View Full Version : Is SHIV getting more popular than SHIII?

10-26-07, 10:47 AM
This week, for the first time I believe, More people are viewing SHIV forum than SHIII !!!

Possibly the recent fixes may account for it.

Me? I'm sticking to U-boats!

Now, all I have to do is figure out how to stay alive!

10-26-07, 10:49 AM
It does not really matter. As long as those interesting in either have a forum to go to and enjoy their boat of choice!

Cap'n Spanky
10-26-07, 11:58 AM
It does not really matter. As long as those interesting in either have a forum to go to and enjoy their boat of choice!


Lots of ppl have both, I do, and enjoy each.

Iron Budokan
10-26-07, 02:22 PM
Time will tell, but I doubt SH IV will ever become more popular than SH III. There's a lot of current excitement with talk of a new patch and add-on being released. That's good news, imo.

10-26-07, 03:13 PM
Whats SH IV??? :lol:

10-26-07, 03:18 PM
Do they have depthcharges in sh4?....or is it a rumor:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

10-26-07, 03:29 PM
I'm willing to give SH4 another try once I've reason enough to bother and find out if a new patch has turned the figures on cardboard into 3D models :shifty:

But with Racerboy's new SH4 effects mod for SH3 there is perhaps 0.6% chance left for that. :p

von hally
10-26-07, 04:51 PM
well, ive never played sh IV,,,, and dont feel the need to!!....to be honest guys ... the battle in the pacific dosnt enthrall me as much as the atlantic campaign.
theres a certain thrill to being the enemy during sh3 campaign...knowing eventually things will turn....i cant imagine getting the same feeling commandering an Amerian u boat for some reason.....i know im probaly missing out on a great game but im not nearly enough through sh3 (plus mods) to feel the need to update!!!!
besides....ive just been introduced to gwx....the guys that modded that deserve players to fully appreciate their work....which i do.......im happy with sh3 just now matey!!!!!


10-26-07, 04:56 PM
SH4 is getting alot of attention due to the patch that's getting closer. People are going to want to go take another look. I reinstalled my SH4 about 3 weeks ago and with the mods now I love it. So now I have to budget my time between the two.

10-26-07, 05:29 PM
I'm glad to see SH-4 has improved. I want to see all submarine games succeed. As for myself, I'm busy enough with SH3/GWX.

10-26-07, 05:58 PM
I hope SHIV is a huge financial success, thus ensuring we'll get a SHV.

10-26-07, 06:04 PM
I think I'll be very very honest here and say how I really feel about SH4 since I do own a copy of the game and I've been thinking this matter over a lot. Albeit I know I'll probably be flamed and hated by most after this.

Perhaps if Japan had not suffered such great misery and long lasting horror after the nuking of their two major cities (and having all my sympathies since when I read about it in school) I'd be willing enough to sink their passenger liners and boats at the same scale as in SH3 in a present day simulation, too.

IRL I'm not a fan of international warfare or atrocities against civilians and nations who are known to have kept their peace and been staying defensive for the majority of their lifespans on the contrary, despite repeated embargo's, provocations and what-nots and with the clear understanding that they are undesirable neighbors with undesirable mindsets on the face of this earth.

I have to admit that I hate politics and all politicians with the utmost fervor, but that also means I don't follow any ideas that are harmful to any living creatures in any way.

I'd rather quietly die of poverty and hunger earlier than I expected to than secure a rich future for myself by being part of a clever, rampant and selfish terror. Warfare and soldiering is fine and dandy in a video game up to an extent but for myself there are limits still. I don't find that thought bearable at all and would not like to have any part in it, even in a make-belief simulation. :dead:

I have issues, I guess.

