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View Full Version : 6 tankers, 1 convoy: Can Do!

11-09-07, 03:37 PM
Hey, sorry if I gloat!
10:14 Status Report
10/12/1942 10:14
U-53 Position Grid AM49
Torpedoes left: 0
Tankers sunk: 6
Cargo Ships sunk: 3
Total Tonnage: 96872

Liberty Cargo: 7333t
Whale Factory Ship: 13124t
Troop Transport: 8512t
Large Tanker: 9987t
Whale Factory Ship: 13166t
Large Tanker: 9986t
Whale Factory Ship: 13126t
Whale Factory Ship: 13125t
Troop Transport: 8513t

This engagement started AM73(NW corner) HDG 045, and ended AM49(NE corner)
This convoy had light escort(6), I say light because there was no Black Swans covering it. whew!
The last three ships were sunk using the Falke torpedo, I'd parallel their course and let them go by for a stern shot right down the wake. They surely sink with a stern shot!
This was done with a Type VIIB and I did not use the deckgun at all.

EDIT: cool! I even got promoted to Commander Avatar

11-09-07, 03:43 PM
Well done, Kaleun! Follow them and persist like the wolves from hell. :yep:

11-09-07, 03:54 PM
Nice job, Avatar! :up:

Onkel Karl will surely be proud of you! :arrgh!:

11-09-07, 03:56 PM
Vielen Danke!

Just barely missed my first 100k ton patrol!:roll:

edit: i forgot to mention that I play GWX loaded via SH3CDR

11-09-07, 04:14 PM
Gotta love those whale factory ships. They're worth so much, and they go down so damned easy!

11-09-07, 04:14 PM
:cool: Real :cool:

11-09-07, 06:16 PM
Your valor will be rewarded!

(btw. which diff. setting?)
Anyway: Success! :up:

11-09-07, 08:01 PM
58% realisim. This is my first career. I havent done manual targeting yet, but next career, Ill boost everything up except outside view. Looking forward to the next release of GWX. I should probably start in 39 with manual targeting. 43 is getting tough!

edit: map contacts on, fuel ammo torpedoes battery normal, show everything off, stabilize view off, crew help on, manual targeting off, (I think everything...
I wish I had pictures,
it was a clam, dec. 15, 1942, in the icy waters of AM73. U-53, a type VIIB Uboat, was in a forward intercept position, after hours at traveling Flank speed, some 20 knots at times, to get position of a large convoy.
"Tough times!", yelled the 1st Watch Officer in the screaming wind. The Kaleun, Kptlt. Hans Rudel, just nodded in approvement. His mind far off into the intricate calculations of positioning the Grey Wolf in for a fanshot.
After so long, the Captain became puzzelled. He climbed down into the tube and asked the Radio Officer, "Any contacts?" "Nein, Herr Kaleun. Keine Kontakt." replied the Stabobersmann, studying the Metox gear.
Indeed puzzelling.
The thought needed no continuance because there was a cry from above, "Schiff gesechte! Zerstorer lage drei vier drei!"

11-09-07, 08:30 PM
"(Flank Speed, sry.forgot) Ruder Halbbacktbord, neue Kurz zwei funf null!" The cold salt spray cut his face as U53 turned into the wind. "Dammt, we've come right in front of the port side of a convoy."

should I finish this attack... A picture is worth ~100 words. I wish I had pictures because it was a large convoy with 3 Whale factory ships in one row. Next row had a Whaleship and a Trooper as the middle of the convoy. Next row had the other Troopship. I got the Liberty on the route.
There were about 5 Large Mercants, 1 Large Cargo, and numerous smaller ships. This was my best patrol so far. The protection was a J&K, 2 Rivers, 2 Hunt2s, and last in the convoy was some rinky dink tin can(that's right!) that came right over me pinging like mad(150m) and didnt pick me up. I was expecting "Wasserbomben!" but that never happened. Lucky patrol and my best sorry, for gloating. I've had a coupla drinks and its friday night.