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View Full Version : Must have been a full moon 11-12 to 11-13-07

11-13-07, 10:42 AM
Having played SH-3 since it was first released & later GW-1.1 up to & including GWX-1.03, i thought i had ran the full gammit of Murphy's Law !! I now stand corrected ! March 41 left Lorient in route to BF-11. At or about BF-51 radar picks up a ship . It is a lone unarmed KGN . I dive, approach,get a good angle,fire & get a "She's going down " ! Check my patrol log and this ship is listed as sunk ! Go up,charge my batterys & then save & Exit . A few hours later, get back into the game ! As soon as the Screen comes to life i'm getting shell hits, from the same one & only ship i've sank so far on this patrol ! I dive, thinking i missed the running buddy to the ship i sank ! Not so ! He still alone however no longer dead but cannot move ! I hit him again , No"she's going down" {again } but she's done, just not sinking ! I check my patrol log & this ship is still listed from the 1st time ! Come to damage screen & i've got minor damage, All yellow, No red ! Get a little distance from this ship & surface One by one i watch my entire crew die of & i'm on the surface when i die, no dive to death deal here! Well i only have one choice, restart this patrol all over ! Submerged,BE-63 & sonar picks up two warships, get close enough to lift the scope & its two German Battleships. Gsteau & scharnhorst! Up until now these two ships have only been a couple of pages in the recognition manuel as i don't play missions,only career! "Sorry can't spell" It has been a night to remember!!!!:doh:

11-13-07, 01:47 PM
Did you wait until the ship was fully underwater when you surfaced ? I've had times when ships "Going Down" would still be shelling the snot out of me as they filled up with water as if the remainder of their crew were running around doing everything to keep that last gun turret alive as the water poured in. I now stay underwater until I know that the thing is all the way down.

11-13-07, 04:07 PM
Are you in an IXD2 ?
Did I not send you the fix ? :hmm:

11-13-07, 08:03 PM
actually jim is there really a fix...i want it!

11-13-07, 08:44 PM
Jimbuna, i'm not yet in a IX-D2 but that is my favorite Sub & if you have some type of Fix that would help it i would really appreciate it ! What does this fix Address? Right now i have the IX-D2 available to me but i'm using Wolfies tweek & it won't let me have the torpedoes that i want to use until 1942 !

11-14-07, 06:39 AM
I will sort it tonight, but if STEED reads this post first I believe he has a copy :arrgh!:

The fix addresses the dying crew issue when your conning tower has received damage and you surface your sub.

11-14-07, 06:47 AM
Sure appreciate that !

11-14-07, 03:33 PM
Okay guys.....here's the fix for the IX/3 conning tower on the type IXD2.

Enable with JSGME.

I was unable to find the original so all credit and thanks to Ref for the original work and the resupply :rock: :up:
