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View Full Version : U-69 Revell VIIc Another way!

11-16-07, 05:12 AM
Hi all,

Since Siara is off for a couple of weeks i thought i'd better get off my arse and post some pix of my build.

It's slow going at the moment as i'm waiting on the POSTMAN:stare: for some odd's 'n' sods.

I started on the deck gun purely to get away from scraping the hull sides and generally covering myself with tiny little bits of plastic:doh:
The breech was sawn off the gun and replaced with the slightly better detailed offering from CMK. I also added the parts from the Eduard etch sheet, very tricky, especially if you have the touch of an angry rhino like i do!:rock: I also drilled out the gun barrel with a drill bit so small that when dropped cannot be picked up again!





Hope these pix show up as i'm a bit rusty at this posting business.


11-16-07, 08:07 AM
Nice! I have a modeling magazine and it has a huge article on building Revell's U-47. I'd post it, but I think that's a copy right violation? If not, I'll fire the scanner up!

11-16-07, 10:00 AM
building Revell's U-47

Did you really mean the 1:125 scale U-47 with open side and interior? Or the 1/72 U-552? :hmm: I'd be much interested in a good guide to U-47 that explains how to improve it, since I got it as a present but am not happy to complete it with the current poor interior :nope:

11-17-07, 10:23 AM
Savvy - the 88 looks sweet.
Are you fitting the original shoulder braces or custom?
How about the gun crew-is it planed?...the way the lanyard is hunging down from the barell looks like the plug is out and the gun in use.

Im planning to make custom metal poles for the braces.

Keep up the good work mate.

*about the pics- try Imageshack for hosting, it gives you the link to thumbs aswell.
Then you can copy and paste the link straight to post. :up:

11-17-07, 10:52 AM
building Revell's U-47

Did you really mean the 1:125 scale U-47 with open side and interior? Or the 1/72 U-552? :hmm: I'd be much interested in a good guide to U-47 that explains how to improve it, since I got it as a present but am not happy to complete it with the current poor interior :nope:

Now that I think about it, it's the U-99 in the magazine. But I do have the U-47 model, and I did my own interior.:smug: I think I spent more on my "extras" than I did on the model.:o

11-18-07, 09:12 AM
[quote=Siara]Savvy - the 88 looks sweet.
Are you fitting the original shoulder braces or custom?
How about the gun crew-is it planed?...the way the lanyard is hunging down from the barell looks like the plug is out and the gun in use.

Siara, Shoulder braces..not sure what to do yet, i'll have a closer look at them and decide what to do as and when.
The gun crew are sitting on a shelf waiting for thier moment, these are from Hecker and Goros in white metal and are some of the best figures i have seen. Conning tower crew are as above.
The lanyard will evetually have the 'bung' from the Eduard set hanging off it, this will be bulked out a little with scrap sprue. This is also why i drilled out the barrell.

Thanks for the heads up on Imageshack.


corvette k225
11-19-07, 09:04 AM
Guys what is a good air brush to get now? I would like to try to build one of those U-Boats.

11-19-07, 02:50 PM
I think the Iwata ones are pretty good value for money, there are lots in that range, so you can find one to suit what you need it for, with many of them being specifically aimed at modellers and they have some decent double action ones that don't require a second mortgage to buy. Build quality is generally pretty good too.

Check them out (and other brands) here: www.everythingairbrush.com (http://www.everythingairbrush.com)

They've got some very nice compressors on that site too, as long as you have the cash!

:D Chock

11-19-07, 04:00 PM
Guys what is a good air brush to get now? I would like to try to build one of those U-Boats.

Hi Corvette,
You don't have to own an airbrush to get a good paint job. I personally own four, and not one of them is coming to my U-Boat party!

Don't get me wrong, when they are spraying well the effcts can be sensational, it's when they decide not to play things can turn nasty.

Have a quick look at the photo below. I did all of this with one can of grey primer and one can of white primer. All the weathering was done with pastels, cheap, relatively clean to use and very controllable.



11-19-07, 04:18 PM
Totally agree with Savvy there incidentally, good drybrushing is generally more controllable than airbrushing for most people. I went to art and design college for four years and was trained how to use an airbrush, and I still rarely break one out for the average model. I tend to think that airbrushed models look like airbrushed models rather than the real thing a lot of the time. Skillful masking and a decent steady hand with a paintbrush blows airbrushing out of the water most of the time. Won't be using one on my Akula anyway, and even though that's at 1:350 scale, I bet you I can do it better with a paintbrush!

