View Full Version : ban chessboards

09-14-07, 08:41 AM
after the recent blaming of computer games for recent multiple homocides i wonder will the PC brigade be making statement to the press about the russan serial killer that claims his chessboard led him to kill 62 people and want to kill 64 people surley if there is any consistency in the arguement they must or is it that multiple murderers where operating and getting there minds twisted long before the game's industry was even invented :damn:

09-14-07, 09:02 AM
I remember when Clockwork Orange first came out in England. There was a rash of homeless people getting beaten to death or badly injured so I would say that it's a 'possibility' that some people might be swayed to violence by games. They were probably a little mentally unstable to begin with and fantasy led to reality.

09-14-07, 09:22 AM
People that do this kind of stuff are already going to do it anyway. I think its a certain percentage of the population are genetically inclined to whack out. Games, violence, etc. - maybe it turns this part of the mind on faster, but I'm sure it didn't create.


09-14-07, 09:56 AM
Some even turn into politicians :p

09-14-07, 10:01 AM
Micky's gone all Jack Thompson on us :D

09-14-07, 10:09 AM
There is certainly no doubt that many people who are influenced and inspired by
fictional characters.

I have been inspired by many fictional characters, if you haven't than you haven't read

For the most part, people are inspired by real people or fictional people that they
can relate to.

When someone who has a casual interest in running sees a film about a gold
medal winning runner, he may be inspired to become better at running and go on to
win a medal of his own.
If he had not been inspired in this way then he would not have won the

It can also be a bad thing. When someone who has a casual intrest in murder sees a
film about a mass murderer, he may be inspired to murder and go on to murder
someone him self.
If he had not been inspired in this way then he would not have commited

We should not censor films that might inspire murder etc. because although they may be the inspiration and reason someone murders, they are not an excuse. The blame always lies with the person who committed the crime.Video games are a little different. They are not quite like films, but I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to inspire some one to do something good or bad that they would usually do as long as the game has enough emotional stimulation in it.

09-14-07, 10:13 AM
after the recent blaming of computer games for recent multiple homocides i wonder will the PC brigade be making statement to the press about the russan serial killer that claims his chessboard led him to kill 62 people and want to kill 64 people surley if there is any consistency in the arguement they must or is it that multiple murderers where operating and getting there minds twisted long before the game's industry was even invented :damn:

That story I failed to notice. But like you tell it - he wanted to kill 64 because his chessboard with 64 squares told him so - this initially sounds like an extreme obsessional neurosis to me. The need to meet numerical demands in any way, are an often observed behavioral pattern amongst such patients. For them all heaven falls down if they do not follow the numerical rules, whatever they are like.

I wonder why he didn't stop after 16 (=16 pawns) or so. :hmm:

It goes without saying that if it is like i superficially assume, then we are talking about a seriously ill person, and the example in no way should be compared to the debate about killer games - what you probably already know yourself. ;) Maybe he would have caught by the stones of the pavement, if it wouldn't have been the chessboard.


P.S. Better nobody dare to ban chess boards as long as I'm around! :arrgh!:

09-14-07, 11:14 AM
im saying that games are and art form like books and films if we were to put this in perspective the bible and the koran should be banned for inciting and causing much more bloodshed than any computer game has ever done if the people involved are insipired to murder from any one of these mediums then they are already unstable before they use these mediums these types of murders en mass have been around longer than computer games have been that is a pure fact and the video games industry is vetted far more seriously than any of the above media i would suggest that the PC brigade get a life its easy to blame games as in the columbine massicre but the real truth was insitutionalised bullying caused that incident but if far easier to blame doom or bioshock than addressing the real problem

09-14-07, 12:38 PM
Micky, I know you are at war with punctuation, but couldn't you at least try to start a new line every time you start a new sentence? Press the enter-button every time you would take a breath when speaking out those sentences loud.

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
09-14-07, 01:59 PM
ban chessboards
hell not!
i love that game. its better than those friggin card game's :shifty:

09-14-07, 04:20 PM
Micky, I know you are at war with punctuation, but couldn't you at least try to start a new line every time you start a new sentence? Press the enter-button every time you would take a breath when speaking out those sentences loud.

i do take a breath shame that you cant without seeing a full stop or a comma:D

i will try in future lol

09-14-07, 04:35 PM
Micky, I know you are at war with punctuation, but couldn't you at least try to start a new line every time you start a new sentence? Press the enter-button every time you would take a breath when speaking out those sentences loud.

i do take a breath shame that you cant without seeing a full stop or a comma:D

i will try in future lol

Yer, SB has a point.
I can't even begin to read your post. It burns my eyes.

09-14-07, 04:39 PM
Yer, SB has a point.
SB = Selbstbedienung. :stare:

09-14-07, 05:24 PM
Yer, SB has a point. SB = Selbstbedienung. :stare:

What's wrong with a little self service?:D

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
09-14-07, 07:09 PM
Yer, SB has a point. SB = Selbstbedienung. :stare:
What's wrong with a little self service?:D

:hmm: depends in what centence :rotfl:

09-14-07, 07:28 PM
Yer, SB has a point. SB = Selbstbedienung. :stare:
What's wrong with a little self service?:D
:hmm: depends in what centence :rotfl:

Serve thy self: http://dictionary.reference.com/

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
09-14-07, 07:42 PM
Yer, SB has a point. SB = Selbstbedienung. :stare:
What's wrong with a little self service?:D
:hmm: depends in what centence :rotfl:
Serve thy self: http://dictionary.reference.com/

no thanks. :lol:

09-14-07, 08:33 PM
Yer, SB has a point. SB = Selbstbedienung. :stare:
What's wrong with a little self service?:D
:hmm: depends in what centence :rotfl:
Serve thy self: http://dictionary.reference.com/
no thanks. :lol:
So let me get this straight.