So there :(

*crash dives to avoid flames*

Capt. Shark Bait
10-26-07, 06:05 PM
Do they have depthcharges in sh4?....or is it a rumor:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

just a propagandistic rumor

von hally, one of the main differences between 3 and 4, is that in 4 can you get specific missions before you patrol whatever area your assigned. coupd be a photo recon, agent or supply drop,. that last has an inflatable boat actually leaving you boat. there are also pilot rescues too. with all the mods for it, Trigger maru in particular, i'ld say it's definitely worth playing. i know cuz i have

10-26-07, 06:24 PM
Fenris Wolf... No flames to worry about. I'm just a tad bit confused by your post.

Are you playing SH3?

How can you play as Nazis, and accept their atrocities, but not the Americans against the Japanese?

Stealth Hunter
10-26-07, 06:31 PM
SH4 was all eye-candy. SH3 was eye-candy for the time, but it was FUN. Plus, SH4 needs to tone the graphics down a bit. I'm using an 8600 GTS and can't get more than 30 FPS on a "High" setting ("Very High" will rape my computer).

10-26-07, 06:34 PM
dang Stealth, I've got an ATI 1300 and I run it on high. Also using an AMD +3400 with 2.5gb RAM. Runs great at high grafics with ROV and everything

10-26-07, 07:26 PM
I've been playing SHIV lately. I'm a US Navy guy, so I've been enjoying it. There are some good mods, but it's still a work-in-progress, even Trigger Maru has some things that really annoy me.

SHIII has its good points: GWX, GWX, shorter time to the battle zone, no wacky Internat'l Date Line bugs, the "human" interaction (asking the nav, the CE, etc. for info), and GWX. Oh, did I forget to mention? GWX!

10-26-07, 08:07 PM
I think the Atlantic war will always do better box office. It was longer, grittier and bigger than the Pacific submarine campaign (in terms of subs and convoys) and probably does better internationally since the contestants are mostly European and subs aren't American. It's nice to have both tho. I was really worried after the dismal showing of SH2 that WW2 subsims would be shelved forever in favor of FPSs and aerial sims.

Still hoping for a Destroyer Command Two someday. :cool:

Kpt. Lehmann
10-26-07, 08:43 PM
It does not really matter. As long as those interesting in either have a forum to go to and enjoy their boat of choice!


10-26-07, 08:44 PM
How can you play as Nazis, and accept their atrocities, but not the Americans against the Japanese?

I know little if anything of the Japanese/American conflict, but I do know about the war in Europe.

The Nazis were a political party / government. We don't play Nazi's in SH3, we play Germans, and young Germans at that. It's important to understand the difference.

WW1 was not really anyone's fault. It was inevitable that as soon as the human race was capable of waging war on a global scale, it would do so.

Now imagine (if you are not German) that your nation had lost WW1 and had "peace" treaties imposed which were so severe that your economy gradually collapsed, leading to mass unemployment, poverty and starvation. Imagine standing in queues every day to get bread to feed your starving children while huge sums of money are paid to France and other nations. Now imagine a new government comes to power (by whatever means) with a charismatic man leading it, and starts setting things "right" and creating jobs and money and food.

Now imagine being a child growing up in all of that.

Yes, the Nazi party were responsible for some terrible things. And yes, ordinary Germans carried out some of those atrocities, but ordinary people do terrible things that terrible leaders tell them to do all over the world. In SH3, I for one don't play the role of a member of the Nazi party.

Not meant as an attack on you monolith :up: just my opinion on the subject.


10-26-07, 09:05 PM
I wont turn to SHIV for the simple reason thats its in the Pacific. Im not interested in that theatre of war. Thats a personal taste no matter how good a game is. SHIV will get my attention when there will be a total Atlantic mod.
U-boot war is defined by Germans, both in WWI and WWII. Everything historical, mythical and every other related English word I dont know translates back to the original name of the Submarine; Unterseeboot.

Kpt. Lehmann
10-26-07, 09:22 PM
How can you play as Nazis, and accept their atrocities, but not the Americans against the Japanese?

I know little if anything of the Japanese/American conflict, but I do know about the war in Europe.

The Nazis were a political party / government. We don't play Nazi's in SH3, we play Germans, and young Germans at that. It's important to understand the difference.

