View Full Version : New freeware sim "Rigs of rods"

11-11-07, 10:24 AM
A new freeware sim featuring cars boats & planes is now available here (http://www.rigsofrods.com/).
Still got a long way to go, but what's there is interesting good physics + operable cranes etc

11-12-07, 08:36 PM
The multiplayer looks like fun. Worth a try for the physics alone by the look of it.

11-12-07, 09:22 PM
That does look very cool actually, it aint FSX, but I must say, I liked the way that truck could drive into the back of the cargo plane up the ramp on the demo video, and the crash physics and damage are pretty amazing. Gonna keep an eye on that one, thanks for posting the link.

:D Chock

11-13-07, 02:13 PM
Now all we need is weapons and explosives and we could fully recreate the old Steve Jackson Games Car Wars/Boat Wars/etc...game and all it's addons ! I have a feeling that it's only a matter of time after seeing the demo videos ! I can't tell you the amount of time I spent in my teen years playing Car Wars ! I can't wait for someone to mod it into this engine and I KNOW it's going to happen.:D

11-13-07, 11:07 PM

Was that anything like interstate 76? I loved that game soooo much.

11-14-07, 07:11 AM
I tried RoR ,

I must say its quiet funny to just mess with things

but the weir thing was..I was flying that plane and at the sudden my Wing just folded up into weird position like it was made of paper

the rest is quiet funny, especially the trucks and boats :up:
when you enter a vehicule..you must ignite and start it manually :lol:
*tjijij ijijij Vraoom* and clutch and shift gear

also you have to use the engine power in order to use the cranes and stuff
shift into neutral let that engine roar, put the support legs out..and lets lift some stuff up.

11-14-07, 03:19 PM
but the weird thing was..I was flying that plane and at the sudden my Wing just folded up into weird position like it was made of paper

Serves you right for trying to fly an origomi airplane ! Next time try a wood or metal one. You'll find they hold together a lot better. :rotfl:

11-14-07, 03:31 PM
Was that anything like interstate 76? I loved that game soooo much.
It's a boardgame and now it's a miniatures game and it's seccond rendition is still available. It pretty accurately renders physics in a turn based board game environment. Literally anything you can do with a real vehicle, you can do in this game. It made Interstate 76' s phyics model look like crap actually not to mention the fact that you could design your own vehicles from the ground up. The original version which is out of print had an overkill of addons. They started with just cars, then motorcycles of all types, then trucks and 18 wheelers, then helecoptors, then boats, then tanks and military vehicles, then airplanes and dirigibles. The new version focuses only on cars. They streamlined the system so that it plays faster and is less complex. They upped the scale so that you can play it with matchbox cars. The only big problem with it is the fact that they got rid of the ability to design your own vehicles from the ground up like the old game allowed you to do but there is supposedly a vehicle design book in the works but it's been a long time and it hasn't been published yet.