To be fair, one thing airbrushes are good for is late WW2 German aircraft and vehicle camouflage at 1:35 to 1:48th scale, that and things such as the temporary camo changes on Messerschmitt bf109s in the mid to late 1940s. If you intend to make a lot of that kind of stuff, it's probably worth having a decent double action one.

:D Chock

11-28-07, 02:59 PM
Hows the build going Savvy?

I thought you was gonna be long in front when i return....:up:

11-30-07, 04:10 PM
Hi Siara,

I have done absolutely nothing! I have just finished a two week stint of nights:stare:

Also the last couple of weekends have been taken up painting reindeer and a Santa for my local Firestations Christmas Grotto:yep:

Got to go and help put it all together for them tomorrow and then i'll be free to get on with U-69:up:

Still no luck with the wooden decks, sent an e-mail to White Ensign and have been told that they ordered them a month ago. Not thier fault and i've had good service in the past. I think i'm going to change my build plan to suit the wait on this item.


11-30-07, 11:20 PM
building Revell's U-47

Did you really mean the 1:125 scale U-47 with open side and interior? Or the 1/72 U-552? :hmm: I'd be much interested in a good guide to U-47 that explains how to improve it, since I got it as a present but am not happy to complete it with the current poor interior :nope:

The new Revell 1/144th scale VIIC is out now as well, and its a great kit. It would take some mod work to do U-47 from either the 1/72nd scale or 1/144th scale kit as it's a VIIB. I'm hoping Revell will do a VIIB in the future but what I'm really looking for is a 1/144th scale IX or type II!:yep:

12-15-07, 06:31 AM
Hello Chaps,

I know it's been a while but i now have everything i need to crack with this build.

I've put quite a lot of hours into the conning tower over the past couple of days, this has mostly been scraping off the moulded in details and replacing them with the Eduard etch. The CMK periscope housing needed to be drilled out to accept their lovely turned 'Ally' periscope. Easy enough! hmm....the periscope is a couple of thou too big in diameter, so a simple drilling job turned out to be a pain in the arse:stare:

Not overly impressed with the fit of parts in this area. The parts do fit well but the mating surfaces are not the best and tend to give any joint line a gaping seam that needs to be polished out. I'll post pix when i've got things looking like i've actually done somthing, if you know what i mean?


12-15-07, 05:41 PM
Good to hear you back in the shipyard Savvy.:up:

01-03-08, 09:45 AM
http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img526/9498/u69005ow8.th.jpg (http://img526.imageshack.us/my.php?image=u69005ow8.jpg)
http://imgcash4.imageshack.us/img183/5734/u69006ja1.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=u69006ja1.jpg)
http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img520/5592/u69008dj4.th.jpg (http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=u69008dj4.jpg)
Hi all,
Sorry the postings are a bit messy here but i'll get the hang of it!
Lot's done but nothing to see really. The 'lookout' perched at the top of the periscope took about 2 hours of grinding/cutting to get him to fit around the scope. I've added a mass of etch to the decks, again very time consuming.

More to follow now that i'm up and running again.
Siara, the flood/drain template turned up this morning, Thank You very much for that.


01-03-08, 09:53 AM
No problem Savvy.;)

The watchman on the periscope its realy nice , and i think it was worth the effort you put in.
Keep it up!:rock:

01-03-08, 01:55 PM
Hello Chaps,

With a view of cutting costs on this build i've decided to try and open up ALL the flood/drain holes provided by Revell. Most of these are straight forward enough, but the 'grill' type vents on the lower hull, stern and bow, are a different matter!
Note, when i say all, i mean the ones that are specific to U-69 as far as my limited ref (Read, 1 photo of u-99 which is/was U-69) for this boat have revealed.
So far all is well but there is a long way to go yet:rock:

http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img179/3665/u69010ki9.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#179/u69010ki9.jpg)


01-08-08, 08:50 AM
Hi all,

Having trawled through a multitude of photos of U-Boats, specifically looking at the the 'oil-canning' effect that is being seen on a lot of builds going on at the moment (Mine inluded) i've come to the conclusion that this effect is being overdone.
This appears to be more so on the pressure hull and saddle tanks where in the photo's that i have seen the effect is very subtle.

