast as you can to silent drive just to to avoid .... that nasty W-destroyer waintg four you upstairs with lots of depth charges:oops:

Puster Bill
05-06-08, 09:03 AM
When you are in the middle of a very successful Paukenschlag patrol, and your wife comes in and says "Are you still playing that game? Who the **** do you think you are?"

You answer "I'm Hardegen".

She says "I've got a headache."

05-06-08, 03:01 PM
When you are in the middle of a very successful Paukenschlag patrol, and your wife comes in and says "Are you still playing that game? Who the **** do you think you are?"

You answer "I'm Hardegen".

She says "I've got a headache."

ROFLMAO :rotfl:

05-06-08, 03:27 PM
When you look at a nice 150$ video card and the first thought is "I wonder how SHIII graphics would be on this puppie."

Von Schmidt
05-08-08, 05:34 PM
When you have it installed on the computer in your work truck.

Jacky Fisher
05-08-08, 06:44 PM
when you can name every single warship sunk by the U-Boats in WW2.

05-09-08, 01:10 AM
When a work colleague asks you how you achieved something and you reply... "you either have hoochie woochie or you don't"