View Full Version : Not for those with weak stomachs...

08-20-07, 02:57 PM
Happened upon this image just this afternoon while "Old Time Rock n Roll" was playin on the desktop radio... almost hurled my lunch right there.


Takeda Shingen
08-20-07, 03:25 PM
As distasteful as I find Tom Cruise, I read your thread title and thought, 'Nuts, what am I going to have to delete now?' I figured that I was in for much worse, and was relieved to see that pic.

Carry on.

08-20-07, 03:29 PM
Yeah, I cannot wait for the really bad accent he will probably use. So much other talent out there and this is what they come up with. Oh well, I wait until it hits the bargin bin.

08-20-07, 03:38 PM
"Ein Wolf frisst Kreide." :down:

08-20-07, 04:44 PM
Poor bugger obviously needs the money :p

08-20-07, 04:51 PM
Is that what I think it is? :down:

Sailor Steve
08-20-07, 04:52 PM
...I wait until it hits the bargin bin.
I'll be waiting a lot longer than that.:dead:

08-20-07, 04:53 PM
...I wait until it hits the bargin bin. I'll be waiting a lot longer than that.:dead:
I would even avoid a Video store of that one :rotfl:
and I would pay a fee for not RENTING it

08-20-07, 05:19 PM
Haven't the Germans made a few movies on this subject already, anyway? :-?

08-20-07, 05:34 PM
Haven't the Germans made a few movies on this subject already, anyway? :-?
Yes. At least three.

Yeah, the Germans don't need a movie remembering the rest of the world that a handful of them finally decided to take action against Hitler.

We made those movies already ourself. we do not need Hollywood for that. Or scientology.

2004: "Aufstand des Gewissens" (hailed as being the most precise movie about the man so far, with excellent actors, it won some film awards)

1990 "Stauffenberg - Verschwörung gegen Hitler"

1955 "Der 20. Juli"

And many different docufilms.


08-20-07, 06:00 PM
Haven't the Germans made a few movies on this subject already, anyway? :-?

We all need to have Hollywood twist it to their liking for ticket sales!!! Come on, you know the drill!

08-20-07, 06:11 PM
Tom Cruise as Von Stauffenberg is some what insulting to the memory Stauffenberg, this is a miss cast no question. :nope:

08-20-07, 06:33 PM
Hey, it might be good. I'm already enjoying these critics who haven't seen it.

08-20-07, 06:46 PM
Hey, it might be good. I'm already enjoying these critics who haven't seen it.

I have seen enough of his work to get a good idea on the outcome of the movie.

08-20-07, 06:52 PM
The end result of a film is never dependent on a single actor.
I've seen enough of Bryan Singer directing to expect etc
Same goes for the writing team, the producer, art design, historical advisers, photography, fellow cast members.

Stephen Fry, Bill Nighy, and Kenneth Branagh are also in this film. Of course, that doesn't tell us anything about the final quality.

But no, it's "Hollywood", so it's an immediate disservice to the memory of etc etc

08-20-07, 06:55 PM
But no, it's "Hollywood", so it's an immediate disservice to the memory of etc etc

Exactly. Hollywood is looking for ticket sales. Throw in an actor who is still somewhat popular, twist the story quite a bit and throw in a behind the story love story....oh yeah, much like the last Pearl Harbor movie:hmm:

08-20-07, 07:00 PM
I was joking. "Hollywood" is a studio system that has produced some wonderful cinema. And a lot of rubbish. Which is why in order to judge a film for yourself, you have to actually watch it.

08-20-07, 07:17 PM
I was joking. "Hollywood" is a studio system that has produced some wonderful cinema. And a lot of rubbish. Which is why in order to judge a film for yourself, you have to actually watch it.

I know you were joking Tchocky. Let me ask you this, you have watched Das Boot, yes? Now, remove the "Old Man" as the captain and put in Tom Cruise or Ben Affleck as Captain of the uboat. I do not believe we would have the classic we have now concerning Das Boot. I do not believe Cruise acting ability can carry this role. Just my perspective on Tom Cruise and his ability for this role. Do not get me wrong, he was cast well for some movies he has done. This one I do not believe is one of them.

