View Full Version : Biggest diamond discovered

Von Tonner
08-28-07, 04:33 AM
Well, one thing for sure, the Queen isn’t going to be getting a piece of this unless she is prepared to pay for it this time around. Probably too rich for Elizabeth Taylor as well. Pity the diamond cutter who is given the task of cutting this one up – one slip and there goes the value down the toilet.

"The tale is told of Joseph Asscher, the greatest cleaver of the day," wrote Michael Hart in his book Diamond: A Journey to the Heart of an Obsession, "that when he prepared to cleave the largest diamond ever known, the 3,160-carat Cullinan, he had a doctor and nurse standing by and when he finally struck the diamond and it broke perfectly in two, he fainted dead away."

Diamond bigger than Cullinan found
Sapa and I-Net Bridge
Tue, 28 Aug 2007
A diamond twice the size of the world's largest has been found in the North West province, SABC radio news reported on Monday.
A spokesperson for the mining company involved said the diamond was excavated earlier in the day.
The world's largest diamond, the Cullinan, was discovered near Pretoria in 1905 and weighed 3106 carats.
The company responsible for the find has not yet been disclosed, but it was reported that strict security measures were taken while the stone was transported to a vault in Johannesburg.
When photographing of the diamond was completed, the mining company would decide what to do next, SABC reported.
Furious bidding
The UK's daily The Guardian said in a report on Tuesday that the "circumstances of the discovery are shrouded in mystery.
"The diamond is expected to attract furious bidding from buyers worldwide and could fetch up to £15-million," the newspaper said.
It quoted Fred Cuellar, the founder of Diamond Cutters International and author of 'How to Buy a Diamond', as saying he first heard about the find a few days ago.
Cuellar said the most important information about the latest find was yet to be forthcoming, including whether or not it is colourless.
"The reported size of the stone is accurate, but there are all these other factors we still don't know and what matters now is how wide, how clear and how well cut it will be," Cuellar said.

Sailor Steve
08-28-07, 11:39 AM
DANG! I knew I dropped that somewhere.

Oh well, easy come easy go.

08-28-07, 12:00 PM
WHeres the URL?

08-28-07, 12:04 PM
Never mind - http://business.iafrica.com/news/485118.htm

Von Tonner
08-29-07, 03:33 AM
Looks like this story is going pear-shaped.

http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_2173017,00.html (http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_2173017,00.html)