View Full Version : US Soldiers to Get Brain Microchipped.

08-29-07, 12:08 AM
sry if this is already been told

The Department of Defense is pursuing a brain-implantable "biochip" that will measure/relay a soldier's vitals on the battlefield (and off). We don't know much from a technical standpoint about the chips, other than they are about the size of a grain of rice and will have the ability to, at minimum, measure oxygen levels in tissue. But the technological breakthrough involved has little to do with the electronics. Scientists have invented a gel that mimics human tissue. By combining the gel with the microchip, chances that the body will reject the device are far less likely. The entire project is said to be five years from implementation.
Personally, I'd love to see these microchips developed for civilian use, especially for diabetics and those who need constant blood work. But when framed as a government, military initiative, the altruistic potential can be scared off by Big Brother.

The start of the uber marine has kicked in. One day in the near future we will have suits for soldiers that will monitor the whether and adjust the temperature of the wearer so he/she never gets affect by whether conditions.:yep: ......Yeah i know Ive been playing to many futuristic wargames :roll:

08-29-07, 12:11 AM
They should have these put in the heads of pedofiles. And when a pedofile approaches a kid, he gets a shock and becomes paraplegic for a week. Or die. eitherway

08-29-07, 12:38 AM
They should have these put in the heads of pedofiles. And when a pedofile approaches a kid, he gets a shock and becomes paraplegic for a week. Or die. eitherway

lol, actually thats a pretty good idea

08-29-07, 08:29 AM
We should chip politicians and business bosses instead, and give voters no billets, but buttons. Maybe that would make them think, assuming that enough braincells have suvived so far.

08-29-07, 08:33 AM
Oh god, voters? The lumpen masses?

I think that would discourage anyone from running for office :)
Think of the miniscule amount of thought many put into their voting habits, now half that for remote electrocution....

thinking about this too much? yes I am.

08-29-07, 08:51 AM
In the future we do not go voting, but buzzing :cool:

08-29-07, 09:15 AM
What happens to the soldier if they get the dreaded Windows Blue Screen of Death?

08-29-07, 10:17 AM
What happens to the soldier if they get the dreaded Windows Blue Screen of Death?

The uber Medic then steps in and reboots the marine:lol:

08-29-07, 10:20 AM

08-29-07, 11:19 AM
What happens to the soldier if they get the dreaded Windows Blue Screen of Death?

The uber Medic then steps in and reboots the marine:lol:


08-29-07, 12:14 PM
they are about the size of a grain of rice

Are the classic lie. ;)

The top one is for humans and the next one is for dogs.

http://www.spychips.com/blog/VeriChip%20Home%20Again%20chip%20rice%20and%20dime .jpg

08-29-07, 12:32 PM
This reminds me of a film I watched ages ago...where the US gov put chips in this guys head and brainwashed him and framed him for an assasination attempt. Anyway, yeah...back OT lol. Cool idea...helpful to keep a watchful eye on someone who's been wounded etc, although I'm not sure if I like the idea of been a cyborg! ZOMG...the BORG ARE COMING! ROFL :rotfl::rotfl:

08-29-07, 01:25 PM
US Army in 20 years:
Soldiers with Microchips in their head, wearing superstrong exoskeletons and adaptive camouflage rendering them almost invisible

Problem is, Software supplied by Microsoft, resulting in these soldiers rapidly changing between bright orange and pink while jumping around in circles with 3 meter jumps while having epileptic seizures in front of some less advanced, but rather amazed enemies

08-29-07, 01:43 PM

Remember, we want to keep the Van Dammes and drop the David Coulthards.

waste gate
08-29-07, 01:45 PM
Based on the problems encountered during the inoculation regime before the Iraq war, I suspect this story is more BS designed to alarm people, and nothing more.

08-29-07, 02:41 PM
Verichip (http://www.verichipcorp.com/)in a new wrapper :)


Welcome my son..welcome to the machine.

08-29-07, 03:21 PM
Based on the problems encountered during the inoculation regime before the Iraq war, I suspect this story is more BS designed to alarm people, and nothing more.

I don't think so. It's part of the Wonder Weapons Series on the History Channel also.:lol:

Basically it will be part of a mini IVIS, but with men not machines.

08-29-07, 04:44 PM


08-29-07, 06:21 PM
What happens to the soldier if they get the dreaded Windows Blue Screen of Death?
The uber Medic then steps in and reboots the marine:lol:

The Ememy will be smarter. They will use the Apple OS instead!:rotfl:

08-30-07, 04:36 AM
They should have these put in the heads of pedofiles. And when a pedofile approaches a kid, he gets a shock and becomes paraplegic for a week. Or die. eitherway

Can't disagree there :up:
How about using them to determine where hostages are being held ? :hmm:

08-30-07, 04:52 AM
How about using them to determine where hostages are being held ? :hmm:

I would imagine that if the people who could possibly be taken hostage (in a warzone) had chips in their heads, enabling the tracking of said individual, that hostage taking would certainly cease. Either that or when you tracked the chip, you would just find a head.:dead:

08-30-07, 04:59 AM
Problem is, if such chips are used for potential hostages, the number of amateur brain surgeries in war zones will rise drastically

08-30-07, 05:33 AM
Doesn't have to be in the head....could be anywhere...and certainly not advertised to all and sundry in advance :hmm:

08-30-07, 05:45 AM
What happens to the soldier if they get the dreaded Windows Blue Screen of Death?
The uber Medic then steps in and reboots the marine:lol:

The Ememy will be smarter. They will use the Apple OS instead!:rotfl:

Maybe it would boost the Soldiers to be more effective , you know the one with the most kills wins the game :lol:

but do not make it run on VISTA :o most of the Soldiers hardware (rifles etc etc) will not be compatible!

08-30-07, 06:06 AM
Doesn't have to be in the head....could be anywhere...and certainly not advertised to all and sundry in advance :hmm:

That's the ideal solution.
Problem is, defense technology is supplied by private companies, who like to brag around in order to make money.
Previously, new weapons were kept secret until used with devastating effect. Today, new weapons are advertised when still in planning stage and then cancelled

Also, if the chip is not in the brain, then insurgents will not only perform impromptu brain surgery but also impromptu X-rays and rectal examination with their hostages

08-30-07, 06:12 AM

Like this.

TLAM Strike
08-30-07, 03:19 PM
Doesn't have to be in the head....could be anywhere...and certainly not advertised to all and sundry in advance :hmm:

Yep SG-1 has them in the arm as I recall. Perfict things for for when you need a ship in orbit to locate you and beam you out of danger. :rock:

08-31-07, 07:19 AM
Doesn't have to be in the head....could be anywhere...and certainly not advertised to all and sundry in advance :hmm:

Yep SG-1 has them in the arm as I recall. Perfict things for for when you need a ship in orbit to locate you and beam you out of danger. :rock:

Beam me up Spock :p