08-20-07, 07:47 PM
Tom Cruise as Claus Von Stauffenberg.

I really wish I hadn't heard or seen that. Oh, well. I suppose in the Hollywood version he kills Hitler AND gets the girl....

08-20-07, 07:54 PM
eh... we'll see, might still be good.

There are a few entertainers that I just don't enjoy watching anymore due to their oddball beliefs. Have to admit though crazy as he is... Tom in that role annoys me less than say, Tim Robbins.

War of the Worlds was indeed a true horror movie. If only they found a way to get Rosie and Tim's wife in there I woulda scratched my own eyes out...

08-20-07, 07:56 PM
I can still watch Fred Thompson, so I suppose beliefs don't bother me yet :P

08-20-07, 08:34 PM
After reading that 11 actors had suffered an injury while shooting, I immediately thought it had something to do with the explosion scene. Then I remembered that it's all CG these days and found out they "just" fell off a truck. Wouldn't have happened if the truck was also CG. How many people got injuried while shooting the new Star Wars trilogy? Maybe some hand injuries due to repetitive motion? One or two cases of neck pain? Some sore eyes? On the contrary, working on SW's CG department may even get you a major heroic role in a television series.

Stealth Hunter
08-20-07, 09:38 PM

Hyprocritical words from those who haven't even seen it. Personally, I think it will be pretty good, if not excellent.

08-20-07, 09:40 PM
You guys will all be singing a different tune when Lord Xenu comes back to conquer the Earth. :doh:

08-20-07, 09:43 PM
I can still watch Fred Thompson, so I suppose beliefs don't bother me yet :P

I love Fred Thompson as an actor. I think I first saw him in No Way Out, which is probably my favorite spy movie ever.

But since every actor I have ever known in my life is a pathalogical liar and narcissist, I could never vote for one running for political office.

The Avon Lady
08-21-07, 01:39 AM
But since every actor I have ever known in my life is a pathalogical liar and narcissist, I could never vote for one running for political office.
Funny! That describes politicians themselves. :hmm:

08-21-07, 02:30 AM
Cruise can be a great actor, I think he's best role was in Collateral. Who knows, this might actually be a good movie. :hmm:

The Avon Lady
08-21-07, 03:10 AM
Happened upon this image just this afternoon while "Old Time Rock n Roll" was playin on the desktop radio... almost hurled my lunch right there.

Is that the same plane Skybird saw recently (http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=120390)? :hmm:

08-21-07, 04:01 AM
Tom Cruise is just your run of the mill actors who has not done one really outstanding film and to cast him in this kind of film is a very big mistake but as it will get the Hollywood treatment you can bet on the following, a high octane film with wall to wall big special effects lots of swearing and big explosion CGI effects and all the rest that will make Tom Cruise fans bow down and worship him.

08-21-07, 04:59 AM
Did anyone here like The Usual Suspects?

I only say this because Valkrie is directed by Bryan Singer and co-written by one of the writers from that film.

08-21-07, 05:08 AM
Happened upon this image just this afternoon while "Old Time Rock n Roll" was playin on the desktop radio... almost hurled my lunch right there.

Is that the same plane Skybird saw recently (http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=120390)? :hmm:
Yes. Ju-52.

08-21-07, 05:18 AM
Did anyone here like The Usual Suspects?

I only say this because Valkrie is directed by Bryan Singer and co-written by one of the writers from that film.

Yeah....a great crime thriller...in fact one of the best in recent years (95)


Not sure what Singer has done since.....let's hope he hasn't gotten worse :yep:

08-21-07, 05:22 AM

You know, I'd have converted to Scientology even if John Travolta hadn't hit me over the head with a shovel - woo!
Is all you need to know about tom... :lol:

08-21-07, 05:23 AM

You know, I'd have converted to Scientology even if John Travolta hadn't hit me over the head with a shovel - woo!
Is all you need to know about tom... :lol:
Yes, the shovel still is where Travolta left it. And the scientology link is the main and major issue with this movie. It makes mockery of Stauffenberg.