So with a half round craft blade i set out to simulate this effect. The pressure hull itself will have very little in the way of the dents and creases seen on the tanks.

Comments are welcomed, good or bad as this is only my personal oppinon/observation in this particular area.

http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img523/994/u69011bl5.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#523/u69011bl5.jpg)

http://imgcash4.imageshack.us/img183/4808/u69012pu2.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#183/u69012pu2.jpg)

http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img183/7826/u69013so8.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#183/u69013so8.jpg)


01-08-08, 10:56 AM

You are well ahead of me Sav.

01-12-08, 07:54 PM
Hello All,

Great work on the build of this Revell model by the way. I've been following this thread and the "other" big Revell VIIC thread and have started working on the kit I received for Christmas. I just have a couple of questions. Maybe I haven't been reading clearly enough but here goes:

-Did the early U-552 have a wooden deck or metal? I was under the impression that the earlier boats were metal, and that it was determined more economical to use wood only later in the war.

-What method do you all prefer for the drain/flood/vent holes? I've been using a Dremel #106 (ball tip etching thingy) to rough it out from behind and then sanding and sanding and sanding....

I think that's all I have in the order of questions. I'm planning on ordering aftermarket PE, accessories, etc. because with this massive of a model, I want to do it right. Okay then, thanks for your input.


01-13-08, 09:17 AM
Hi Adam,

I'm no U-Boat expert but i have put in a lot of time and effort to find out as much as i could prior to starting U-69, indeed this is still ongoing as thing crop up as the biuld progresses.

I can say with some confidence that the early boats, U-552 included, did have wooden decks although i'm sure there are people around here that could prove me wrong!

I also used a ball tip thingy, don't know what size as it's the only one i had, so thats what i used. I did find as i got more confident with it that i could take the plastic almost right down to the flood hole, as they are quite deep on the outside.
All i did then was to remove the wafer thin 'skin' of plastic with new scalpel blade.

Just one word of caution, use a low speed setting with your drill as a high speed tends to just melt the plastic and block up the ball tip thingy.

Post pics of your build here for us to see.


01-13-08, 12:03 PM
Thans for the help Savvy. I don't know where I heard that the metal decks were used. It's probably a shipyard specific thing really. I do plan on using the wooden deck just because of the fact that the Nautilus pieces look so damn good from what I've seen.

As for the holes, it sure is a slow process. I have a Dremel Stylus (cordless) which I bought specifically for this build. I use it on setting 4 (about 12-15000 rpm) and that works good enough. When I get down to where I'm just through the plastic and the hole is open, I start sanding with heavy grit paper to create the thinness to the hull that is so desireable.

When I have pictures to show, I'll post them. It's a very slow process for me because I have about an hour a week to work on it.

Thanks Again,

01-14-08, 12:46 PM

Small update.
I've added extra welds to the hull using, wait for it, 3D decals:o Yes thats right, 3D decals. They are made by Archer Fine Transfers and are brilliant. I used set number 7 (I think?) Surface details perfect weld beads. You use them in the same way you do all decals except they go on before the paint! They look a bit naff in my photo's, partly due to the fact that they look like felt tip pen before they are painted, but mostly because i can't take a photo to save my life!! They also make in various scales lines of rivets, fasteners, casting numbers, cloth texture etc, etc.

Also, i have scribed:stare: in the flood/blow vents on the saddle tanks as they appear in the photo of U-69/99 in the book Anatomy of the ship.....blah...blah...


http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img297/7916/u69016bo8.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#297/u69016bo8.jpg) http://imgcash6.imageshack.us/img297/9242/u69017om1.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#297/u69017om1.jpg)

01-14-08, 01:44 PM
Its begining to take shape.
Nice welds Savvy. Ive done the rethink on mine welds , and probably im gonna use the filler or miliput.

Good going with the slots mate.:up:

01-14-08, 02:01 PM
Thanks for your comments Siara.