Skybird objects to his online name being initialized as "SB" because SB is short for the word "embezzler" in German, even though "Skybird" is English for "Luftvogel", which would make his actual online name initials "LV", which for all i know may also have some ignoble meaning in either English or German or perhaps in some as uet unamed third language? :D

Happy Times
09-14-07, 08:43 PM
Just guessing.


09-14-07, 09:38 PM
It occurs to me that it is not the fault of an author or a game designer or an artist or a musician or what have you that someone uses their work to inspire a terrible deed. Certainly it is true that all those that use these iconic things as a reason are not at all mentally balanced or well by any standard of sanity. So that means that it could easily have been anything that inspired them to act a certain way.

The other thing is that even when a violent image or idea or concept lays seed in someone's mind in a way that any other effige would not it is still not the artist's fault for creating it. I say this simply because people are impressionable when they are ignorant, maiive, and young. In face the latter could easily be defined as the two formers. So then it occurs to me that when someone sees a violent image and is impulsed to imitate it they are acting that way because they have no self regulatory counter-impulse. This absense of a mitigating influence in one's mind is apparent in those who are mentally ill, but what of those who are merely disenfranchised and 'lost' as we say? Well it seems that there have been many studies and surveys and such that cite how a lack of konwledge or an overly sensitized awareness of it, in many cases being caused by a total lack of awareness of it beforehand, makes it more likely for someone to move towards embrasing this taboo thing rather than avoid it. The same thing goes for outright denial of the opportunity to even know what something is.

This idea has been discussed in research on teens with drugs. Basically teens who have had their parents educate them thoroughly on the subject of weed are less likely to experiment with it. The classic judeo-christian approach of "thou shalt not because I said so" is counter-productive and as such a more intelligent approach to warning and educating someone about something is more effective at preventing them even venturing to try it.

Now how does that affect those who act in an unbalanced way in regards to things which are violent or 'obscene', etc...? Well simply if someone is isolated in the cliche image of a teen angster, or is a social outcast, not as most of us geeks are but in the true sense of feeling hated all around, they have no sensible frame of reference to vent their emotions or appraise them reasonably. They latch onto ideas and images which satisfy their untamed urges. In additon since we make such things as violent games, movies, and music, taboo or at least unpopular in the mainstream of adult thought we retard our own ability to deal with those who see it as something more than most of us do.

Coming down to violence if someone has been forced to leave the room whenever someone has sworn, fired a gun, or even killed someone in a fictitious way on TV or in a movie or such then that creates an unrealistic naiivete. Curiosity and even fetish grow from such taboo. This approaches more in the realm of sex and music and drugs. But suicide, and murder are more centred in the realm of isolated suffering.

So when we talk specifically of the effect of violent imagery on youths (adults usually are bonkers when they are affected bys uch things) we need to understand their virginal appreciation for the world. Whats old news to us is exiting and fresh to them. Things like violent ideas and images and acts need to be confronted and they need to have their curiosity satiated. Taking the random edge off of their exploration prevents them from falling deeply into something they can't control nor konw how to. In addition to that many if not all of these 'kids' are mentally suffering and thats a cause of not getting help. I wouldn't doubt that parenting is not up to par in the case of those that go on killing sprees.

So yea... long long post... like the first crappy draft of an essay really.

Thats my bit.

09-14-07, 09:42 PM
Just guessing.


I prefer Chekhovs Seagull :)

09-15-07, 04:31 AM
So let me get this straight.

Skybird objects to his online name being initialized as "SB" because SB is short for the word "embezzler" in German, even though "Skybird" is English for "Luftvogel", which would make his actual online name initials "LV", which for all i know may also have some ignoble meaning in either English or German or perhaps in some as uet unamed third language? :D
Oh my god, what has been started here? :lol: SB is short for "Selbstbedienung" in German (=self-service?), and it usually is meant not in a criminal context, but simply means that you have to do the job of a service yourself. SB gas station for example means there is no guy filling your tank, but that you need to do it yourself: it's an SB gas station. The counter in a store where there is no salesman helping you, is SB as well.

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr
09-15-07, 04:36 AM
So let me get this straight.

Skybird objects to his online name being initialized as "SB" because SB is short for the word "embezzler" in German, even though "Skybird" is English for "Luftvogel", which would make his actual online name initials "LV", which for all i know may also have some ignoble meaning in either English or German or perhaps in some as uet unamed third language? :D Oh my god, what has been started here? :lol: SB is short for "Selbstbedienung" in German (=self-service?), and it usually is meant not in a criminal context, but simply means that you have to do the job of a service yourself. SB gas station for example means there is no guy filling your tank, but that you need to do it yourself: it's an SB gas station. The counter in a store where there is no salesman helping you, is SB as well.

having no wife means SB to :rotfl::rotfl:

09-15-07, 05:08 AM
Like they say, sometimes you have to take the bull by the horn........ :yep:

......Horns!, I meant horns!:oops: