View Full Version : Talk about bad weather

08-13-07, 12:35 AM
So there I am riding out a storm W of Maderia. Popped up to recharge my batteries, run to make a sammich, and allof the sudden I'm hearing frantic screams of "Ship spotted!". Through the rain I see a small merch on my 310. No big deal. I order PD. Hammy fires up the hydrophones, and there's contacts all over. I'm dead smack in the middle of a convoy. Next thing I know there's 2 DD's coming after me like I have a winning lottery ticket in my pocket. Needless to say it was ahead flank to 170m. Waited till the 2nd set of dc's started blowin' and rigged silent and laid my rudder 7deg stbd. Got away and they didn't even mess up the paint job. Thank Neptune it's still 1940.

08-13-07, 01:40 AM
I suggest diving to p/d and waiting for the fog to clear, then surface and proceed.

08-13-07, 02:15 PM
I'm trailing at 7500m on their stern. Maintaining acoustic contact every 45min. Lloyd's of London best not have a policy in these guys.

08-13-07, 02:36 PM
Lol I did that once...went to pd to check for sound contacts...surfaced..."warship spotted!!" (about 200ft on my 6). made the oldest one in the book...didn't stop my engines he was hidden in my blind spot (baffles??)...needless to say...AAAALLLLAAARRRRMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

08-13-07, 07:33 PM
You violated a basic submarime tactic. When you come up from deep depths, the Kapt. calls for a sound check. If no sound detected go to Sonar station, grab his phones and make a sound check of our own. No sound, no problem. Arise to PD, as Kapt assume your rank and call for up scope. Do a Visual inspection of the area and horizon. Switch to observation scope and check the skies. No planes, no ships, no problemo. Order your boat to the surface. We all get excited and want to surface, but the surface is not a friendly place. From below surface to surfacing is a subs most dangerous position, no defense for anything. Use caution my Kaleun to further your life and your crew................Good Luck....