Take a look at this http://www.armorama.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=2764 it shows the weld beads painted and dry-brushed, it looks a million times better than anything i could pull off:rock:


01-14-08, 02:19 PM
Thats a good idea , certain to be timesaver , and looks realy neat. To be honest with You it looks to neat , even by german standards.
Mine are going to be more rough if you know what i mean. ;)

I tried masking both sides of the weld with tamiya tape , leaving 1/3 mm gap between which i fill with filler. Then before it dries out i rough it up with the blade , creating weld like line. If its done in short sections at the time , can create good weld effect. After it dries delicate sanding with 1500 grade sandpaper , primer , and its ready. Im gonna go this root.:smug:

01-15-08, 11:38 AM
Ok Chaps,

I now have what looks like a Submarine:D

This is all just dry fitted together as wanted to see how well the decks fitted the hull. Perfectly, is the answer to that question. Secondly i wanted to see just how much can be seen through the flood holes. Answer, not bloody lot!!

With this in mind i will install a basic pressure hull with all pipework and fittings roughed out with various bits and pieces, cut down Bic biros, drinking straws and a few basic shapes made out of the waste from the deck sections. Trust me,
you really can't see enough to warrant a scratch fest.


http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img516/5181/u69021gm5.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#516/u69021gm5.jpg) http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img245/5272/u69024td8.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#245/u69024td8.jpg) http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img180/17/u69023fc6.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#180/u69023fc6.jpg) http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img516/7246/u69019ng9.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#516/u69019ng9.jpg) http://imgcash4.imageshack.us/img245/4909/u69022fn9.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#245/u69022fn9.jpg)

01-15-08, 12:19 PM
Realy good Savvy. The deck its tasty.:up:

01-16-08, 11:27 AM
Yesterday i said i would be making a basic pressure hull.

Well, you really can't get much more basic than this, but it really does work and goes to show just how little can be seen of it.

I started by drawing around the deck sections on to some thin plastic sheet.
I then made up some simple angle brackets made from more sheet, this was then scored with a knife and then bent to 90 degrees. These were then super glued to the bow and stern sections of the hull. The mid section 'shelves' were just glued to the inside face of the saddle tanks again with scraps of sheet.

Then i trimmed around the sections drawn up earlier until they were a snug fit, easy!!

On to this i will glue various bit's of rubbish that resembles the fittings found in this area.


http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img184/7806/u69028ul2.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#184/u69028ul2.jpg) http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img520/8765/u69027qc5.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#520/u69027qc5.jpg) http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img179/1319/u69026mz7.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#179/u69026mz7.jpg) http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img184/5610/u69025ca1.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#184/u69025ca1.jpg)

PS You can just see in one of the pix that i have added the drip channels. I made these from 0.8mm quarter round styrene.

01-16-08, 12:02 PM
Simple , but effective! :rock:

Like the drip channels to.
Savvy? Where did You get the reference for the ballast tank vents?
Im having trouble finding reference regarding the pattern for my 552.
What makes matters worse is , i now have 3 diferent patterns on 2 separate PE sets. Wild gues?:hmm:

01-16-08, 01:53 PM
Just a lucky find,

I managed to get a copy of Anatomy of the ship 'The type VII U-Boat' for £6 from Amazon. I'd already decided on U-69 before this, so how pleased was i when the book turned up to see a very clear photo of U-69 in dry dock!

The book is crammed full of line drawings of most aspects of the type VII and is a real must for anyone building Revell's giant. There are some confusing drawings in the book as to what type and where these vents should be, so i just copied mine off the real boat:up:


01-17-08, 11:16 AM
http://www.u552.de/images/galleries/u552/u552_17.jpg (http://www.u552.de/images/galleries/u552/index.html)

Hi Siara,
Whilst looking for some ref for you as regards the saddle tank flood/blow vents i noticed in this photo that the flood drain holes on the hull side differ to what you may have been led to believe. It may not be a problem for you, but i thought i'd give you the heads up on it whilst you can still do something about it.

There are more photo's here http://www.u552.de/ hope this helps if you've not seen them already.


01-17-08, 11:38 AM
Thanks Savvy.
I know the site well , problem is , none of the snaps there nore in my collection regarding 552 shows clear vent pattern. I even went as far as checking the list of all the boats made in Blohm & Voss yard in that time , and i still can not get the idea about the pattern.
Im still searching tho....:up:

01-21-08, 12:01 PM

Sprue, Biro's, bits of wood and a bit of 'kit bashing' gets you a simple pressure hull.
I followed pictures of the yankee model works resin pressure hull as a guide for the pipe work which is all made out of sprue heated and bent over a candle, you can see the rest form the pix. I'll give this a coat of halfords grey primer followed by some weathering, thats about it really.


http://imgcash2.imageshack.us/img180/9237/u69030largewebviewug4.th.jpg (http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=u69030largewebviewug4.jpg)
http://imgcash4.imageshack.us/img184/4141/u69031largewebviewno3.th.jpg (http://img184.imageshack.us/my.php?image=u69031largewebviewno3.jpg)
http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img184/8749/u69029largewebviewjf6.th.jpg (http://img184.imageshack.us/my.php?image=u69029largewebviewjf6.jpg)

01-25-08, 12:21 PM

Here's the upper pressure hull painted up and weathered with some mig pigments.
The weathering is a bit rough and only there to to give this area some interest, when the decks are on pretty much none of it will be visible!


http://imgcash6.imageshack.us/img519/8703/u69032largewebviewyx4.th.jpg (http://img519.imageshack.us/my.php?image=u69032largewebviewyx4.jpg) http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img516/2020/u69033largewebviewvt7.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#516/u69033largewebviewvt7.jpg)

01-25-08, 03:06 PM
I like it Savvy - i like it a lot. One thing - not a criticism - i would add the ring under the Conning Tower - apart from that - excellent.:yep:

01-27-08, 02:19 PM
Hi Siara,
I understand your comments as regards the Conning tower ring, but, you just can't see it. I did a dry run to see just how much i could get away with, the answer was quite alot! Unless i was going to make the decks removable i could see no point in the extra work.

I also know that you are probably itching to see pix of U-69 with the paint on (as i am yours) so i took some photo's, all of which are out of focus:stare: So here is one of the 'better' ones until i take some more.


Ps I used Revell's deck as a mask as seen here
http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img519/2672/u69041largewebviewqe8.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#519/u69041largewebviewqe8.jpg)

01-27-08, 06:00 PM
Nice job Savvy. Thanks for the tip with the deck for mask.:up:

Did the welds come out good under the paint?

01-28-08, 03:03 PM
Yes mate the welds look rather nifty,
They should look even better when i've got some weathering on the hull. I'll take some more photo's tomorrow, this time in focus:doh:


02-07-08, 02:36 PM
Hi all,

Posted below is the reason for my innactivity on U-69 (Yeah i know it's not a sub but just wanted to let you know that i'm still here) Now this is finished i can get back on with the model.


http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img175/4959/u69043largewebviewsf7.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#175/u69043largewebviewsf7.jpg)

02-25-08, 05:32 PM
Hi all,

Posted below is the reason for my innactivity on U-69 (Yeah i know it's not a sub but just wanted to let you know that i'm still here) Now this is finished i can get back on with the model.


http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img175/4959/u69043largewebviewsf7.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#175/u69043largewebviewsf7.jpg)

Now - thats the great picture Sav - but You know full well we all like to see the pics of painted U-69. :yep:
Let us see her please. Hows the build progressing?

03-13-08, 11:31 AM
Ok, managed to get a bit of work done here:D

I made a stain using oil paint thinned out with white spirit. This i did twice as i was not happy with the first colour.

After this i dry brushed/stippled on various shades of grey and blended out any unwanted splodges etc with a clean brush dipped into the white spirit. Basically i just fannied about with it until i got the effect i was after.

http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img299/9789/u69049largewebviewnq8.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#299/u69049largewebviewnq8.jpg)


03-13-08, 12:36 PM
Here's another couple of pictures, which i would have posted on the last post if was'nt for my next door neighbour knocking on the door and wanting to talk about her Avon catalogue for an hour:stare:

http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img299/4693/u69051largewebviewgx2.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#299/u69051largewebviewgx2.jpg) http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img516/5019/u69048largewebviewub1.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#516/u69048largewebviewub1.jpg)

03-13-08, 01:21 PM
It looks so nice Savvy. I love the wear through to timber in some places.

Is it the wooden deck, or the brass one?

03-13-08, 02:04 PM
It's the wooden deck mate. I scraped back through the paint and down to the wood in the areas of highest wear.

For the rust patches (which i kept to a minimum) i used Mig pigments mixed to a thin wash with turps.

I'll tinker about with it as the rest of the boat comes together but for know i'm a happy Savvy:yep:

03-13-08, 03:36 PM
That deck looks terrific.

03-28-08, 05:03 AM
Ok, a week off work and a trip to Weymouth armed with my camera to take pix of working boats in the harbour.

Some of the boats were quite new and some looked like scrap iron. It was the newer boats i was interested in. These go out every day and showed some really nice weathering on them, they are all well kept and have to go through similar conditions that U-Boats would have had to endure.

All weathering so far has been done with MIG pigments mixed to a 'paint' with white spirits. This is then painted on using a fine brush and feathered out with a clean brush dipped into white spirit. All stains, drips and runs were added following period photo's and my pix of the boats in Weymouth. I'm aiming for a look of newish boat that has been put to some very hard work out in the Atlantic.
All the work seen here will be sealed under a coat of acrylic matt varnish, this will (should) tone down the effect somewhat, we'll see happens!
Comments welcomed.


http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img206/2572/u69052iw6.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#206/u69052iw6.jpg)
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03-28-08, 05:38 AM
:up: Nice paintjob done, mate
love the weathering effect


03-28-08, 01:56 PM
I like it a lot Sav. One thing- is the deck lifting slightly at the bow?
Overall superb. :up:

03-28-08, 02:07 PM
It's lifting slightly all over mate as i've not fixed the decks in place yet. Why? I've no idea, just have'nt got round to it yet! A decision i may live to regret:o

Done some more this afternoon on the port side, there is quite away to go yet but i'm liking it so far.


http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img329/7984/u69068lz9.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#329/u69068lz9.jpg) http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img229/3515/u69064zq7.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#229/u69064zq7.jpg) http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img229/1905/u69065zz0.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#229/u69065zz0.jpg) http://imgcash6.imageshack.us/img229/3527/u69067dm6.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#229/u69067dm6.jpg) http://imgcash4.imageshack.us/img229/913/u69066qz9.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#229/u69066qz9.jpg)

04-01-08, 07:31 AM
Ok, She's know officially U-69:yep:

The flags and 'Horridoh' decal is quite possibly one of the trickiest i've ever had to apply, but i got there in the end. The laughing cow motif (Snorting Bull:-? ) come as seperate decals.

I had some new photo's sent to me of U-69, Cheers Dougie, that showed up some new details that i had missed, in fact out of the 9 photo's there were minor detail changes pretty much between all of them:o The appearance of 'La Vache Qui Rit' depicts my model at around April/May 1941. Also in evidence in the photo's are black painted railings on the CT.

The deck railings either side of the 88 will also have to be modified.


http://imgcash6.imageshack.us/img204/9439/u69073largewebviewrw8.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#204/u69073largewebviewrw8.jpg) http://imgcash6.imageshack.us/img297/55/u69071largewebviewzl2.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#297/u69071largewebviewzl2.jpg) http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img297/5308/u69069largewebviewni9.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#297/u69069largewebviewni9.jpg)

04-01-08, 01:00 PM
Looks lovely Sav. Is the wintergarten original, or custom?

04-01-08, 01:52 PM
I'd like to say that it's custom, but after God knows how many attempts at making my own out of brass wire i just could'nt get anywhere near where i would be happy with it once finished :stare:

So, i'm using the kit parts and thinning them down to suit.


04-01-08, 03:56 PM
I had tried to work with the brass wire, knowing it will improve the kit a lot, but i think im the worlds worst at it. Im gonna have to learn a lot about soldering, before it is acceptable. Ive seen some lovely wintergartens online, but im puzzled how is done. People are mentioning the paste for soldering made by company called Koki. :hmm:

Good job You thinned the rails- it looks much better now.

04-02-08, 08:02 AM
Hello mate, i've got a pot of flux called 'Flux 2 Brass' by Gaugemaster, it works a treat. If you want to give it a try i'll send it to you as i don't think i'm going to be needing it again any time soon:-?

Give us a shout if ya want it, i've still got your address.


04-02-08, 10:45 AM
Weathering continues....

http://imgcash3.imageshack.us/img522/5831/u69076largewebviewli3.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#522/u69076largewebviewli3.jpg) http://imgcash2.imageshack.us/img179/4460/u69077largewebviewki5.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#179/u69077largewebviewki5.jpg) http://imgcash6.imageshack.us/img179/5511/u69075largewebviewoa1.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#179/u69075largewebviewoa1.jpg)

04-02-08, 11:10 AM
Hello mate, i've got a pot of flux called 'Flux 2 Brass' by Gaugemaster, it works a treat. If you want to give it a try i'll send it to you as i don't think i'm going to be needing it again any time soon:-?

