View Full Version : can another sub steal ur kill?

08-17-07, 03:48 PM
I finely made it to AN11, wayyyy up there above Scapa flow & have spent almost 48 hours charging batteries & down listening when I finely made a contact. I spent the next 3 hours plotting & getting in position. he was about 8000m from me when his sound just disappeared. I checked the map & it showed a sunk ship...Riight where mine was!
Does this game have other subs in there also?

My crew is really Pis*ed, and of course, they blame me...

08-17-07, 03:50 PM
Whip them into submission
YOU are in charge
Could be another sub
Or weather
Maybe even the Luftwaffe if after April 40

08-17-07, 03:51 PM
What was the weather like? Sometimes ships sink from effects of heavy seas.

08-17-07, 03:53 PM
You don't say what version of the game you are playing :nope:
There are AI subs in GWX which are more than capable of sinking ships :yep:
It is possible your intended victim was sunk by either an AI sub, aircraft, mine, or succumbed to rough weather :arrgh!:

The Munster
08-17-07, 03:58 PM
Could even have met 'Nessie' :hmm:

08-18-07, 01:27 AM
Ha Ha ...yeah, No German planes above Scapa Flow...to far.
This was first part of 1940.
The seas were stormy, but not that stormy.
I only have the CD install plus 1.4b patch...

Talk about disappointment...