I for one don't play the role of a member of the Nazi party.

To anyone who cares to read:

What a lot of people fail to realize is that with the Ubootwaffe, "politics" were not officially allowed onto the boat. You left your politics on the quayside.

Playing SH3 doesn't make you a Nazi, or a Nazi sympathiser. Though there is no doubt in my mind that there are some here who play SH3 and DO "want-to-be- Nazis"... (They are usually delusional idiots... You know... the ding-dongs who torpedo hospital ships LOL.) I for one am NOT confused.

I simply admire and respect a former foe who went to sea time and time again, with the courage that they showed against ever-increasing danger and nearly certain death.

I also feel that walking a mile or two in your enemy's shoes allows for a bit of understanding that you cannot acquire in any other way.

SH3 also represents the entire war in the Atlantic. Not just from the German standpoint. Next time you torpedo a ship... just visualize yourself as a crewman in its engine room and you will see what I mean.

In the end, this is a game that allows many of us to meet over a common interest... as opposed to being on a real battlefield somewhere... with a common misconception... that the other is 'evil.'

Apologies for going off topic a bit. I'm just sick of the implication that SH3 players are somehow "Nazis" because they enjoy U-boats... or that there is some nefarious "us versus them" attitude in relation to SH3 and SH4 players.

Just leave all that crap behind and just sail what and where you enjoy, people!

10-26-07, 09:35 PM
Apologies for going off topic a bit. I'm just sick of the implication that SH3 players are somehow "Nazis" because they enjoy U-boats... or that there is some nefarious "us versus them" attitude in relation to SH3 and SH4 players.

Just leave all that crap behind and just sail what and where you enjoy, people!
Hear hear! You get a sub, some torpedoes and ships to aim them at....and nobody dies. These games are just entertainment after all, and probably only give us a 1% glimmer as to what it was really like to be a WW2 sub skipper. ;)

10-26-07, 09:56 PM
Fenris Wolf... No flames to worry about. I'm just a tad bit confused by your post.

Are you playing SH3?

How can you play as Nazis, and accept their atrocities, but not the Americans against the Japanese?

First of all, we're not playing Nazis (a political party), second: As far as I know, no attrocities were comitted by any WWII U-boat personnel.

Third: In our role-playing modes on this forum, we play as honorable officers of the Kriegsmarine.

We have had some who have admitted to torpedoing hospital ships and wantonly attacking neutrals. These people don't represent either the U-boot Waffe nor the majority of us who enjoy playing SH3.

10-26-07, 10:03 PM
What a lot of people fail to realize is that with the Ubootwaffe, "politics" were not officially allowed onto the boat. You left your politics on the quayside.

Wernt the U-boot sailors all selected on their political ideology. And thus in the German case all members off the NSDAP? Therefor minimizing the change of an U-boot surrendering to the 'enemy'?

10-26-07, 10:13 PM
What a lot of people fail to realize is that with the Ubootwaffe, "politics" were not officially allowed onto the boat. You left your politics on the quayside.

Wernt the U-boot sailors all selected on their political ideology. And thus in the German case all members off the NSDAP? Therefor minimizing the change of an U-boot surrendering to the 'enemy'?
They were not selected because of party afiliation.

10-26-07, 10:14 PM
Although the Atlantic is my favorite theater of operation I did purchase SHIV to see what it would be like to play in the Pacific. I discovered 2 major problems, one was my computer was not up to scratch, but that has been fixed, the other was so many bugs that put me off upgrading till recently. Finally patch 1.4 is just around the corner & once this is released & compatable mods sorted out I will re-install & give it a fair go, why not have both to play with, I hate to say it but SHIII doesn't have the appeal any more that it once had, probably a combo of installing too many mods, that plus I've played it to death!!:lol:
I know after a short period I will be back in full swing again, SHIV, I hope, will be just what I need ...... Maybe!:yep:

Onkel Neal
10-26-07, 10:54 PM
Topic closed