Give us a shout if ya want it, i've still got your address.


Hi Savvy.
I just ordered the Koki paste http://www.ko-ki.co.jp/top.html , im gonna have another crack at it. Advantage of this paste is- You dont use the iron to solder parts. All You do is apply small blob of paste, add the other part to it , and just heat it up to about 200 C.
If You dont need Your paste anymore, ill happily compare the 2 products, and let You all know which is better. :up:

04-02-08, 11:23 AM
Hmmm...Sounds interesting. Got to be easier than trying to hold a soldering iron and solder onto a stupidly small joint!

I'll send you the stuff i've got anyway, at least then you'll have a choice:up:


04-09-08, 02:11 PM
Lower hull. This was a right pain in the arse, it's taken four or five attempts to get it looking like this! My wife thinks "it looks a right bloody mess" so i'm happy!

I found some pic's on the net of a couple of U-Boats in dry dock plus some modern stuff, and then tried to copy the effects seen.

Comments welcomed, good or bad, it all helps.


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BLOODY HELL, why's it done the photo's like that?

04-09-08, 02:24 PM
Fantastic paintjob Savvy. Add the scum line, and is going to be one of my favourites. :rock:

Only thing- the rains / i believe thats what they call the vertical smudges from rusting or dirty parts / should stop at the waterline, unless the boat was in the dry dock for some time.

04-09-08, 02:32 PM
Woo Hooo, Page four!

Hello mate, yeah ya right, it's just one of the many things on my 'snagging' list.

The scum line will go on after i've sealed in whats done so far. I have an idea using some torn paper and masking tape, so i don't want to leave any masking marks on the surface.

I've not forgotten about the flux (Well i had!) and will get it off to you before the weeks out.



CA Sailor
04-10-08, 11:06 PM
Well I am new here and also going to build an U69. I have enjoyed your topic and Siaras and was the main reason I got the kit. All the info between you two have made it easier to see what I need to do to my kit. I haven't started it yet because I am saving up for the exterior parts and want to get all the info on building the 69 before starting. My plan is to have the sub tied up to a dock someplace getting e torpedoes loaded and supplys. What is currently in my mind is a full pier with buildings and vehicles. I plan on using CMK U-Boat exterior set 1, U-Boat deck winch for torpedo, White Ensigns Type VIIC U-Boat PE Set, Tyoe VIIC U-Boat flood and drain and vent holes, Yankee Model Works Upper Preasure Hull and their set of brass parts, and Nautilus wood deck. When I bought my model on ebay for a steal it came with the Yankee Model Works brass parts which to Siaras behalf include the vents that you meticulously scratch built. I am not sure on figurines as of yet but leaning towards CMks because from what I have seen on peoples models they look best or Revells because they seem to be the best bang for the buck.


04-11-08, 04:25 AM
Hi CA Sailor,

First up, thanks for your kind words.

It sounds like your really going to go for it here and most of the after market stuff you mention are well worth the money!

For the figure's, personally i would go for CMK's as these depict the crew doing what you have in mind for your finished theme. Take a look at this for a look at what you could end up with http://www.rokket.biz/models/modelsweb/rokket/u557/finished.shtml

You say that you would like to depict the boat tied up and taking on supplies, does this mean you are going to make it a waterline model? If so be aware that there will not be a lot to hold the two hull halves together, it's by no means impossible but i thought i'd mention it.

Have a look at this to see all things U-Boat http://www.modelsbymickster.com/cgi-bin/hobbyshop/hobbyshop.pl?inv=Uboote

You could save yourself some money by scratching your own pressure hull, you just can't see it when decks go on! But saying that, if you are going down the waterline road then the addition of this item could add a lot of structural re-enforcement:hmm:

Don't forget to post some pix when you get started,

All the best,


04-11-08, 12:27 PM
Whilst talking about crew figures, here's some of mine whilst in the paint shop.

I'm not the worlds best at figure painting and you'll have to trust me when i say they look better in real life. The over magnified view picks up evey little blemish and fault, still, they will add a bit of interest on the finished boat, not to mention adding a sense of scale!


http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img178/1465/u69087largewebviewuv7.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#178/u69087largewebviewuv7.jpg)

CA Sailor
04-11-08, 03:41 PM
I am planning to do the whole sub and not a waterline. I am thinking of doing something like this but tied up and recieving supplies instead of dry docked. Savy do you have any good pictures of the hull or the sub that you mind sharing? http://www.modelshipgallery.com/gallery/ss/dkm/u-201-72-gp/gp-index.html
I may attempt a pressure hull but may not. Thanks for the sites. I had seen Models by Mickster before and have them saved on my computer to buy parts from. I hope I can pull it off as good as both of you have.

04-11-08, 05:37 PM
Welcome to subsim CA Sailor.
I wish You luck with the build. It is a pain when You start, all the fun starts towards the end. Im at that stage now, and im havin a blast.:smug:
Are You planing the WIP on Subsim?

BTW: Sav- the figures look good. :up:

CA Sailor
04-11-08, 06:32 PM
Siara when I get all the parts and figure out how I am going to pull it off I will be sharing photos of the progress. I am in college still at a maritime academy here in the US. I am planning to start it next school year and do all the painting at home where I have acess to an aircompressor and airbrush. I also have some full size WWII projects that need to get finished like my 1941 Dodge 1/2 ton Military ambulance first. http://s44.photobucket.com/albums/f43/obball123/wc%209%20frame%20with%20wc%2018%20body/
I plan to have this one done this summer or close to it. I also have a 1/2 ton truck also but it will be several more years before it is done.

04-12-08, 05:20 AM
Hi C A,

Send me a PM with your e-mail and i'll send you the photo's that i have got of U-69.

For the hull i found one decent photo of a dry docked type IX, i also used photo's of modern ships and subs that i found by doing a Google search.

Really like the photo's of your '41 Dodge :up:


04-12-08, 12:10 PM
Quick update,

http://imgcash6.imageshack.us/img187/7016/u69092largewebviewgz8.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#187/u69092largewebviewgz8.jpg) http://imgcash5.imageshack.us/img180/1310/u69088largewebviewdx9.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#180/u69088largewebviewdx9.jpg) http://imgcash1.imageshack.us/img241/3702/u69090largewebviewom5.th.jpg (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/flakshak2/images/detail/#241/u69090largewebviewom5.jpg)


04-12-08, 01:22 PM
Nice. :up:

04-12-08, 04:21 PM
Very very nice http://www.psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/thumbsup.gif

CA Sailor
04-12-08, 06:03 PM
Between you and Siara you keep amazing me with your talents

CA Sailor
04-13-08, 05:42 PM
I just found this site

04-13-08, 06:09 PM
Looking real nice, Savvy :up: :up:

04-14-08, 03:27 AM
Nice find CA, i missed that one!

Cheers bert8for3 i'm glad you like it.


04-14-08, 06:12 AM
:up: Great job on the Conning tower.


05-12-08, 07:23 AM
:o Has it really been that long since i posted anything...work is really getting in the way of this build!

So what have i been up to? Not a lot is the quick answer to that. What i have done is notice that the weathering i'd done below the waterline looked like a big pile of pants:stare:

So, i did the whole lot again:damn: It now resembles the photo's that i have of this area, there is still a bit of tinkering to do here but i'm reasonably happy with how this looks now.

Comments or questions welcome,


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05-12-08, 11:44 AM
:o .....................:dead:

thats a awesome paintjob!
I can only dream of weathering my aircraft models with that craftmanship


05-12-08, 12:13 PM
Thanks a lot Hunter,

Trust me, you can do this also. It's all done with brushes and little bit of know how (Mostly borrowed from other people) and it's done on the cheap. No airbrushes are used anywhere on this model. They expensive, unreliable if not treated with clinical care and they will make an airbrushed weathering job look just that, airbrushed!

This is based purely on my oppinion. I own four airbrushes and i only ever use them for my artwork.

So go ahead and have a go it's brill when an effect works. Saying that, it's not so brill when it does'nt!



05-12-08, 01:10 PM
Good job Sav!

Looks amazing, considering You painted it with the brush. What a job! Superb weathering. How did You manage the rusty streaks so realistic? :rock:

05-13-08, 11:31 AM

I owe you an apology, since i said i would send you the flux that i bought, i damned if i can find it :-? I've a feeling it may have been thrown out by mistake, so sorry about that.

The rust streaks were done with Mig pigments mixed to a 'Milk' consistency with white spirit. This was then applied with a 5 '0' brush in fine streaks. Whilst still wet a slightly larger brush moistened in white spirit was used to feather them out.

All the best,
